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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-19 共2532字

  摘 要




  关键词:农村 群体性事件 治理


  The rural group events mainly refers to the serious events occurred in the rural area, caused bypeople's internal contradiction of specific interest in the event of social conflict and even disruptthe normal production and life order, it is the people's internal contradiction against specificinterests and intensification of the performance. The rural group events is economic interests andoutside system human rights activities, and most of the group events point to the country'sgrass-roots government.With the urbanization process accelerating, more and more farmers'

  legitimate rights and interests are frequently damaged, but it is difficult to get the effectiveguarantee, leading to the rural mass incidents , it has become a focus of various circles of societyof our country. From the analysis of the causes of mass incidents in rural areas, thecorresponding countermeasures are put forward to help to further maintain the stability of thesociety, strengthen the ability of social governance, and actively building a harmonious society.

  This thesis mainly based on public management theory, to explore and analyze the mainperformance and causes in China rural group events, and reflect the existing problems at present,and puts forward corresponding countermeasures for the rural group events, hope to have apractical effect on the rural group event. This paper is aimed at the existing managementproblems in the rural group events, based on the governance theory, put forward thecountermeasures, such as: the development of policies and regulations are got rid of the oldpros, safeguarding the vital interests of farmers, implementation of the strategy is changedthe single way , absorbing all forces to form the diversification of governance, the furtherdevelopment of the rural economy, the improvement of rural production and living conditions, soas to form a multi-level governance system multiple.

  Key words: Group Events; Public Crisis Strategy; Management

  目 录

  摘 要……I


  第一章 绪论……1

  1.1 问题的提出与研究意义……1

  1.1.1 研究的背景……1

  1.1.2 研究的目的……2

  1.1.3 研究的意义……2

  1.2 国内外研究现状……3

  1.2.1 国内研究现状……3

  1.2.2 国外研究现状……6

  1.2.3 研究成果评述……7

  1.3 研究思路与方法……8

  第二章 农村群体性事件的概念与理论基础……9

  2.1 农村群体性事件的概念……9

  2.1.1 农村群体性事件概念的演变……9

  2.1.2 农村群体性事件的概念……10

  2.2 治理理论……11

  2.3 农村群体性事件的影响……11

  2.3.1 消极影响……11

  2.3.2 积极作用……13

  第三章 农村群体性事件的主要类型、特点与治理机制……14

  3.1 农村群体性事件的主要类型和特点……14

  3.1.1 主要类型……14

  3.1.2 主要特点……15

  3.2 农村群体性事件的治理机制……17

  3.2.1 治理理念……17

  3.2.2 治理原则……18

  3.2.3 治理途径……18

  3.2.4 治理手段……19

  第四章 农村群体性事件产生的原因……20

  4.1 社会转型是引发农村群体性事件的客观原因……20

  4.1.1 关于“社会转型”概念的界定……20

  4.1.2 社会转型对农村群体性事件产生的影响……20

  4.2 漠视农民利益是引发农村群体性事件的直接原因……21

  4.2.1 城镇化与市场化进程中对农民合法权益的直接侵害……21

  4.2.2 社会转型宏观经济背景下农民利益的间接受损……23

  第五章 农村群体性事件治理上存在的问题分析……25

  5.1 应急处置机制不完善……25

  5.1.1 缺乏足够应急能力……25

  5.1.2 公安机关处置不力……26

  5.2 政府职能转变不到位……26

  5.2.1 基层政府及其工作人员的工作不当……26

  5.2.2 地方政府现有维稳模式的缺陷……27

  第六章 农村群体性事件的治理对策……30

  6.1 完善农村群体性事件的治理机制……30

  6.1.1 强化矛盾信息的收集和研判……30

  6.1.2 加强应急预案的制定执行和监督管理……31

  6.1.3 构建多元主体的治理机制……32

  6.2 大力发展农村经济,进一步促进农民增收……33

  6.2.1 加强新农村建设,实现农民收入提高……33

  6.2.2 调整利益分配机制,切实维护农民利益……34

  6.3 规范政府行为,切实保护农民在土地征用过程中的合法权益……34

  6.3.1 明确农民土地使用权的法律地位……35

  6.3.2 明确土地集体所有制内涵,在土地征用中保护农民利益……35

  6.3.3 健全农村的社会保障体系……36

  6.4 构建和完善农民利益表达机制……36

  6.4.1 加强政府自身建设,完善农民利益表达渠道……37

  6.4.2 加强基层民主建设,发展农村社会组织……37

  结 语……39


  致 谢……44

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