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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-02-24 共2117字

  摘 要






  In recent years,commodity circulation enterprises have been developing rapidlyin our country,and presenting a development pattern which has many business forms,multiple levels and an open competitive environment. They have many characteristicssuch as wide coverage of commodities,short operating cycle,diversified style ofbusiness operation, etc. As a typical commodity circulation enterprise, Qinglong chaincommerce & trade Co.,Ltd has two main operation forms,such as chain supermarketsand department stores, and it contains retail and wholesale. Heavy tax burden and lowprofit become the important factors of restricting its rapid development. Carrying ontax planning for Qinglong chain commerce & trade Co.,Ltd, on one hand, caneffectively reduce its tax burden, increase financial benefits and achieve the goal ofprofit maximization; on the other hand, it has a certain reference to the research ontax-planning for other commodity circulation enterprise.

  Based on the tax planning process of commodity circulation enterprise, first of all,this paper makes a thorough analysis of financial and tax situation of Qinglong chaincommerce & trade Co.,Ltd. Then from two aspects of both tax planning's space andtax planning's measures, this paper carrys on tax planning in four important links ofpurchase, distribution, sale and enterprise expansion. The tax planning in purchaselink includes the selection of supplier, purchase rebate income; The tax planning inthe distribution link includes transportation fees and the income of logistical deliveryservices; The tax planning in the link of sale includes the special promotions,commission sale and the selling behavior which is based on supplier's rebate; The taxplanning in the link of enterprise expansion includes organization form of new stores ,the settlement of purchasing fixed assets during the period of opening new stores anddecorating the old stores. Finally, through two aspects of both tax-saving effect andthe improvement of financial management level, this paper evaluates the expectedeffect of the tax planning measures for Qinglong chain commerce & trade Co.,Ltd.

  Keywords: Commodity circulation enterprise; Tax planning; Tax risk

    目 录

  摘 要……II


  第 1 章 绪 论 ……1

  1.1 研究背景及意义 …… 1

  1.1.1 研究背景……1

  1.1.2 研究意义……1

  1.2 文献综述 …… 2

  1.3 概念界定及筹划流程介绍 …… 5

  1.4 研究内容 …… 7

  第 2 章 庆隆连锁商贸有限公司的税收现状 ……8

  2.1 庆隆连锁商贸有限公司基本情况 …… 8

  2.2 庆隆连锁商贸有限公司财务状况 …… 9

  2.3 庆隆连锁商贸有限公司纳税情况分析 …… 10

  第 3 章 庆隆连锁商贸有限公司税收筹划的内容 ……12

  3.1 庆隆连锁商贸有限公司采购环节的税收筹划 …… 12

  3.1.1 采购环节的税收筹划空间分析 ……12

  3.1.2 采购环节的税收筹划措施……13

  3.2 庆隆连锁商贸有限公司配送环节的税收筹划 …… 15

  3.2.1 配送环节的税收筹划空间分析 ……15

  3.2.2 配送环节的税收筹划措施……16

  3.3 庆隆连锁商贸有限公司销售环节的税收筹划 …… 18

  3.3.1 销售环节的税收筹划空间分析 ……18

  3.3.2 销售环节的税收筹划措施……20

  3.4 庆隆连锁商贸有限公司扩张环节的税收筹划 …… 29

  3.4.1 扩张环节的税收筹划空间分析……29

  3.4.2 扩张环节的税收筹划措施……29

  第 4 章 庆隆连锁商贸有限公司税收筹划预期效果……32

  4.1 财务管理水平提升预期…… 32

  4.2 企业节税效果预期…… 32

  结 论……35

  参考文献 ……37

  致 谢……39

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