摘 要
The emergences of “community service for the elderly” in our countrystarted in the early eighties and have gradually taken shape throughout thefollowing two decades. With the increase of aging population, only-childand nuclear families and elderly “empty nesters” who live alone with theirchildren leaving home, the traditional mode of healthcare for the aged, inwhich the next generation shoulder the duty or burden of attending to the oldgeneration has been weakened. Therefore, the demands for communityservice for the elderly are rising considerably and continuously, therequirement and expectation of such service are on the rise at the same time.
However, the current situation of the community service for the elderly isstill of typical “charity” nature and is far from satisfactory in terms of itsitem and scale. Due to such scarcity and limitation, the current service couldhardly accommodate to the increasing demands. It readily leads to thenecessity of the socialization of the community service for the elderly, andthereby socialized healthcare service for the elderly should be givenimmediate consideration.
It has been proved by practice that the socialization of the communityservice for the elderly goes hand in hand with the reform of socialization ofsocial welfare. Only by taking the path of socialization can the developmentof community service for the elderly in our country find its way to successand can we bridge the increasing gap between the demand and supply ofsuch service. However, generally speaking, the current situation of thecommunity service for the elderly still remain at the rather low level, whichfails to keep apace with the growing aging population and falls short of theirincreasing demands for healthcare service. Such situation is in bad need ofchange and improvement. It calls for the support and participation from thewhole society so as to expand the coverage and diversify the channels ofcommunity service for the elderly.
This thesis starts with the analysis of the background information of theaging problems in our country, indicating that nowadays the mode ofhealthcare and provision for the aged people, such as family healthcare,charity healthcare or institution healthcare service are all confronted withgreat challenges. In this thesis, the socialization of community service forthe elderly is put forwarded as the optimum solution to address such apredicament and it is exemplified by the case study of the communityservice for the elderly practiced in KuangJian Community. Drawing uponthe various and pluralistic western experience in community healthcareservice, the following points are concluded: Against the backdrop of thereform of “socialization of social welfare”, to provide and promote thecommunity service for the elderly calls for giving full play to the jointefforts from family, community, government and society. The currentlyavailable resources should be pooled and optimized in order to reach thegoal of enriching the sources of investment, targeting the service to ordinarypeople, adapting the institution into market orientation, diversifying theitems of service and building up a team of highly qualified specialists. In thisway, a well-developed network of community service for the elderly, whichis most suitable for socialist market and its development, featuring diverseownership, flexible mechanism, favorable policy and standardizedmanagement, can be further developed and gradually come into being.
KEY WORDS: Community,Community service for the elderly,Socialization
目 录
第一章 绪论 …… 1
第一节 研究的目的和意义 …… 1
一、 研究的目的 …… 1
二、 研究的意义 …… 1
第二节 理论综述 …… 3
一、 西方的福利多元主义 …… 3
二、 中国的社会福利社会化理论 …… 4
第三节 研究的思路和方法 …… 5
一、 研究的思路 …… 5
二、 研究的方法 …… 5
第二章 社区养老服务社会化提出的背景…… 6
第一节 我国人口老龄化的发展趋势和特征…… 6
一、 我国人口老龄化的发展趋势 …… 6
二、 我国人口老龄化的特征 …… 7
第二节 加速老龄化背景下的社区养老服务的困境…… 10
一、 社区养老与社区养老服务的概念 …… 10
二、 快速老龄化背景下社区养老服务的现状 …… 11
第三章 社区养老服务社会化的提出和初步实践…… 16
第一节 社区养老服务社会化 …… 16
一、 社区养老服务社会化的内涵 …… 16
二、 社区养老服务社会化的构成要素 …… 17
三、 社区养老服务社会化的必要性 …… 18
第二节 社区养老服务社会化的实践-以康健社区为例…… 20
一、 康健社区养老服务概况 …… 20
二、 康健社区养老服务社会化实践 …… 20
三、 社区养老服务社会化的制约因素 …… 23
第四章 西方社区养老服务多元化的经验借鉴…… 26
第一节 西方各国多元化的社区养老服务…… 26
一、 英国的社区照顾 …… 26
二、 瑞典的社区养老 …… 27
三、 美国的退休社区 …… 29
第二节 西方社区养老服务多元化的启示…… 31
一、 多渠道的经费来源与责任分担机制 …… 31
二、 多元化的参与机制与非营利组织的发展 …… 32
三、 普惠型的福利模式与社区优势的发挥 …… 33
第五章 社区养老服务社会化的推进…… 34
第一节 确立政府责任范畴 …… 34
一、 发挥主导作用 …… 34
二、 提供政策扶持 …… 35
三、 提供资金扶持 …… 35
四、 协调部门关系 …… 36
第二节 着力社会资源整合 …… 36
一、 多方资金筹措 …… 36
二、 培育民间组织 …… 37
三、 推动志愿参与 …… 38
第三节 提升社区服务能级 …… 40
一、 扩大社区养老服务覆盖面 …… 40
二、 推动社区养老服务专业化 …… 40
三、 搭建面向生活质量的社区养老服务平台 …… 41
结束语 …… 43
参考文献 …… 44
致 谢 …… 46