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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-02-04 共3868字

  摘 要

  汽车行业近年来取得了长足的发展,2013 年国内乘用汽车销量已超过1700 万辆,其中一汽-大众销量已突破 150 万辆,大众品牌 110 万,奥迪品牌40 万,行业排名第二。随着国家反垄断法的出台和各核心城市限牌政策的陆续实施,各汽车厂商的竞争日趋激烈。欧美成熟汽车市场的经验显示,未来新车销量将趋于稳定、保有客户的再购车和二手车的销量将不断增加,汽车服务业的地位将日益重要。为在未来的行业竞争中取得持续领先地位,各汽车厂商都在售后服务领域作了进一步的拓展,并期望最终通过售后保有客户的扩展获得未来销售的可持续发展。

  目前,一汽-大众大众品牌销量已经突破百万,保有客户也超过 500 万,2020 年将突破千万的门槛,如何从保有客户出发,提高现有售后服务的盈利能力以及获得未来更多的保有客户再购车机会,成为一汽-大众大众品牌非常关心的课题。经过售后服务行业的对标分析,要做好售后服务的盈利能力提升,我们需要从以下三个视角去反思和完善:

  (一) 从客户视角,需要从更大范围的角度考虑客户的需求,客户的需求是未来一切售后服务盈利的最大蓝海。客户在终其一生的用车过程中,会发生系列需求,这些需求对应着汽车厂商的一个个服务产品,从客户全生命周期的视角审视客户需求是一切工作的起点。而目前一汽-大众大众品牌对于客户需求的管理,仅仅从客户购车和售后作了划分,在售后服务客户需求管理中,也更多地侧重了对服务满意度的管理,需要从更广阔的视角看待售后服务的 CRM管理。

  (二) 从汽车厂商视角,有了对于客户需求的理解,如何转化成一个个的服务产品,又如何能够管理好跟客户接触的每一个瞬间,是接下来一个比较重要的课题。一汽-大众大众品牌过去的几年里在售后服务领域已经有了基础的管理,也推出了常规服务的核心服务流程、紧急服务的救援流程,但是对于更广泛的客户定期保养有序进站管理、喷漆业务管理、经销商真实维修配件的零售管理以及延长保修等衍生服务在组织配备、业务规范等方面还不够完善。需要在完善的基础组织和业务规范的基础上,固化为系统的客户接触点管理,并通过 CRM 管理系统的开发传达给经销商。

  (三) 从经销商视角,一汽-大众大众品牌的服务盈利来源于经销商的销售服务能力。近年来,渠道商也就是经销商的谈判能力日趋强大,需要一汽-大众大众品牌更为明确自身的管理逻辑。如何将开发的服务产品落实为最终的销售和利润,是本课题研究的又一侧重点。一个服务产品的最终落实,需要对经销商的人员配备、人员销售服务能力、业务流程等方面的实施系统指导和监控。


  关键词:汽车厂商,经销商,客户,CRM 管理,盈利能力,渠道管理


  here has been great development in auto industry recent years. The domesticpassenger car sales reached 17 million in 2013 and FAW-VW reached 1.5 million-1.1 million VW brand and 0.4 million Audi brand, ranking second. With the issue of“Antimonopoly law” and license plates limitation in core cities, all OEMs havefierce competition. Mature market experience in European and American showsthat sales will be stable, existing customers re-purchaseand used car sales willincrease. After sales service will be in prominent position. In order to gain anadvantage position in the future market, all the mainstream OEMs has furtherexpanded business in the field of after sales service and expect to maintainsustainable sales development through the extension of after sales retain customers.

  At present, sales volume of FAW-VW VW brand have breakthrough millions,and car park havefive million, in 2020 will exceed ten million.It has become a veryconcerned topic for FAW-VW VW brand to explore how to retain customers, howto increase the profitability of its after sales service and how to access futureopportunities for retain customers to buy cars.

