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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-02-29 共2427字


  自改革开放以来,中国房地产行业伴随着国民经济,共同经历了近二十多年的高速发展。仅仅在 2008 年短暂的遇到过市场低谷,除此之外,都处于一个迅猛的增长期。但行进 2011 年后,政府宏观调控的力度不断加大,使得 2012年的中国房地产行业,再次遇到了市场寒冬。无论是较低的交易量,还是地产商紧张的资金链,亦或是越来越多的土地流拍,种种迹象都在告诉着我们,房地产行业正处于前所未有的市场低迷。与房地产行业相关的人们都心存着一个疑问,中国未来的房地产行业究竟何去何从?在笔者看来,当前的大环境是,保障性住房和商品房市场被政府深度调控,房地产行业必须寻找新的机会,摆脱危机。从困境中求发展,在荆棘中淌出一条新路。







  After reform and opening up, the real estate industry in China go through nearly20 years of rapid development with the national economy, which has a rapid growthonly after briefly meeting market downturn in 2008. But in 2011, the increasingefforts of the government macroeconomic regulation and control, make the realestate industry once again meet the winter market. Both low trading volume anddevelopers' tense capital chain, as well as more and more land auction sales aresuggesting that the real estate industry is in unprecedented market downturn. Peoplewho are related to the real estate industry have a question what the Chinese realestate industry of the future will be? In my opinion, affordable housing andcommercial housing market is controlled by the government in the currentenvironment. The real estate industry must find new opportunities, get rid of thecrisis, strives for the development from the difficult position, stream out a new roadin the thorns.

  The main idea of this paper is to analyze the development strategy of Zhongtaiindustrial Co.,Ltd. By referring to relevant strategic management theories, the realestate research theories and the successes of the outstanding enterprises, this paperanalyzes and discusses the company current external macro environment, industryenvironment and industry competition environment in detail. Meanwhile we carriedon the thorough understanding about the internal micro environment of China andThailand Industrial Company. Using theoretical analysis tools such as the Bostonmatrix, SWOT analysis, we make a strategic choice. This paper argues that ZhongtaiIndustrial Co.,Ltd should adopt deflating strategy and centralization strategy, anddevelop commercial real estate products and comprehensive wholesale markets.The main strategic contents are: the comprehensive product wholesale market is stillto take the current development pattern. While maintaining the current projectbasically, we must continue to advance wider area of the development prospect. Wemust continue to improve innovation consciousness and put it in the first place. Withthe further development of creative thinking, we must strengthen the construction ofinternal and overcome the shortage, and continue to practice the developmentstrategy of Built to Last. This paper in the end tells the business objectives ofZhongtai Industrial Co.,Ltd, and at the same time focuses on strengthening strategicresources, the importance of human security and company information to perfectwork. In addition, the instability of external environment and internal environment ofshould be paid great attention to the influence of strategy implementation, so that wemake timely adjustment and changes to development route.

  Key words:

  commercial real estate; Strategic management; Comprehensive wholesalemarket

    目 录



  第 1 章 绪论……1

  1.1 研究背景 ……1

  1.2 研究意义 ……3

  1.3 研究内容 ……4

  第 2 章 长春中泰实业有限公司现状和问题分析……7

  2.1 中泰公司简介 ……7

  2.2 公司主要业务及经营状况 ……8

  2.3 中泰公司发展存在的问题 ……13

  2.4 中泰公司发展存在问题的原因分析……13

  第 3 章 长春中泰实业有限公司的战略分析……15

  3.1 外部环境分析 ……15

  3.2 内部环境分析 ……29

  3.3 SWOT 分析……31

  3.4 波士顿矩阵分析 ……34

  第 4 章 长春中泰实业有限公司的战略实施及实施保障……36

  4.1 中泰公司的战略目标……36

  4.2 中泰公司的战略选择 ……36

  4.3 中泰公司的战略内容 ……37

  4.4 中泰公司的战略实施 ……39

  结 论……44


  致 谢……47

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