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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-10 共3706字





  1 无锡市职教园高职院校都开设健美操选修课,开设的班级数多,但 7 所高校中无一所高校将健美操设为必修课。高校健美操选修课课时安排差异较大,总体上说,课时不够充裕。各高校都有健美操室内场地,教师对教学设备的满意度较高。

  2 健美操课程教学任务明确,但教学内容不够丰富,各高校没有统一的教材,教学中以传统教学方法为主,教学手段落后,没有发挥多媒体和网络教学在健美操教学中的特殊作用。考核评价中普遍存在重技术轻理论,重结果轻过程的问题。

  3 无锡职教园健美操教师以中青年为主,年龄结构较合理。学历以本科为主,高学历的教师相对较少;在从事健美操教学的教师中,有近一半的教师是非健美操专业,专业水平有待提高,在职培训机会相对不足、科研能力较弱,这些都会影响到健美操的教学效果。

  4 多数学生对健美操课程的兴趣较高,但有近三分之一学生认为对健美操掌握情况不太好,教学效果有待提高。影响学生对健美操锻炼兴趣的关键因素是教师水平和教学内容;只有少部分学生参加健美操课外锻炼,有 44.9%的学生认为场地不足是制约健美操学习的关键。

  5 发展对策:改善健美操场地与设施,营造良好的学习环境;重视教学方法与手段的选择,激发学生学习兴趣;加强健美操教师的理论知识和专业素养,提高教师的创新能力;加强师资队伍建设,优化高校健美操人力资源的配置结构;加强关于健美操教学的科学研究,提高教学的科学化水平。

  关键词:无锡市 职教园 健美操 现状 对策


  Aerobics as a new sports, is an important part of higher vocational colleges anduniversities sports teaching, was welcomed by the majority of teachers and students.

  Aerobics is a combination of gymnastics, dance, music, on the basis of aerobic exercise, tohealth, Rio, delicious characteristic sports. Through aerobic training, can exercise the body,release the bad mood, ease the pressure, edify sentiment, shaping a good size, improvecollege students' personal temperament. As a result of aerobics in colleges and universitiesdevelopment time is shorter, its curriculum and theoretical system are not perfect enough,was still in the stage of exploration and reform.

  Vocational education in wuxi city, this paper choose the garden for aerobicsdevelopment present situation investigation and the countermeasure research, as theresearch subject, the lotus pond in wuxi vocational education zone of higher vocationalschool teachers and students as the research object, using literature method, questionnairesurvey method, mathematical statistics, logic analysis and comparative analysis on thevocational education in wuxi city park for aerobics specific research and analysis on thecurrent situation. By understanding the vocational education in wuxi city park led to theimportance of aerobics course, aerobics teachers, the venue of the gymnastics teachingmaterial, and equipment, students interest in calisthenics and participate in case to find outthe existing problems and put forward the corresponding development countermeasure, tobetter promote vocational education in wuxi city park the development of the aerobicscourse in college and universities to provide the reference.

  The results of the study are as follows:

  1.Vocational education in wuxi city park in higher vocational colleges are openedaerobics elective course, set up on the number of classes, but 7 all colleges and universitiesin the colleges and universities aerobics set as required. Colleges and universities aerobicselective course scheduling, difference is bigger, in general, class hour enough. Universitieshave aerobics indoor venues, teacher satisfaction of teaching equipment is higher.

  2.Aerobics teaching task clear, but the teaching content is not rich, no unified teachingmaterial, various colleges and universities teaching is given priority to with the traditionalteaching methods, teaching means, did not play of multimedia and network teaching in thespecific functions of aerobics teaching. Evaluation of common heavy technology, lighttheory, results of the process of light.

  3.Wuxi garden aerobics teachers vocational education is given priority to with youngand middle-aged, age structure more reasonable. Education is given priority to withbachelor degree, with relatively few teachers; In the teachers of aerobics, nearly half of theteachers are professional aerobics, professional level, on-the-job training, scientificresearch ability is weak relatively insufficient, these will affect the aerobics teaching effect.

  4.Most students interest in calisthenics courses is higher, but almost a third of thestudents think of aerobics grasp the situation is not very good, the teaching effect. The keyfactors influencing the aerobics exercise students interested in is the level of teachers andteaching content; Only a small number of students take part in the aerobics extracurricularexercise, 44.9% of students say a lack of space is the key to restrict aerobics learning.

  5.Development countermeasures: improve aerobics venues and facilities, create agood learning environment; Attaches great importance to the teaching methods and meansof selection, stimulate students interest in learning; Strengthen the aerobics teachers'theoretical knowledge and professional quality, improve teachers' ability to innovate; Tostrengthen the construction of teaching staff, improve the structure of colleges anduniversities aerobics the configuration of human resources; Strengthen the scientificresearch on aerobics teaching, improve the scientific level of teaching.

  Keyboards: The city of Wuxi、Vocational Education Park、Aerobics、Presentsituation、Countermeasures

    目 录

  1 前 言

  1.1 社会背景

  1.2 选题的意义

  1.3 文献综述

  1.3.1 国内研究现状


  2 研究对象及方法

  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.2.1 文献资料法

  2.2.2 问卷调查法

  2.2.3 数理统计法

  2.2.4 逻辑分析法

  2.2.5 比较分析法

  3 结果与分析

  3.1 无锡市职教园健美操课程开展现状分析

  3.1.1 健美操课程开设情况分析

  3.1.3 健美操课程教学任务分析

  3.1.4 健美操课程教学内容分析

  3.1.5 健美操课程教材分析

  3.1.6 健美操教学方法和教学手段的分析

  3.1.7 健美操教学模式分析

  3.1.8 健美操课程考核评价方法分析

  3.1.9 健美操场地器材与设施情况分析

  3.2 无锡市职教园健美操教师现状分析

  3.2.1 健美操教师的学历和专项情况分析

  3.2.2 健美操教师的年龄情况分析

  3.2.3 健美操教师的职称和性别的情况分析

  3.2.4 健美操教师的在职培训情况分析

  3.2.5 无锡职教园健美操教师科研能力统计和分析

  3.3 无锡市职教园健美操课程学生情况分析

  3.3.1 学生对健美操课程兴趣分析

  3.3.2 学生对健美操学习效果的评价

  3.3.3 学生学习健美操的障碍分析

  3.3.4 学生健美操课外锻炼情况调查分析

  3.4 无锡市职教园健美操课程的发展对策

  3.4.1 改善健美操场地与设施,营造良好的学习环境

  3.4.2 重视教学方法与手段的选择,激发学生学习兴趣

  3.4.3 加强健美操教师的理论知识和专业素养,提高教师的创新能力

  3.4.4 加强师资队伍建设,优化高校健美操人力资源的配置结构

  3.4.5 加强关于健美操教学的科学研究,提高教学的科学化水平

  4 结 论


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