摘 要
With the development of teaching professionalization,teachers have gradually becomeresearchers in their own pedagogical practice. Teachers' teaching research level is one of themost important bases of evaluating teacher's professional development in modern age. In thestudy of teachers, the mastery and use of teachers' research method is a relatively weaklink,while the study cognitive differences of teachers directly affect the implementation of thespecific research behaviour. Therefore, this paper studies the cognition and method of theprimary school teachers as the breakthrough point to discussion and investigation,in order tofigure out the difference and insufficiency of the primary school teachers' implicit researchideas.As a result,let increasingly ordinary teachers adopt appropriate methods to do their ownresearch to reflect themselves and improve their own education behavior.
Investigation of this study was mainly divided into two parts.Firstly,we preparedquestionnaire about primaty school teachers' research situation to investigate cognitivedifferences between the study of primaty school teachers.What's more, the present situtationof the problem and the method mastery of primaty school teachers also could be showed.
Secondly, the articles published in the journal of primary school were analyzed by the methodof content analysis.The purpose was to describe the current applied situtation of primaryschool teachers' research methods and show the application profiles of various methods.Theresearch results showed that:
The research questionnaire has a higher reliability and validity about the current status ofteachers' research.The cognitive dimensions of teachers' research includes of recognition ofvalue ,motivation of research, knowledge and methods of research,judement of research ideas,and research evaluation.Research on the impact of primary school teachers' personalbackgrounds, respectively, from the gender, age, education, whether teachers college graduate,titles and subjects has been analyzed the difference.In the aspects of consciousness ofquestion and methods,most primary school teachers are more interested in relevantproblems.The primary school teachers' performance is poorer in identifying the researchquestion,research on the division of research subject keywords and the use of method,it alsoreflects the lack of such knowledge of elementary school teachers.
The analysis of the contents about the primary school teachers' articles published in thejournal showed that primary school teachers' research topics were more related to teaching.Inthe study of various branches teaching,the researches were most on Chinese and mathematics.
Qualitative analysis were mainly used in articles.What's more, the summary of experience inteaching was an important characteristic of primary school teachers' research.In addition,observation method and experience summary method respectively were most commonly usedto collect data and analysis data by primary school teachers.
Combined with the survey results, the countermeasures and suggestions of improving thestatus of primary school teacher has been put forward. Improveing research recognition isbased on the cognition.Excavating the reasearch depth uses reserch merhods as the means.
Work together to make sure the durability of research.
Keywords: the primary school teacher; the research method; the research of cognitive
目 录
第一章 绪论……1
1.1 研究缘起…… 1
1.2 研究意义…… 2
1.2.1 理论意义…… 2
1.2.2 实践意义…… 2
1.3 研究思路及方法…… 2
1.3.1 文献研究法…… 2
1.3.2 内容分析法…… 2
1.3.3 问卷调查法…… 3
1.3.4 统计分析法…… 3
1.3.5 研究思路…… 3
1.4 概念厘定…… 3
1.4.1 小学教师…… 4
1.4.2 教师教学研究…… 4
1.4.3 教学研究的研究…… 4
1.4.4 认知与研究认知…… 4
1.4.5 方法与研究方法的运用…… 4
第二章 文献综述……5
2.1 国外教师研究现状…… 5
2.1.1 行动取向的教师研究…… 5
2.1.2 反思性实践取向的教师研究…… 5
2.1.3 生活取向的教师研究…… 6
2.2 国内教师研究现状…… 6
2.2.1 教师专业发展的取向…… 6
2.2.2 国内教师研究的研究…… 8
2.3 已有研究的简要评述…… 10
2.4 本研究的观点…… 11
第三章 小学教师教学研究的基础及意义……12
3.1 小学教师进行研究的现实基础…… 12
3.1.1 教育科学发展的需要…… 12
3.1.2 新课程改革的要求…… 12
3.1.3 教师成长的需要…… 12
3.2 小学教师进行研究的理论基础…… 13
3.2.1 教学学术理论…… 13
3.2.2 教师学习的研究…… 14
3.2.3 实践智慧理论…… 14
3.3 小学教师进行研究的性质与特点…… 15
3.3.1 教师研究的性质…… 15
3.3.2 教师研究的特点…… 16
3.4 小学教师进行研究的意义…… 17
第四章 小学教师研究情况的现状调查研究……18
4.1 调查设计…… 18
4.1.1 小学教师研究认知情况的预设…… 18
4.1.2 小学教师研究情况的正式调查…… 20
4.2 调查结果…… 22
4.2.1 小学教师做研究的认知情况结果…… 22
4.2.2 小学教师研究的问题、方法意识调查结果…… 29
4.3 分析与讨论…… 32
4.3.1 小学教师认知情况的讨论…… 32
4.3.2 小学教师研究的问题、方法意识的讨论…… 34
4.4 调查结论…… 35
第五章 小学教师发表论文的内容分析……37
5.1 研究的目的…… 37
5.2 研究设计…… 37
5.2.1 对研究对象的分类…… 37
5.2.2 对研究方法的分类…… 38
5.2.3 归类步骤…… 40
5.2.4 归类信度检验…… 40
5.3 研究结果…… 41
5.3.1 对教师研究主题的统计结果…… 41
5.3.2 定量研究和定性研究方法的应用情况…… 42
5.3.3 收集资料和分析资料的方法情况…… 42
5.4 讨论…… 43
5.4.1 对小学教师研究主题的结果分析…… 43
5.4.2 定量研究和定性研究的讨论分析…… 43
5.4.3 资料收集方法的讨论分析…… 44
5.4.4 分析资料方法的讨论分析…… 44
5.5 结论…… 44
第六章 改进小学教师研究现状的对策与建议……46
6.1 认知为基础,提高研究认可度…… 46
6.1.1 视“教学学术”为小学教师研究的应然…… 46
6.1.2 端正研究动机,为自己的专业发展负责…… 47
6.1.3 正确认识研究,以研究促进教育智慧的生成…… 47
6.1.4 尊重多样性,以内生性标准评价教学研究…… 47
6.2 方法为手段,挖掘研究深度…… 48
6.2.1 改变课程设置,重视研究方法的学习…… 48
6.2.2 立足实践,突出理论的研究价值…… 48
6.2.3 传授方法知识,渗透方法意识…… 49
6.2.4 切己体察研究方法,学以致用…… 49
6.3 通力合作,保证研究持久性…… 49
6.3.1 主体性策略…… 49
6.3.2 辅助性策略…… 51
第七章 主要结论与展望……53
7.1 主要结论…… 53
7.2 不足之处及展望…… 54
致 谢……55