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时间:2016-12-16 来源:未知 作者:陈赛楠 本文字数:2721字
  摘 要
  The research of Han fei-zi has not ceased since the advent of book Han fei-zi, but these studiesare more focused on its literary, or historical issues. Because Hanfei is the representative figure of legalist ,So his legalists is also the focus of academic research. By contrast, the study of debate thought about theHan fei-zi is less.
  The western logical thought is introduced into China with the east-west cultural exchange anddevelopment since modern time. When Chinese scholars accept western logical thought, they also discoverthe logic of China's ancient philosophers. In such a background, the debate thought of the School ofNames, Mohism, Xunzi, who are Chinese ancient sages have been obtained the research and summary.
  About the debate thought of Ha nfei, academia is controversial, some people think that Hanfei'scontribution to the Chinese theory of n ames and arg umentation confined to its proposed the law ofcontradiction, its logical theory obviously inadequate. Than, Compared with the Sc hool of Names,Mohism and Xunzi, Hanfei's theory of logic is insufficient, but with the deepening of the research of Hanfei-zi, we can find that the forensics research of Hanfei has a unique analysis and application about Name,Ci, Saying and Debate.
  Based on the Han fei-zi as the research object, this paper research the forensics of Han fei fromthe Name, Ci, Saying, Debate, etc. As a representative of legalism, Hanfei was not only set to legalism,and also absorbed pre-qin dynasty thoughts and ideas about name forensics, his purpose is to find astrategies about consolidating ruling and peacing the world for The Monarch. This article first statementsThe Thought of Form and Name in Han fei-zi; Secondly, this paper is to analyze and categorize the “Yan”of Han fei-zi, focus on combing its use in forensics of sense of language. Hanfei attaches great importanceto the role of Yan, he thinks the Yan which belongs to the law could prevent the formation of apologyspeech, and it is an important basis of studying Subjects, also is a basis of the Monarch maintaining theirrule, settling the foundation. Then, this paper analyze the Han fei-zi in a persuasive thoughts, Hanfeithought the debates about contemporary criticism (both logical argumentation and vertical and horizontalsophisticated) are useless. But it was not Hanfei ideal society, no “Democratic”, and the Legalist SchoolThought was not got attention. There was so many kinds idea of political thought. In order to promote hisown thoughts, Hanfei also had to use the weapon of debate, participate in the debates. In the process,Hanfei founded the Renju inference method, and repeatedly used Dilemma, Reasonable analysis method.
  In particular, he proposed “the paradox”, is thought to make the greatest contribution for Chinese logic .Atthe end the article compares the forensics ideas of Hanfei with Confucius, Mohism and Xunzi, points outits contribution to the Chinese name forensics, and analyzes its ideas of deficiencies and what cause ofthese deficiencies.
  Keyword:Han fei-zi,The Thought of Form and Name,Yan,Proof method

  目 录
  摘 要
  绪 论
  第一章 《韩非子》中的形名思想
  第二章 《韩非子》中的言
  第三章 《韩非子》中的辩说思想
  第四章 《韩非子》中名辩思想的历史地位
  结 语
  致 谢
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