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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-01-30 共2345字

【第1部分】 约束理论与精益思想在C公司生产中的应用

  摘 要




  最后,本文介绍了约束理论与精益思想相结合的模型在 C 公司生产改善中的应用,解决了困扰 C 公司的难以准时交货的问题和在制品库存居高不下的问题。



  With the subordinated debt crisis from the United States, global economy is indownturn. Many enterprises are facing more tough competition, so they need improvetheir management accordingly. Then Lean Thinking and Theory of Constraints asadvanced methods and tools are increasingly being recognized by the enterprise, andare applied into practice. However, the more enterprises fail to improve theirmanagement.

  This paper studies the similarities and differences between Lean Thinking andTheory of Constraints, and analyzes their advantages and limitations. In the case ofactual capacity less than the customer demand, which means that constraint exists inthe production, if we implement the lean production according to the five steps ofLean Thinking(define value, identify value stream, make value flow, pull value flowaccording to the customer demand, perfection ), it is so difficult to achieve the desiredeffect. While the five step of Theory of Constraints (identify bottleneck, exploitbottleneck, Subordinate bottleneck, elevate bottleneck, go back to step one) can helpthe enterprise manage bottleneck, and systemically move bottleneck out of production.

  But when it comes to detail cases, Theory of Constraints lacks practical tools andmethods, and the effect is the same too. Fortunately Lean Thinking can provide manypractical improvement tools and methods for exploiting and elevating bottleneck.

  Furthermore, construct improvement model combining Theory of Constraints andLean Thinking, and this model puts customer demand onto the first priority. Whenenterprises can not meet customer demand, they use Theory of Constraints to manageproduction bottleneck strategically, use Lean Thinking to implement relatedimprovement tactically. After meet customer demand, according to value streammapping of Lean Thinking, implement continuous improvement.

  Finally, this paper introduces the improvement case in C enterprise with themodel of combining Theory of Constraints and Lean Thinking, which help solve ontime delivery and reduce WIP (work in process) in production line.

  Key word: Lean Thinking, Theory of Constraints, customer demand, value,bottleneck

  目 录

  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景原因

  1.2 研究意义目的

  1.3 研究范围

  第二章 文献综述

  2.1 精益思想(Lean Thinking)

  2.1.1 精益思想的起源

  2.1.2 精益思想的特点

  2.1.3 精益思想的方法

  2.1.4 精益思想的工具

  2.2 约束理论(Theory of Constraints)

  2.2.1 约束理论的起源

  2.2.2 约束理论的特点

  2.2.3 约束理论的方法

  2.2.4 约束理论的工具

  第三章 TOC+LEAN 改善模型的建立与流程介绍

  3.1 约束理论与精益思的比较分析

  3.1.1 约束理论与精益思想的相同之处

  3.1.2 约束理论与精益思想的不同之处

  3.2 约束理论与精益思相结合的改善模型(TOC+LEAN)

  3.2.1 改善模型(TOC+LEAN)的构建

  3.2.2 满足客户需求是第一要务

  3.2.3 精益思想对管理瓶颈的启发

  3.2.4 价值流图贯穿精益改善

  3.2.5 持续改进中关注瓶颈

  第四章 C 公司生产改善的应用实例

  4.1 C 公司封边压电陶瓷生产的现状

  4.1.1 C 公司的背景介绍

  4.1.2 C 公司封边压电陶瓷的工艺流程

  4.1.3 C 公司封边压电陶瓷的主要原材料

  4.2 C 公司在生产中的问题及分析

  4.2.1 C 公司在生产中的问题

  4.2.2 对生产环节中问题的分析

  4.2.3 相关数据的收集

  4.3 C 公司生产的改善过程

  4.3.1 实际产能与客户需求的比较

  4.3.2 深挖与突破瓶颈

  4.3.3 消除浪费中追求完美

  4.3.4 定期审视改善策略

  4.4 效果评价

  4.4.1 准时交货率 100%

  4.4.2 在制品库存降低

  第五章 结束语

  5.1 总结

  5.1.1 坚持客户满意为目标

  5.1.2 坚持持续改进的精神

  5.1.3 注重理论,更尊重实际情况

  5.2 改进中的不足和建议

  5.2.1 改进中面临的不足

  5.2.2 对不足的建议



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