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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-14 共2568字
  通过对 X 高校学生慈善的总体认知调查及培养途径现状的调查,以甘肃省 X高校为调查对象,从学校、社会、家庭及大学生四个方面展开分析。通过分析找出 X 高校在培养大学生慈善意识过程中表现出的积极面,同时探寻存在的种种困难和问题,在此基础上积极寻找新形势下如何更好的培养大学生慈善意识的途径,让慈善意识根植于大学生心中。
  文章共分为五个部分。第一部分是绪论,主要包括研究缘起、研究目的和意义。第二部分是研究综述,主要包括相关概念的界定及国内外研究动态。在相关概念里面主要界定了慈善、慈善意识及慈善意识培养途径等。然后从古代、近代、现当代就慈善意识培养对国内外研究动态进行了梳理。第三部分是研究设计,涵盖研究对象的选取、研究思路、研究方法及理论基础。第四部分是现状。首先对X 高校大学生慈善意识培养途径的现状进行了描述,在此基础上运用问卷法、访谈法和观察法对 X 高校大学生慈善意识培养途径进行了分析。在分析的基础上主要从学校、社会、家庭、个人出发,找出 X 高校在培养大学生慈善意识方面存在的问题。调查发现 X 高校在培养大学生慈善意识时呈现出积极面,如大学生慈善意识培养呈现出稳步发展的态势,大学生正成为慈善事业的潜在参与主体;但是也存在很多问题,如学校慈善课程的缺乏、慈善社团存在的问题,大学生自身对慈善错误的认识和动机,家庭、社会影响等等。针对存在的问题,文章第五部分是对策建议。指出培养大学生的慈善意识关键是要靠学校和大学生个人,但也离不开良好的社会环境和家庭环境的支撑,需要学校、社会、家庭及大学生共同努力。
  The eighteenth Party Congress suggests that we should improve the socialassistance system and support the development of charity. The development ofphilanthropy needs the whole society to form a good and active atmosphere.So,todevelop the sense of responsibility, equality , mutual assistance and serve the peopleare particularly important for consciousness of modern philanthropy.Universitystudents as the higher education groups is the backbone to spread charity knowledgeand train consciousness of charity.Cultivating the charitable consciousness of thecollege students can improve the level of the whole national moral ,civilization andcarry forward the traditional virtues.
  Based on overall investigation of the status quo of the way to cultivate Xuniversity students charity. From the school,society,family and students to analyze theX universities in Gansu province. Through analysis to find out the positive side of Xuniversity in the process of training student's consciousness of charity,and at the sametime explore the difficulties and problems. On the basis of situation to seek betterways to cultivate college students' charitable consciousness,making charitableconsciousness rooted in students'mind.
  This paper are divided into five parts. The first part is an introduction, includingthe study of the origin, purpose and meaning. The second part is paper reviewsinclude:concept definition and domestic and foreign research. In the related conceptwhich defines charity,charitable consciousness and charitable awareness ways. Paperreviews are from the ancient,modern and contemporary to discuss the domestic andforeign research.The third part is the study design,including select the object of study,research ideas method and theoretical foundation.The forth part is the status quo.
  First,describing the status quo of X college students' charity awareness and usingquestionnaire. Interviews and observation to analyze the X college students' charityawareness from in school and out of school and find out the problems.Throughsurveying we found that X university present the positive side in cultivating students'
  charitable consciousness. For example students' charitable consciousness trainingshows a tendency of steady development.The college students are becoming thepotential main body of charity participation. But there are also many problems such aslake of charity class in school, existing problems of charitable organization,collegestudents have wrong cognition and wrong motivation , influence of home and societyand so on. In view of the existing problems,the fifth part is the countermeasures andsuggestions. It points out that the key to cultivate the students' charitable awarenessmain rely on school and university students,but also can't do without the socialenvironment and family environment support. So it needs common efforts fromschool,society,family and college students.
  Keywords: University students ; Charitable consciousness; Cultivating ways

  四、X 大学慈善意识培养途径的现状
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