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时间:2017-02-07 来源:湖南工业大学 作者:黄蔼 本文字数:3691字
  摘 要
  The weaving of war and peace is a distinctive feature of the current internationalcommunity, and the general peace and local wars have already been normalized.
  Military ethics is an important way to regulate, restrict and direct military activities,which can affect the trend of the international situation to a certain extent. Theessence of military ethics is self-discipline and heteronomy, and lack of a strictinternational agreement of identity and standard, and the advocating of moral standardand the appraisal standard in military activities especially war front appear a littleweak. But military "soft power" provides a justification of norms and conventions isthe ultimate concern of human, which has a very important theoretical and practicalsignificance for today's modernization of national defense and the army even thebuilding of a harmonious world.
  Mozi's "attack" military ethics in our military ethics history become anindependent school. He is "like" the natural desires as its "the attack" military ethicsthought "the starting point and end-result of, think that" people "is the natural humannature, is the basic rights of people naturally should have. Survival and reproductionof desire, is man's instinct.
  " The desire of people "everyone has clearly, but in the spring and autumn periodand the warring states period "no evil", from "desire"to be "satisfied", forming ajustified and effective theory system is the necessary condition. Mozi, therefore, firstof all, the analysis and the use of the rich, the cure, Ann "ideal society's fundamentalconditions, clear the important value of"the people of this ", fully demonstrates thelegitimacy and rationality of "people". Secondly, Mozi around "human desire" thenatural desire, established the "and" as the basic value orientation of "attack" militaryethics. Mozi "people with lofty ideals" and "and" delimit equal, that "utilitarian" ishuman activities, especially the purport of military activities, and put forward the "Chiin the world as the Fen", "afraid of experimenting for sacrifice, abandoned and punishthe evil essence of moral requirements, these theories show collectivism thought ofsociety as a whole. Once again, the Mozi basis "and"the value orientation to developthe code of ethics of the military strategy: "name of justice, de service in the world".
  He insisted "non offensive", is not opposed to "non war", start the original intention ofthe war and after the war brought about by the impact of the disaster, and, to make thewar of justice and injustice of the definition, and proposed "non offensive", "bykeeping, saving and guarding"and "punish nonsense"triple specification, deep carvedembodies the Mozi rational pacifism. At the end of the last, Mozi emphasized that "allthings are not too expensive"to shape the moral character of the military personnel. Inaddition to the advocated "universal love"for the core of the Hui, "loyalty,"the letter,"wisdom"five virtues standard, pay attention to the culture method of practicing thepath of cultivation and "from".
  Mozi "attack"military ethics, from the subjective aspect, the starting point is tomaintain "the workers and farmers"spreading the most basic interests, namely basicdesire, survival and reproduction. From the objective perspective, it is the timesignificance. Although military ethics thought the attack "also contains such as"universal love "utopianism of the color, there is a certain historical limitations. But itdoes still have nots allow to ignore the value of today's world. It not only on thecultivation and development of our military moral personality has certain guidingsignificance, also for our "peace", "good" moral image provides an importanttheoretical basis. The universal characteristics at the same time, to be able to dockwith the contemporary international law thought of the organic, to form the world thedialectical unification of "Germany and France", the handling of modern internationalrelations and the maintenance of world peace is of far-reaching significance.
  Key words: Mozi; The attack; Military ethics; The desire of people; Bringgoodness and remove all evil

  目 录
  摘 要
  第一章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究目的和意义
  1.3 研究现状
  1.4 军事伦理的概念阐述
  第二章 墨子"非攻”军事伦理思想形成的历史渊源
  2.1 墨子其人
  第三章 墨子"非攻”军事伦理思想的核心内涵
  3.4.1 以"兼爱”为核心的"惠”、"忠”、"信”、"智”五德--军人武德修养论
  第四章 墨子"非攻”军事伦理思想的局限性与现代价值
  4.1 墨子"非攻”军事伦理思想的局限性
  4.2 墨子"非攻”军事伦理思想的现代价值
  4.2.1 对培养和发展我军军人道德人格之借鉴
  4.2.2 对提升我军"和平之师”和"正义之师”的道德形象之价值意义
  4.2.3 对构建和谐"地球村”的国际关系处理之启示
  4.2.4 与当代国际法思想发展的有机对接--"非攻”军事伦理思想的普世性意义
  第五章 结语
  致 谢
    黄蔼. 墨子“非攻”军事伦理思想研究[D].湖南工业大学,2016.
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