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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-18 共3748字

  摘 要






  Poverty is widespread in the world. China is a large agricultural country, the rural povertyproblem exists certain degree. Since the reform and opening up, has made considerable progressChinese rural poverty governance, achieved the results shocked the world. China povertyalleviation has China characteristics, poverty alleviation policy, means one after another after thedevelopment oriented poverty, poverty alleviation, eight seven comprehensive rural povertyalleviation and development stages, from leading the stressed state and initiative, gradually to thepeasants and the third party pays attention to the participation of the change.

  Compared with the western remote areas, agricultural production conditions are not goodoverall poverty rural areas, rural poverty problem is more developed provinces in eastern China,agricultural production conditions are good to its particularity. Compared with the developedeastern regions, rural poverty of complexity, diversity, the causes of poverty is more socialfactors, not natural, climatic factors, the eastern region of rural poverty alleviation should takestep back, should be more balanced, poverty eradication and modern agricultural industrycombining agriculture, rural, farmers, activation vitality through poverty alleviation, agriculture,agricultural and sideline, guide the fusion of third industrial development through povertyalleviation project. The eastern developed areas of rural poverty alleviation and more to payattention to the function of the government, the third party organizations, farmers' role, usingtheory to guide the practice of poverty alleviation for the western governance, poverty alleviationhit experience.

  Heze, located in the eastern developed provinces, itself is less developed areas, ruralpoverty is still serious. This paper chooses Heze city as blueprint, in the governance of ruralpoverty, the city conducted a field study, first of all from the domestic and internationalanti-poverty theory and governance theory to analyze the theoretical basis of poverty alleviation,construction research. Secondly, summarized the poverty situation in rural areas of Heze City, onthe aspect of poverty population, life characteristics such as a detailed analysis of the currentsituation of Heze City, rural poverty is analyzed, summarized the poverty alleviation process,results, specific practices. Again on the existence of rural poverty alleviation in Heze city in theprocess of the problems and the causes were analyzed, combined with the actual explanation ofpoverty alleviation in the presence of predicament, from the economy, agriculture, government,third party organization of farmers, analysis of the specific reasons the difficulty arises with thegovernance perspective. Finally, on the basis of the above analysis, puts forward somecountermeasures for speeding up the process of rural poverty alleviation in Heze city toaccelerate the economic development of the city, specifically, to vigorously promote the processof agricultural modernization, play the leading role, the government actively using third partyorganization power, to play the initiative of farmers. The economic development in thepromotion of industrialization, urbanization, agricultural modernization development at the sametime, provide the economic base for the government poverty alleviation, provided financialsupport. The modernization of agriculture is conducive to directly change the poor and backwardrural areas, improve the standard of living of farmers. The third party organization helps make upfor the lack of the government's poverty alleviation, increases the specificity, accuracy of ruralpoverty alleviation. Active participation of the farmers is the internal cause and the fundamentalpower to get rid of poverty, the farmers become rich capacity growth, but also conducive to thecomprehensive promotion of agricultural modernization, the vitality of the release of the ruralmarket, to accelerate the economic development of the city.

  Keywords: Rural; poverty; governance

    目 录

  摘 要…… I


  第 1 章 绪论…… 1

  1.1 研究背景 …… 1

  1.2 研究意义 …… 3

  1.2.1 理论意义…… 3

  1.2.2 现实意义…… 3

  1.3 国内外研究综述 …… 4

  1.3.1 国内研究综述 …… 4

  1.3.2 国外研究综述 …… 6

  1.4 研究方法与创新之处 …… 7

  1.4.1 研究方法 …… 7

  1.4.2 创新之处 …… 8

  第 2 章 论文的相关概念与基本理论…… 9

  2.1 贫困的含义与划分标准 …… 9

  2.1.1 贫困的含义…… 9

  2.1.2 贫困的划分标准 …… 10

  2.2 扶贫的含义与中国扶贫的标准 …… 11

  2.2.1 扶贫的含义 …… 11

  2.2.2 中国扶贫的标准…… 11

  2.3 治理等相关理论 …… 13

  2.3.1 治理理论…… 13

  2.3.2 多中心理论 …… 14

  2.3.3 善治 …… 14

  2.4 治理等相关理论对解决农村扶贫问题的意义 …… 15

  2.4.1 扶贫现实变化需要更新扶贫理念…… 15

  2.4.2 治理理论有助于加快中国农村扶贫进程…… 15

  第 3 章 菏泽市农村扶贫工作现状分析…… 17

  3.1 菏泽市基本情况 …… 17

  3.1.1 菏泽市经济基本情况 …… 17

  3.1.2 菏泽市农业基本情况 …… 17

  3.2 菏泽市农村扶贫工作概述 …… 18

  3.2.1 菏泽市农村扶贫工作历程 …… 18

  3.2.2 菏泽市农村扶贫工作效果 …… 19

  3.2.3 菏泽市农村扶贫工作的主要做法 …… 19

  第 4 章 菏泽市农村扶贫工作存在的主要问题及成因分析 ……22

  4.1 菏泽市农村扶贫工作存在的主要问题 …… 22

  4.1.1 贫困发生率高,贫困现象较为普遍 …… 22

  4.1.2“两区”扶贫任务较重…… 23

  4.1.3 扶贫工作成果不牢固 …… 24

  4.1.4 扶贫工作的难度有一定程度的增加 …… 25

  4.2 菏泽市农村扶贫工作中存在主要问题的成因分析…… 26

  4.2.1 菏泽市经济欠发达,财力支持能力弱 …… 26

  4.2.2 菏泽市现代农业发展不充分,产出效益较低 …… 30

  4.2.3 菏泽市政府的主导作用发挥不充分…… 32

  4.2.4 菏泽市第三方组织扶贫作用发挥不明显 …… 33

  4.2.5 菏泽市农民扶贫参与度偏低…… 35

  第 5 章 加快菏泽市农村扶贫进程的对策 ……37

  5.1 加快经济发展…… 37

  5.2 大力推进农业现代化进程…… 39

  5.3 发挥政府的主导作用…… 41

  5.4 积极借助第三方组织的力量…… 43

  5.5 发挥农民的能动性…… 44

  结论与展望 ……48

  参考文献 ……48

  致 谢 ……49

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