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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-10 共3148字

【第1部分】 老年人参与休闲体育对生活质量的影响研究


  人口老龄化是当今世界人口发展的趋势,这种人口年龄结构的变化正在广泛而深刻地影响着人类社会生活的各个方面,人口老龄化已经日益成为世界各国关注的重大人口问题。我国于 1999 年正式迈入老龄化国家行列,由于国情的特殊性,老年人口的持续增加给我国社会带来了一系列有形和无形的巨大压力,引起了中国政府及社会各界的极大关注。如何提高老年人生活质量,缓解人口老龄化压力是一个新的课题。








  An ageing population has increasingly become a major population problem caredabout by different countries in the world.One of the most prominent social phenomena thathuman society is facing in the 21st century is the aging of the population . Our countryformally entered into aging countries in 1999, Ages of the population in our country hastriggered a series of social phenomenon that the old people physical and mental needs, tothe society the issue brings so much tangible and intangible, pressure ,which attracted theattention of Chinese government and the social from all walks of life. To meet theimmediate needs of old people and improve the quality of life in his late period, we musttake some effective actions and methods to achieve. In many ways and methods, Leisuresports with its own unique charm and advantage get the favor of the elderly population isabsolutely true .This study According to the survey data, using statistical methods tounderstand the status quo of the elderly group participation in leisure sports, exercisegroups are compared with those of the non exercise group of elderly sports life style andindividual life quality of the similarities and differences, and then analysis the relationshipbetween the leisure sports and the quality of life. Through this study, we can draw thefollowing main conclusions:

  1. In general, the elderly in rugao more attention to physical health, but most oldpeople ignored the more important of mental health problems; The leisure life of oldpeople overly depend on a variety of media, the lack of diversity, to promote the elderlyleisure sports is necessary and promising.

  2. All respondents, nearly ninety percent of the elderly said that he had attended theleisure exercise, nearly sixty percent of respondents exercise frequently per week in morethan three times and each time the length of not less than half an hour; Parks, squares andcommunity sports venues is the most important places of the elderly group do exercise; andmost importantly , they do sports which are characterized by easiness, slowness andnocompetition .

  3. The factors affecting the elderly to participate in leisure sports, the top two is“subjective consciousness is not strong” and “not interested”, suggesting that some oldpeople don't like to participate in the leisure exercise is mainly caused by a lack of exerciseawareness and intention; the second factor is due to not perfect “hardware”, such as“incomplete” field equipment and the lack of organization and guidance.

  4. Through the contrast analysis of two groups of elderly exercise (exercise group andthe group) survey data we can found that compared with the exercise group, exercise groupof old people in physical function dimension, the psychological function dimension andsocial dimension scores are at a higher level, two groups of the elderly population in eachfunction dimension differences can have greater statistical significance (P < 0.01), which ismainly manifested in the physical health, mental health, social function of three aspects: (1)to participate in regular physical exercise of the elderly can effectively maintain the body'stissues and organs function, the enhance of ability to resist disease, achieve the goal ofimproving health and anti-aging; (2) to participate in regular physical exercise can improvethe mental health of old people, alleviate psychological pressure, eliminate the elderlyloneliness and loss, increase the happiness of the elderly. (3) to participate in regularphysical exercise of the elderly can effectively improve the elderly sports socialization, theincrease of the elderly life satisfaction, Effectively improve the quality of life of the elderlyKey word: Elderly people;Leisure sports;Quality of life

    目 录

  1 前 言

  1.1 选题背景

  1.1.1 我国人口老龄化现状及影响

  1.1.2 我国休闲体育的发展

  1.1.3 老年人生活质量问题日益受到重视

  1.2.1 选题意义

  1.2.2 技术路线

  2 文献综述

  2.1 老年人综述

  2.1.1 老年人的界定

  2.1.2 老年人的特征

  2.2 休闲体育

  2.2.1 休闲体育的概念

  2.2.2 国内休闲体育研究概况

  2.2.3 国外休闲体育研究概况

  2.3 生活质量概述

  2.3.1 生活质量的定义

  2.3.2 生活质量的测评方法

  3 研究对象与方法

  3.1 研究对象

  3.1.1 调查对象样本

  3.1.2 抽样调查数据统计

  3.2 研究方法

  3.2.1 文献资料法

  3.2.2 问卷调查法

  3.2.3 数理统计法

  3.2.4 实地访谈法

  3.2.5 比较分析法

  4 结果与分析

  4.1 老年人休闲体育现状调查

  4.1.1 如皋地区老年人生活现状分析

  4.1.2 如皋地区老年人参与休闲体育锻炼的动机分析

  4.1.3 休闲体育参与者活动情况分析

  4.1.4 老年人休闲体育的场地选择、组织形式及锻炼项目分析

  4.1.5 影响老年人参加休闲体育锻炼的因素分析

  4.2 休闲体育与老年人生活质量

  4.2.1 锻炼组与非锻炼组老年人生活质量自评

  4.2.2 老年人身体健康状况自评情况

  4.2.3 老年人心理健康状况自评情况

  4.2.4 老年人生活满意度自评

  5 结论与建议

  5.1 结论

  5.2 建议


  致 谢

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