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来源:南京邮电大学 作者:杨琴
发布于:2019-02-22 共2579字

【【题目】】 组合融资模式在华夏幸福企业的应用探讨
  关键词:   房地产企业,融资方式,组合融资

  The real estate industry is a typical capital-intensive industry, which has become an importantpillar of China's economic growth, capital for the survival of real estate enterprises have asignificant impact.Therefore, it is very important for the survival and development of real estatedevelopment enterprises to improve their financing ability, improve their financing strategy andoptimize their capital structure.
  China's happiness is a well-known enterprise in the real estate industry in China. In recent years,the enterprise fully excavates the internal resources and innovates financing tools, uses a variety offinancing methods to carry on combined financing, injects huge funds for the enterprises, andpromotes the leap forward development of the enterprises. In the short seven years after the listing,it has jumped to the top ten of the real estate enterprises in China, and its complex combinedfinancing strategy and characteristic financing methods have attracted the attention of the industry.
  This paper makes an in-depth case study on the situation of Chinese happiness portfolio financing.
  On the one hand, it is beneficial to increase the understanding of different financing ways andprovide reference for other enterprises to carry out combination financing. On the other hand, it iseasy to find the deficiency of the current situation of Chinese happiness combined financing, andthen put forward the optimization suggestions to help the Chinese happiness more happy.
  This paper first combs the research results of scholars at home and abroad, summarizes therelevant concepts and theories, and lays a theoretical foundation for the full text research. Secondly,it gives a brief overview of the case object from the strategic development route, main business,cash flow, industry status and so on. Thirdly, it discusses the combination of Chinese happiness andfinance. The current situation, mainly shows the specific tools and ways of Chinese happinessportfolio financing, and the comparative analysis of the existing combined financing effects fromthe horizontal and vertical, and fourth to sum up the shortcomings of the existing combinationfinancing mode of China's happiness; finally, the suggestions for optimizing the combinationfinancing of China's happiness are put forward, mainly including the promotion and introduction ofthe financing.
  Key words:  Real Estate Industry,financing methods, Combined financing
  第一章 绪论.

  1.1 研究背景和意义.
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 研究内容
  1.2.1 研究思路
  1.2.2 研究内容
  1.2.3 研究方法
  1.3 本文主要工作与不足.
  1.3.1 本文主要工作
  1.3.2 本文研究不足
  第二章 文献综述及理论
  2.1 文献综述
  2.1.1 融资结构理论
  2.1.2 房地产企业融资风险
  2.1.3 房地产企业融资方式
  2.1.4 房地产企业组合融资
  2.1.5 研究评述
  2.2 相关理论
  2.2.1 MM 理论.
  2.2.2 代理成本理论
  2.2.3 信号传递理论
  2.2.4 优序融资理论
  2.2.5 融资方式解析
  第三章 华夏幸福企业概况
  3.1 扩张战略路线.
  3.2 主营业务
  3.3 增长性
  3.4 现金流
  3.5 行业地位
  第四章 华夏幸福组合融资现状分析
  4.1 组合融资动因与可行性分析.
  4.1.1 动因分析
  4.1.2 可行性分析
  4.2 华夏幸福组合融资方式.
  4.2.1 增发股票
  4.2.2 信托融资
  4.2.3 公司债券
  4.2.4 商业信用融资
  4.2.5 融资券与票据
  4.2.6 PPP 项目资产证券化
  4.2.7 可续期委托贷款
  4.2.8 售后回租融资租赁
  4.2.9 债权和收益权转让
  4.2.10 债务重组
  4.3 组合融资效果的纵向分析——过往数据比较.
  4.3.1 资金规模扩大
  4.3.2 资金成本降低
  4.3.3 资本结构改善
  4.4 组合融资效果的横向对比——同行数据比较.
  4.4.1 融资成本对比分析
  4.4.2 资本结构对比分析
  4.4.3 资金来源对比分析
  4.4.4 商业信用融资对比分析
  4.4.5 经营效果对比分析
  4.5 华夏幸福融资情况总结.
  第五章 华夏幸福组合融资存在的不足
  5.1 融资成本控制有待提升.
  5.2 海外融资能力较弱.
  5.3 融资结构不甚合理.
  5.4 内源融资能力不足.
  5.5 PPP 模式风险较大.
  第六章 组合融资优化建议
  6.1 多元化经营对冲资金需求.
  6.2 建立良好的信誉信用.
  6.3 增加股权融资比例.
  6.4 增加内源融资比例.
  6.5 做好项目筹划.
  6.6 加快应收账款的回收.
  6.7 构建资金风险管理体系.
原文出处:杨琴. 华夏幸福组合融资案例研究[D]. 南京邮电大学 2018
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