  Through the benchmarking analysis of after sales service, for improving theprofitability of after sales service, we need to reflect and improve from thefollowing three perspectives:

  From the perspective of customers, it is necessary to consider the needs ofcustomers from a broader perspective, because the customers’ requirements are allthe concern profit in after sales service competition market. Customers have seriesneeds during lifelong use of car, and these needs corresponded with the OEMsservice products. It is the starting point for OEMs to explore customers’ needs fromthe perspective of customers’ full life cycle. However, at present, FAW-VW VWbrand is only divided into sales and after sales for customers’ needs management. Inthe customers’ needs management of after sales service, there has been morefocuses on the management of service satisfaction. We need to treat CRMmanagement of after sales service from broader perspective.

  From the perspective of OEMs, with the understanding of customer needs,how to transform the needs to service products and how to manage each customer’scontact moments is the next important subject. FAW-VW VW brand has establishedbasic management in the field of after sales service in the past few years and theyhave also introduced core service process of regular service, rescue process ofemergency service. But it is still far from perfect in the aspect of organizationstructuring and business standard of derivative services such as broader customerregular orderly maintain station management, spray paint business management,retail management of distributors’ real repair parts and extended warranties. Thereis need to perfect organizations and business practices as basis, solidify customercontact management system and deliver them to the dealers through the CRMmanagement system.

  From the perspectives of dealers, FAW-VW VW brand service profitabilityfinally implement for the dealers sales and service. In recent years, the channelwhich is the dealer's negotiation skills has become increasingly powerful, whichmakes FAW-VW VW brand need to be clearer about their own management logic.

  How to make OEMs service products become sales and profit is another key pointin this research. The final implementation of service products needs guide andmonitor on staffing, personnel sales ability and business process.

  Therefore, as for a more stable sale is coming, from the perspective of industrycompetition deep analysis and decomposition of FAW-VW VW brand after salesservice profitability is needed. It is also necessary to make sufficient profit outlookfor future channel competition in order to improve the system's capabilities as achannel leader. This paper will be integrated with industry benchmarking standard,consumer research and other research methods, combining with the latest theory ofauto service marketing and put forward systemic suggestion for the profitability ofFAW-VW VW brand after sales service, as one of the leaders of automobile market.

  Key words:OEMs, Dealers, Customers, CRM Management, Profitability, ChannelManagement

  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景与研究目的

  1.1.1 研究背景

  1.1.2 研究目的

  1.2 主要研究内容与方法

  第 2 章 相关理论研究

  2.1 关键术语定义

  2.2 国内外研究现状

  2.2.1 国内研究现状

  2.2.2 国外研究现状

  第 3 章 一汽-大众大众品牌售后服务盈利能力现状分析

  3.1 一汽-大众大众品牌售后服务概况

  3.1.1 一汽-大众基本概况

  3.1.2 大众品牌售后服务业务概况

  3.2 大众品牌售后服务盈利能力现状

  3.2.1 售后服务盈利模式介绍

  3.2.2 大众品牌售后服务盈利能力分析

  第 4 章 一汽-大众大众品牌售后服务客户需求及行业对标研究

  4.1 客户售后服务需求研究

  4.1.1 客户售后服务全生命周期分解

  4.1.2 客户常规售后服务需求及行为研究

  4.1.3 客户需求与服务产品对应性构想

  4.2 售后服务产品开发与 CRM 管理研究

  4.2.1 大众品牌与竞争企业现有服务产品对比性综述

  4.2.2 CRM 系统开发与应用初步设想

  4.3 经销商售后服务盈利渠道管理

  4.3.1 汽车厂商渠道管理权力分析

  4.3.2 服务产品基本渠道管理内容及 KPI 分解

  第 5 章 一汽-大众大众品牌售后服务盈利能力提升建议

  5.1 对策建议

  5.1.1 开展客户全生命周期需求分析

  5.1.2 加大 CRM 的建设和开发

  5.1.3 改善经销商渠道管理方式

  5.2 实施保障措施

  第 6 章 结束语



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