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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-03 共2784字

  摘 要



  然而,目前我国高职教师培训工作存在不少问题,其中比较突出问题有:培训效果达不到预期目标、培训缺乏计划性、实用性和针对性,本研究认为造成这些问题的根源在于传统的教师培训体系设计的基础是专业理论知识,而忽略了教师岗位其他能力素质的培训,传统的教师培训体系已经无法满足现代社会对高职教育发展的要求。为了解决这一问题,本文尝试以本人现就职的 LY 职业学院为例,通过问卷调查等方法收集到部分教师在培训中反映的问题,并辅以对部分教师的访谈的结果,结合LY学院发展战略提取出教师岗位的关键能力素质,构建其总体能力素质模型,并建立基于能力素质模型的教师培训体系和实施措施,以提升培训的作用,从而提升教师整体素质,培养符合社会需求的人才。

  论文总共分为六个部分,前两个部分主要介绍论文的研究背景、基本思路以及国内外对此类问题的研究情况;第三部分介绍现阶段 LY 职业学院培训体系的具体情况和存在的问题;第四部分主要是研究能力素质模型的构建;第五部分建立培训体系及其实施的保障措施,最后一个部分是研究结论和展望。

  希望可以通过对本文的研究,帮助 LY 职业学院全方位提高教师的教学质量水平,为 LY 学院在未来高职院校的竞争中获得优势。同时,希望本文的研究过程能对目前我国高职院校教师培训体系的建立提供相关参考。


  In 21stcentury, the diffusion and updating of knowledge are accelerating. As theplatform to spread knowledge, colleges, especially vocational colleges with thetarget to train students to become technical talents, are facing more and morechallenges. As the carrier of the spread of knowledge in vocational colleges, weteachers need to frequently update our knowledge and improve our practice, in orderto be able to train technical talents, who meet the demand of the development of thesociety.

  It is indicated in this academic paper, that an accordingly designed andimplemented professional training system for college teachers can not only improvethe average comprehensive quality of college teachers, but also improve collegeteachers' capacity of teaching practice. Hence, the establishment of comprehensivetraining systems is important to the development of vocational colleges.

  However, there are still problems in the training of college teachers in China,including ineffectiveness, plan, practicability and pertinence of the training. Thisacademic paper shows that the problem of traditional training system is that thesystem merely focuses on the training of theoretical knowledge, but not the trainingof key capabilities and qualities of college teachers, so that it no longer meets thestandard of modern society with the development of vocational education. To solvethis problem, I, as a college teacher of LY, conducted survey and collected feedbackson current training systems of teachers, interviewed key teachers, analyzed theresults of the survey and interview, and summarized the key capabilities and qualitiesof college teachers in combination with the developing strategy of LY. Theseapproaches are aimed at improving the effect of training, which in turn improvesteachers' overall capable of training talents in need of the society.

  This academic paper includes six sections. The first two sections areintroductions of the background of the academic paper, basic viewpoints of theacademic paper, as well as the comparison of the situation in China and abroad. Thethird section introduces the practical situation and problems in the current trainingsystem of college teachers of LY. The forth section talks about the model of keycapabilities and qualities of college teachers and the fifth section about thesupporting measures of the training system. The last section is the summary andprospect.

  This academic paper is written with the hope of comprehensive improvement inthe quality of teaching of the teachers in LY, so as to help our college gaincompetitive advantages over other vocational colleges. Meanwhile, I hope thisacademic paper can provide a reference for the establishment of training systems invocational colleges in China.

  Key Words: Vocational education; Model of key capabilities and qualities of collegeteachers; Training system

  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究的背景与意义

  1.1.1 研究的背景

  1.1.2 研究的意义

  1.2 研究方法

  1.3 研究思路与内容

  1.3.1 研究思路

  1.3.2 研究内容

  第 2 章 相关理论基础和文献综述

  2.1 相关理论基础

  2.1.1 相关概念界定

  2.1.2 能力素质模型研究相关理论

  2.1.3 培训管理相关理论

  2.2 研究现状综述

  2.2.1 国外研究现状

  2.2.2 国内研究现状

  第 3 章 LY 职业学院培训管理现状分析

  3.1 学院概况

  3.2 学院教师队伍培训管理现状描述

  3.2.1 学院师资情况

  3.2.2 现有培训情况

  3.3 学院现有培训体系存在的问题及原因分析

  第四章 基于能力素质模型的 LY 职业学院教师培训体系的设计

  4.1 设计原则和基本思路

  4.1.1 培训体系设计的原则

  4.1.2 培训体系设计的基本思路

  4.2 教师能力素质模型构建

  4.2.1 能力素质模型构建依据

  4.2.2 关键指标的确定

  4.2.3 能力素质模型建立

  4.3 培训方案设计

  4.3.1 培训课程方案

  4.3.2 培训师选择方案

  4.3.3 培训方法与培训流程制定

  4.3.4 培训方案效果评价体系

  4.4 培训方案实施

  4.5 培训结果的应用

  第五章 LY 职业学院教师培训方案实施的保障措施

  5.1 培训政策的保障

  5.2 细化培训体系

  5.3 培训经费的保障

  第六章 研究结论及展望

  6.1 研究结论

  6.2 研究展望

  致 谢


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