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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-04-08 共3189字

【第1部分】 大连政府服务方式和民意诉求解决机制创新

  摘 要

  改革开放 30 年来,人民群众中不同的阶层和群体之间的利益关系发生了历史性的改变:从过去比较单一、比较一致的利益格局演化为多元化、多样化的利益格局,从主要依靠党和政府以及各级组织实现自身利益到主要是自主性地实现自身利益。这一系列的变化,带来了越来越多的矛盾和问题,人民群众的维权意识也随之迅速增长,并越来越多地表现为向担负着社会公共权力职责的党政机关提出各式各样的诉求。





  关键词:民意网 满意度 办理回复 公共管理效能


  30 years of reform and opening up, has undergone a historic change in therelationship between the interests of people of different classes and groups:from thepast single, relatively consistent benefit of the pattern of evolution fordiversification, diversification of the pattern of interests, from the main fabric torealize their own interests to the main autonomy to realize their own interests by theparty and the government and the all group. This a series of change, has brought moreand more problems and contradictions, people's rights consciousness is also growingrapidly, and more and more performance for the proposed every kind ofappeal to shoulder social public power and responsibility of the party and governmentorgans.

  During the 12th Five Year Plan period, Dalian City, comprehensivelydeepenreform, vigorously promote the construction of "two first", municipal Partycommittee City Hall to increase the people's livelihood orientation, deepening publicopinion work as the starting point and standpoint of all work, put one's heart and soulinto promoting involves the vital interests of the problem be effectively solved.

  Especially since eighteen, municipal Party committee City Hall gathering strength incarrying out the mass line of the party in educational practice, innovation, serviceand public demand settlement mechanism, promote the sustained and healthydevelopment of economy and society in our city.

  In this paper I in public opinion and feedback effects on public management asthe breakthrough point, the connotation and characteristics of civil appeals fromthe in-depth analysis of the causes of the interest demand diversity, and then analyzesthe demands from the public groups and individual differences, expounds the presentsituation of civil lawsuit and its positive role in the economic transformation ofgovernment we should pray, laid a solid foundation for the study of our citypublic appeal mechanism.

  Then this paper focuses on the public network and Dalian mayor mailbox of thetwo public demands and solve the channel to strengthen government publicmanagement and improve the efficiency of public management uses literaturereview and data are introduced. Through the abroad and our citizens claimsmechanism comparing the merits of the existing research results, as a secondaryanalysis, through research that our city public claim settlement mechanismin service livelihood of the people, by the people, for the people who has theadvantage of municipal Party committee City Hall leading lead, attaches greatimportance to the leadership, strong supervision mechanism and evaluationdeficiencies in supervision mechanism, high cost, passive, not detailed reply for notthoroughly with other area still has a gap.

  Finally, according to the our city public appeal advantages, and learn from theadvanced experience of other countries and regions, from two angles at the presentstage and the long-term nature of how to give full play to the public demands putforward suggestions to improve the government public management efficiency andsolve the channel advantage, analysis to explain profound theories in simplelanguage from the government to strengthen the work initiative. The governmentshould be a full investigation in public management, from the masses, to themasses; to strengthen the publicity of government affairs, introduced in the thing inadvance after the whole process supervision in the formulation of public policy; theability to deal with unexpected problems and disposal, smooth channels of appeal.

  Keywords: public net;satisfaction ;recovery ;efficiency of public ;management

    目 录

  1 绪论

  1.1 研究背景与意义

  1.1.1 研究背景

  1.1.2 研究意义

  2 市民诉求的内涵及其特点

  2.1 诉求的多样化

  2.2 公民诉求的内涵

  2.3 诉求群体的特点

  2.4 利益诉求的个体性

  2.5 利益表达的两个方面

  3 大连民意网工作机制

  3.1 大连民意网

  3.1.1 广泛性和公共性

  3.1.2 及时性和高效性

  3.1.3 真实性和监督性

  3.2 大连民意网的办理流程

  3.3 大连民意网的总体运行情况

  3.3.1 各级领导高度重视,加大工作领导力度

  3.3.2 完善工作机制,规范办理流程

  3.3.3 完善工作网络,加强队伍建设

  3.3.4 突出解决问题,确保留言办理工作取得实效

  3.4 民意网留言热点和趋势

  3.4.1 留言热点

  3.4.2 留言人群分析

  3.5 2013 年 10 月份市民留言办理情况

  3.5.1 基本情况

  3.5.2 留言热点

  3.6 各承办单位加大承办力度取得良好效果

  3.7 相关报道

  4 国内外市民诉求解决机制的探索

  4.1 我国市民诉求解决机制的现状

  4.2 国外市民诉求解决机制

  4.2.1 瑞典的调查官制度

  4.2.2 德国处理公民利益诉求的制度创新

  4.2.3 美国公民利益诉求解决机制

  4.3 国内外诉求机制比较

  5 利用市民诉求反馈机制提升政府公共管理效能的对策

  5.1 政府方面

  5.2 公众方面





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