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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-09-26 共3391字
  摘 要
  近年来,我国低成本航空发展取得了长足进步,2014 年民航局颁布了一系列扶植低成本航空发展的政策;2015 年初,春秋航空作为我国第一家低成本航空公司在上海证券交易所成功上市。然而,低成本航空公司在我国整体发展水平仍然较低,在成本和收益的自我控制能力上,面临着一定的局限性:机票价格受到发改委的限制;航材引进、航空信息系统、航油均由垄断企业进行把控;机场费和航路费均由政府部门制定价格,浮动范围较小;飞行员的培训周期长且成本高,这些客观存在的因素造成了航空公司硬性成本降低难度大、融资困难的困境。在这种形势下,低成本航空公司要在中国求得生存与发展,持续保持竞争优势,就必须建立完善的成本管理体系。
  本文采用案例分析的研究方法,以数据搜集、计算、统计和比较为基础,借鉴国际先进经验,将理论分析与案例研究相结合,综合利用分析工具,对我国低成本航空公司成本管理进行全面研究分析。首先,利用 PEST、五力模型等分析工具,对我国低成本航空公司的发展环境和竞争进行了详细的分析。其次,对国内外低成本航空公司的成本管理案例进行研究和比较,得出低成本航空公司在成本管理上采用的通用措施。最后,针对我国低成本航空公司提出了一个系统的、价值导向型的成本管理框架。
  关键词: 低成本航空公司,成本管理,PEST,五力模型,春秋航空

  With the unprecedented boost of economy, the popularization of air transport hastriggered the reform of the demand of air transport. After the advent of low-cost carrier,it has become predominant in the airway service realm thinks to the lower ticket priceand prompt reaction. Along with this trend, a batch of airline companies have emergedin the past years, such as: Southwest Airlines, Ryanair Holdings, AirAsia and so on,and have formed unique management concepts and approaches of cost control whichcan suit themselves.
  Over recent years, the low-cost carrier industry develops quickly after theenforcement of a series policies issued by Civil Aviation Administration aiming tospeed up the development of it. At the beginning of 2015, Spring Airlines become thefirst listed airlines company in Shanghai Stock Exchange. However, low-cost airlinecompanies are still encountering with serious challenges: the constrains on the ticketprice by National Development and Reform Commission; the purchase of aviationequipment, the system of aviation information and aviation oil manipulated bymonopoly enterprise; airport fee and course fee set by government which cannot beadjusted freely; the high investment in the pilot training. All these factors obstruct theprocess of lowering cost. Under such adverse circumstance, airlines that are strugglingfor survival in Chinese market and trying to keep the dominance in the competitionshould build an impeccable cost management system.
  Cases are listed to analyze the approaches to the realization of low-cost airlinecost management during the research in which the collection, calculation andcomparison of data are adopted; theories and cases are combined in the analysis; theanalysis tools are also used. In the first step, the development environment andcompetition of low-cost airlines are carefully analyzed with the tools such as PESTand Five Forces Model. Then the pragmatic measures are proposed in this article basedon the analysis and comparison of both domestic and foreign companies in this field.
  Finally, a systematic and value-oriented framework of cost management is presentedfor Chinese local companies.
  The major conclusion of this research are as follows: (1) flexibility is the core ofcost management as it is difficult to lower the cost due to the constrains from all kindsof regulations;(2) basic to manage the cost is the service value chain; (3) through thecooperation with suppliers the value chain of different parties could be optimized andthe profits could be maximized. (4) through the cooperation with competitors, theresource they processed could be shared in order to control the cost and achievewin-win situation. Airline companies can analyze the service value chain and thecauses of cost, optimize and recombine the process of business, and combine internaland external resources to build their own core competitiveness.
  This research is mainly concentrating on low cost airline companies, which,hopefully, can be of enlightening value to the entire Civil Aviation Airlines.
  Keywords: Low-cost carrier, cost management, PEST , Five Forces Mode, SpringAirlines

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 选题背景和意义
  1.2 文献综述
  1.3 研究方法及内容框架
  1.3.1 主要研究方法
  1.3.2 内容框架
  第 2 章 航空公司成本理论框架
  2.1 基本概念
  2.2 航空公司成本控制的必要性
  2.3 航空公司的成本构成
  2.4 航空公司成本结构的特点
  2.5 航空公司成本的影响因素
  第 3 章 我国低成本航空的发展与分析
  3.1 我国低成本航空公司的发展
  3.1.1 我国低成本航空公司的发展概况
  3.1.2 我国发展低成本航空的必要性
  3.2 我国低成本航空公司运营环境分析
  3.2.1 政治因素
  3.2.2 经济因素
  3.2.3 社会因素
  3.2.4 技术因素
  3.3 我国低成本航空的竞争环境分析
  3.3.1 供应商的议价能力
  3.3.2 购买者的还价能力
  3.3.3 潜在进入者的威胁
  3.3.4 其他替代交通方式的压力
  3.3.5 国内低成本航空公司之间的竞争
  3.4 低成本航空发展的新趋势
  第 4 章 低成本航空公司成本管理案例分析
  4.1 低成本航空成本管理的国际实践
  4.1.1 美国低成本航空的成本管理案例
  4.1.2 欧洲低成本航空的成本管理案例
  4.1.3 亚太地区低成本航空的成本管理案例
  4.1.4 低成本运营的失败案例
  4.2 低成本航空成本管理的国内实践
  4.2.1 春秋航空的基本情况
  4.2.2 春秋航空的成本管理案例
  4.3 低成本航空成本管理分析与总结
  4.3.1 航空公司成本管理对比分析
  4.3.2 低成本航空公司成本管理经验总结
  第 5 章 低成本航空公司成本管理模型提出
  5.1 低成本航空公司成本管理模型的提出
  5.1.1 传统成本管理的局限性
  5.1.2 成本管理模型的提出
  5.2 航空公司内部服务价值链上的成本管理
  5.2.1 服务价值链基础过程--互动过程
  5.2.2 服务价值链基础过程--关系过程
  5.2.3 服务价值链辅助过程
  5.3 航空产业链上的成本管理
  5.4 与竞争对手合作过程中的成本管理
  5.5 基于服务价值链的成本管理的实施
  第 6 章 研究结论与建议
  6.1 研究结论
  6.2 本文的不足
  6.3 对我国低成本航空公司发展的意见和建议
  致 谢
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