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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-01-30 共3007字

【第1部分】 集装箱航运企业营销渠道优化管理



  如今全球经济增长乏力,国际航运市场持续低迷,供需失衡不断扩大,运价同比下滑并处于低位。面对不断恶化的经营环境,原本依靠价格和促销拓宽市场的方法也开始收效甚微,企业不得不重新思考自己的营销策略。营销渠道作为企业的关键性外部资源,因具有不可模仿和复制性,开始受到企业重点关注。和其他集装箱航运公司一样,P 公司也开始意识到自身的长期生存与发展和自己所在分销渠道系统的组织与运行效率休戚相关,对营销渠道的妥善管理将成为 P 公司获得竞争优势的关键所在。

  如何开辟有效的分销渠道、采用何种渠道策略、如何解决当前销售代理成本过高、渠道体系不健全等销售难题已成为 P 公司在渠道管理中主要考虑的问题。

  本文从营销渠道相关理论出发,以 P 公司营销渠道作为研究对象。首先用 P.E.S.T和五力模型这两个分析工具,对 P 公司所处的外部经营环境和行业内的竞争环境进行分析。再从 P 公司目前的渠道结构、渠道成员和渠道控制等几方面入手,通过和竞争对手之间的比较,来指出 P 公司营销渠道中的不足之处。随后,文章根据渠道管理的理论,结合 P 公司实际发展的需要,对 P 公司的营销渠道提出优化方案。

  本文虽不能预见 P 公司在集装箱航运行业中未来的市场地位。但仍希望本文的研究能够对 P 公司在之后的渠道管理的工作中有所裨益,也希望本文设计的优化方案能运用到 P 公司营销实践中去,为其提升销量、抢占市场提供些许帮助,同时本文亦希望对行业内和行业外的其他公司在选择渠道的策略上有借鉴意义。



  Container shipping liner company now is facing a serious product homogeneityproblem. It is attributed to standard container transportation service offered by all the linercompanies, as well as their overlap lines. Container shipping is a capital-intensive industry,week liner business model makes it have the characteristics of high-risk. In such anindustry, if company wants to get the survival and development of the company, loadingrate will be the critical. How to succeed in selling space within a short time has been theissue that many carriers most concern about. However, in the marketing process, what themost of liner companies consider firstly is reducing the sale rate. They spent enormousenergy in price war, whereas, they put less investment into building and nurturing theirmarketing channel. Only when the tariffs are reduced to the bottom line, and becomeunprofitable, the marketing channel, which is the crucial external resource of enterprises, isable to be refocused by the liner companies.

  Nowadays, marketing environment of shipping industry has become both increasingopen and intensive competition. Like other container shipping companies, P Company hasalready realized its long-term survival and development are depended on the performancethey organize and operate the marketing channel system. Properly managing the channelsystem will be the key to gain a competitive advantage. Today, Price, Product and Servicestend to be similar, only distribution channel is unable to be easily imitated and copied.

  How to set up an efficient channel, which Channel strategy should be adopted, and how tosolve the sales problem, such as high agent cost in current and no perfection of the channelsystem, has been P Company's focus of channel management.

  This thesis is based on the related theory of marketing channels, and takes P Companyfor researching example. Firstly, it will use both PEST and Five Force Model as theanalysis tool to analyze the competitive environment of P Company, then, it will quarry thedefects in P Company’s existing marketing channels proceeded from the followingaspects—channel structure, channel member selection and channel control. Afterwards,according to the channel optimization theory, and combined with the actual developmentof P Company actual development needs, it will design several optimization solutions,such as resetting channel structure on the marketing channel; quantifying selection criteriaof the channel member; and strengthening the control of marketing channel.

  It is unable to foresee the market position of P Company’s in the container shippingindustry in the future, but I still hope it can make P Company achieve great progress in thefuture path of development, also it can be benefit to other enterprise, whatever it belongs ornot belongs to this industry, in the choice of channel strategy.

  Keywords: Container Shipping Line; Marketing Channel Management; ChannelOptimization




  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.2.1 理论意义

  1.2.2 实践意义

  1.3 国内外研究现状

  1.4 研究的主要方法和内容

  1.4.1 研究方法

  1.4.2 研究内容及框架

  第 2 章 理论基础

  2.1 营销渠道的相关理论

  2.1.1 渠道的定义和功能

  2.1.2 中间商的定义和功能

  2.2 渠道的优化调整

  2.2.1 渠道的结构

  2.2.2 渠道成员的选择

  2.2.3 渠道的控制

  第 3 章 P 公司营销渠道分析

  3.1 集装箱航运市场竞争环境分析

  3.1.1 宏观环境分析

  3.1.2 行业分析

  3.2 P 公司简介

  3.3 P 公司营销渠道管理现状

  3.3.1 P 公司营销渠道结构现状

  3.3.2 P 公司营销渠道的成员现状

  3.3.3 P 公司对渠道的控制现状

  3.4 P 公司营销渠道存在的问题及成因分析

  3.4.1 渠道结构中的问题

  3.4.2 渠道成员选择中的问题

  3.4.3 渠道控制中的问题

  3.4.4 渠道问题出现的成因分析

  3.5 本章小结

  第 4 章 P 公司营销渠道优化方案

  4.1 营销渠道优化的目标﹑思路和原则

  4.1.1 P 公司渠道优化的目标

  4.1.2 P 公司渠道优化的思路

  4.1.3 P 公司渠道优化的原则

  4.2 优化方案的设计

  4.2.1 重设渠道结构

  4.2.2 优化成员的配比

  4.2.3 强化对渠道的控制

  4.3 渠道优化的预期效果

  4.3.1 优化后的渠道结构

  4.3.2 优化后的渠道成员

  4.3.3 优化后的渠道控制

  4.4 本章小结

  第 5 章 优化方案实施

  5.1 实施过程中可能存在的风险

  5.2 优化方案实施的保障措施

  5.2.1 实行网络销售

  5.2.2 建立“一体化式的”合作模式

  5.2.3 建立降低渠道冲突的机制

  5.2.4 建立风险防范机制

  5.3 本章小结

  第 6 章 结论与展望

  6.1 结论

  6.2 展望


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