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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-05-18 共4239字




  第二部分,是采取多种方式调查 M 小学案例成熟期教师专业发展的普遍情况。以多样化的渠道,掌握学校的师资结构,并明确专业化发展进程,从而得出成熟期教师在专业化发展方面认识不足是主要问题所在,因此,导致教师专业发展的源动力不足。

  第三部分,研究 M 小学案例中成熟期教师专业化发展实践过程。通过总结成熟期教师专业发展过程,着重于研究特色塑造过程中的新问题,分析问题的根本原因,并明确实践成效所在。







  About teachers' professional development, the main research content includes twoparts, one is teachers' professional development process, the other is a teacher education,which promote the teacher professional development. For teachers' professionaldevelopment, from the teachers' professional structure is analyzed, also may carry on theresearch on the process of teachers' education, but whatever the point of view, thedevelopment of teachers' professional development is phased level progressive process.

  In this paper, the research of teachers' professional development can be roughlydivided into five parts. The first chapter of the article introduction, is a brief introduction ofdilemma, and triggered by problems troubled article discusses the content. With the schoolfaculty stable cases, the managers in the context of mature teachers occupy largerproportion, should be deeply in teachers' professional development; Summarize researchin this field at home and abroad, defined in this paper the scope and content we study.

  The second part, is to take a variety of ways to investigate case M elementary schoolteachers' professional development general situation of maturity. With a variety ofchannels, control of school teachers structure, and clear professional development process,thus it is concluded that the teacher knowledge in professional development of teachers atthe main problem. Therefore, it leads to the driving force of teachers.

  The third part, M primary school cases mature practice of teacher professionaldevelopment. Through the summary of teachers' professional development process,focuses on the characteristic section and in the process of new problems, analyze the rootcause of the problem and practical results.

  The fourth part, on the basis of the second chapter, according to professional featuresin-depth summary reflection, to explore teachers' professional development bottleneckproblem often encountered in mature to find breakthrough. Changes not only in view of theschool education system, should also arouse the enthusiasm of teachers, through the schoolteachers, two aspects of change, realize the teachers' personal development vision, andschool management and education goals, make progress together in the end.

  The fifth part, in-depth reflection of teachers' professional development, often occursin the development of the insufficient power of school teachers and managers should beanalysis problems carefully, understand the characteristics of the mature period of teacherdevelopment, mature teachers ought to state clearly, stimulate the driving force of teachers'professional development. Let the professional development of teachers' career planning,so as to realize the expected effect of continued professional development.

  In today's society development, teachers' professional faces severe test, the diversityof education reform to teacher put forward higher requirements. Implement curriculumeducation reform, and guide teachers transform their roles. As a course developer,practitioners and managers to implement education, rather than merely teacher professor inthe past. Through the learning guide to urge teachers education technology, emergingconstantly charging, with more abundant knowledge reserves to cope with the challenge ofeducation. And into multiple groups of education resources society, parents increasinglyimprove education expectation, multiple social main body of education, makes teachersmore difficult in the face of the education problem. How to promote teachers' professionaldevelopment, professional autonomy to solve the problem of education has become a hotspot of current education.

  Schools is a diversified teaching education management system, including teachers'qualification assessment and regulating the behavior of the teaching management strategy,easy because the student individual subjective, groups of copycat caused teachers fairquestion of management system, thus to stimulate teachers' teaching enthusiasm. Thereforeschool administrators should study to establish a long-term management mechanism, toimprove the existing education system, not only to guide education management measures,make the teachers' self development goals; Effective implementation and theimplementation of education initiatives, actively guide, teacher professional developmentto cope with new challenge.

  Keywords: Mature teachers, Mature teacher professional development, Professionalcharacteristics, The development path

  目 录

  第一章 绪 论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.1.1 成熟期教师的发展需要专业的引领

  1.1.2 急需突破成熟期教师发展瓶颈

  1.2 相关研究文献综述

  1.2.1 国外相关研究综述

  1.2.2 国内相关研究综述

  1.3 研究意义

  1.3.1 理论意义

  1.3.1 理论意义

  1.4 研究思路与方法

  1.4.1 研究思路

  1.4.2 研究方法

  1.5 核心概念界定


  第二章 M 小学成熟期教师专业发展的现状调查

  2.1 M 小学成熟期教师队伍的结构分析

  2.1.1 数量持稳上升,但年龄结构失衡

  2.1.2 学科布局人员分布相对稳定,学科间差异大

  2.2 M 小学成熟期教师专业发展中存在的问题

  2.2.1 专业发展意识淡薄

  2.2.2 发展动力不足

  2.2.3 发展时空被挤压

  2.3 提出成熟期教师专业发展的行动方案

  第三章 M 小学塑造成熟期教师专业特色的行动过程

  3.1 M 小学塑造成熟期教师专业特色的实践探索

  3.1.1 修正学校常规,优化教学

  3.1.2 改革管理体系,发挥专业优势

  3.1.3 开展“特色教师”评选,塑造专业特色

  3.2 M 小学塑造成熟期教师专业特色的成效

  3.2.1 教师参与热情高涨

  3.2.2 特色提炼初见成效

  3.3 M 小学塑造成熟期教师专业特色过程中出现的新问题

  3.3.1 教师对“特色教师”的解读存在误区

  3.3.2 学校管理制度处在滞后状态

  3.4 专业特色塑造过程中出现问题的原因分析

  3.4.1 现有的教育环境使得教师只在乎眼前的业绩

  3.4.2 固化的思维模式、知识结构、工作内容

  3.4.3 专业发展的推动作用单一

  3.4.4 专业权威的缺失

  3.4.5 对“专业特色发展”的内涵解析不深入

  第四章 M 小学成熟期教师专业特色发展的改进建议

  4.1 多角度了解塑造专业特色的定义

  4.1.1 成熟期教师以专业特色塑造为专业发展切入点

  4.1.2 专业特色发展方式分析

  4.2 完善成熟期教师专业发展的具体措施

  4.2.1 常规工作考核重点的柔性流动

  4.2.2 教师参与教学管理

  4.2.3 专业引领进级组

  4.2.4 个人领衔项目(组)

  4.2.5 成熟期教师的梯队建设

  第五章 对小学成熟期教师专业发展的进一步思考

  5.1 专业发展源动力的怪圈

  5.2 成熟期教师专业发展的特点

  5.3 成熟期教师专业发展的应然状态

  第六章 结 语


  致 谢

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