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来源:昆明理工大学 作者:刘子豪
发布于:2018-12-12 共3782字

【【题目】】 屈层氏分公司销售员倦怠情况探析




  美国着名的心理学家Freudenberger(1974)和Maslach (1976)等人在20世纪70年代提出工作倦怠(JOB BURNOUT)在服务性领域上的研究有极高的参考价值。然而近年多出现的销售群体的工作倦怠涉及不多。销售是创造、沟通与传送价值给顾客,及经营顾客关系以便让组织与其利益关系人受益的一种组织功能与程序;销售所提供的服务满足客户特定的需求须保证公司成功盈利和成长,是影响着企业生存和发展的核心要素和致胜关键,在企业内部发挥着重要的作用。因此,不可小视销售人员面临着的工作压力、工作倦怠的问题。密切关注销售群体的成长、对销售人员的激励、满足其需要、提高积极性不仅有利于企业的持续发展并也是维系家庭稳定生活必须研究的课题。





  The progress of science and technology, industrial manufacturing,??the development of the service industry a huge change, diversified??development direction to all walks of life in the market competition??has become increasingly fierce competition, more and more prominent??focus of the terminal market, the operation of the market more and??more high degree of fine, and at the same time, economic development??has also brought the organizational change rate increase, unstable??occupation intensified, this is bound to make the employees bear much??more pressure than ever, the ability to work such as improved??efficiency, increased workload, fast-paced working state and the??personnel comprehensive management and technical aspects of quality??needs to have higher requirements, market expectations, Ever fount??working pressure; at the same time to improve the management system??and the corresponding resource allocation imbalance is widespread,??"heavy management, light talent" led to the phenomenon of post The??phenomenon of job burnout, lower degree of satisfaction and??indifference of attitude, and obvious trend of youth loss are serious??in the work. Especially the frequent flow of core professionals??brings huge potential risks and uneasiness to business development.??Human resource management, organizational behavior and management??psychology have become a key research topic to solve this job??burnout.??The famous American psychologist Freudenberger (1974) and Maslach??et al (1976) proposed in 1970s for job burnout (JOB BURNOUT) in the??study of service in the field of high reference value, in recent??years the sales group of job burnout but involved much, sales is to??create, communicate and deliver value to customers, a the??organization functions and procedures and customer relations in order??to allow the organization and its stakeholders benefit; sales?services to meet the specific needs of customers to ensure the??success of the company growth and profitability, is the core element??which affects the survival and development of enterprises and the key??to success, and plays an important role in the enterprise. Therefore,??the sales staff can not face the work pressure and job burnout??problem. Paying close attention to the growth of sales group,??motivating salesmen, meeting their needs and improving their??enthusiasm are not only conducive to the sustainable development of??enterprises, but also a topic that must be studied in order to??maintain family stability.??In this case, Watsons personal care products company Kunming??branch sales staff as the research object, from the point of concern,??is committed to improving the living environment of the sales staff,??to explore issues related to job burnout of sales staff, sales staff??from the source of job stress, work values, work environment, and??individual and team work atmosphere, occupation promotion, support??and support of leaders and colleagues analyzed, to provide effective??information for job burnout problem finding, diagnosis and??intervention as well as the further research, and provide a??theoretical basis and reference value for enterprises to reduce job??burnout problem.??Based on the research method, literature review, questionnaire??and interviews with staff analysis as a reference basis about job??burnout from the organization, related factors, occupation related??factors, personal characteristics and related factors of social??factors such as the four major factors related to job burnout,??factors analysis of the current situation of the sales staff and??sales staff in the role of the group; special and very important such??as interpersonal relationship, organization internal environment,?personal development opportunities, to the individual needs and work??pressure are all aspects of study. I hope that through this study, we??should find out strategies to reduce job burnout of salesmen??effectively, so as to make people job fit and contribute to the??vigorous development of Watsons and even the entire sales industry。

  ??Key words: sales staff; job burnout; influencing factors;??solutions?


  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.3 研究意义
  1.3.1 理论意义
  1.3.2 现实意义
  1.4 研究路径和研究思路
  第二章 相关概念与理论概述
  2.1 相关概念概述
  2.1.1 工作倦怠的概念
  2.1.2 销售人员的界定
  2.2 工作倦怠的测量方法
  2.3 工作倦怠的相关理论
  第三章 屈臣氏(昆明)销售人员工作倦怠调查分析
  3.1 屈臣氏(昆明)公司概况
  3.2 屈臣氏(昆明)公司销售人员概况
  3.2.1 销售人员的年龄分析
  3.2.2 销售人员的工龄分析
  3.2.3 销售人员的受教育程度分析
  3.3 公司销售人员工作倦怠抽样调查分析
  3.3.1 方法
  3.3.2 样本概况
  3.3.3 结果分析
  第四章 屈臣氏(昆明)销售人员工作倦怠原因及影响分析

  4.1 屈臣氏(昆明)销售人员工作倦怠原因分析
  4.1.1 访谈方法、对象、目的及结果
  4.1.2 工作倦怠原因分析
  4.2 屈臣氏(昆明)公司销售人员工作倦怠的影响分析
  4.2.1 工作倦怠对昆明屈臣氏公司本企业的影响
  4.2.2 工作倦怠对昆明屈臣氏公司销售员工个人的影响
  第五章 屈臣氏(昆明)销售人员工作倦怠应对措施分析
  5.1 员工个体干预策略
  5.1.1 积极应对工作压力
  5.1.2 优秀员工示范
  5.1.3 建立畅通的人际沟通网络
  5.1.4 适当运动和锻炼
  5.1.5 充分发挥自我能动性,主动寻找工作中的激励点
  5.2 企业干预策略
  5.2.1 合理安排销售工作任务
  5.2.2 建立合理的薪酬福利体系
  5.2.3 完善、畅通销售员工职业发展通道
  5.2.4 营造和谐的企业文化氛围
  5.2.5 了解分析员工,满足员工的不同需求
  第六章 结论与展望

  6.1 研究结论
  6.2 创新之处
  6.3 研究局限性
  6.4 研究展望



原文出处:刘子豪.昆明屈臣氏销售人员工作倦怠及应对策略研究[D].昆明理工大学 2018
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