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来源:中国政法大学 作者:程玉
发布于:2017-02-06 共4309字
  气候变化带来的剧变使得世界各国措手不及,频发的各类自然灾害(飓风、海啸、干旱等),使得人类社会根本应接不暇。然而,气候变化对人类生态系统的侵扰、冲击,并不仅限于天气和环境,各种气候变化的影响造成了连锁式的恶性循环反应:干旱导致资源匮乏、枯竭进而引发冲突与战争,海平面上升迫使人类被迫移居、迁徙,物种无法适应环境变化而造成生态系统的瓦解。气候变化不利影响在给加拿大、美国等高纬度国家带来冻土溶化后本国资源可开采量增加的同时,也使得许多地方如北极冰川地区、非洲达尔富尔地区、南亚孟加拉国地区、美国大西洋和墨西哥海湾地区以及南太平洋地区因为气候变化造成的干旱、洪灾等进而导致了人口的大规模迁徙的同时,催生一批批背井离乡的气候难民群体。可以说,气候难民和气候难民国现象的出现揭示了自然界对人类改造全球环境行为的一种负向反馈,构成了人类社会在 21 世纪需要解决的的又一大难题。
  关键词:气候难民 国际气候难民法 国际环境法 国际人权法 国际难民法
  Many countries in the world have not really prepared to deal with thebig changes caused by climate change, such as frequent natural disasters(hurricanes, tsunamis, droughts, etc.)。 However, the impacts of climatechange is not limited to the weather and environment, and the adverseeffects of climate change, such as the shortage and depletion of resources,and the sinking of islands caused by the sea level rise have forced a lot ofhuman beings to relocate and immigrant, and induced the issues ofworldwide climate refugees and climate refugee countries. The emergenceof the phenomenon reveals a negative feedback to the human society fromglobal environment, and it will be a big problem in the world in the 21stcentury.
  As a special disadvantaged group, the international climate refugeesmust obtain relief from the international society. However, the unbalancedeffects caused by the climate change reveals that the countries generatingclimate refugees can't give full relief and in need of the intervention of theinternational community. International law is an important legal tool tomobilize the international system to take positive action to deal with theinternational affairs, and the climate refugees should be incorporated intothe policy agenda in the world. Based on the research of the existinginternational legal protection system, we can find that there are manysimilarities between the climate refugees and other special group, such astraditional refugees, migration and stateless. But because of the target andthe limited tools of the traditional international laws, the protection usingthese mechanisms is very hard to realize. Therefore, in the context of thetime of rapidly development in economy and environment, theinternational rules must face to the future, rather than blindly inertia forthe past. We should compare the advantages and disadvantages of theexisting international legal tools, and insist on the legislative ideas ofsystem integration and problems connecting, and regard the issue ofclimate refugees as a problem combing the international climate changeadaptation with protection of basic rights of refugees.
  As a new and problem-oriented academic field of study, internationalclimate refugee law has an integrated feature; therefore it should becomeindependent legislative department of international law. Thus, theestablishment of a scientific and rational international climate refugee lawhas become the inevitable requirement of solving the problem of climaterefugees. This paper will comprehensively study the basic legislativeproblems of the new department of the international law, outline the basicfeatures of the law, and provide some predictions and legislative proposalsof the construction of subsequent system. In addition to the introductionand conclusion, the topic focuses on four basic questions. Firstly, thischapter will define the concept of international climate refugee law. Thechapter would sequentially define the concept by the existing analysis pathin theory, propose new ideas to define the concept, and distinguishdifferent types of international climate refugees according to the country'sdifferent situation in the end. Secondly, this paper will discuss thenecessity of the international climate refugee law. On the basis of theconcept of international climate refugee as defined in the first chapter, thischapter will define the concept of legal norms system of internationalclimate refugee law, and then the analysis of the feasibility and limitationsof existing international legal mechanisms can be used to protect the issueof climate refugees. Above all, there is a need to re-build a new system ofthe international climate refugee law to meet the needs of protecting theclimate refugees. Thirdly, this paper will introduce the main content ofinternational climate refugee law including three issues as follows, thelegislative model, the fundamental principles and the specific legal system.
  Finally, the chapter will discuss the basic views and solution that will beused by the china to participate in the affairs of the climate refugees.
  KEY WORDS: climate refugee; international climate refugee law;international environmental law; international human right law;international refugee law

  目 录
  引 言
  第一章 国际气候难民法律概念之国际法界定
  第二章 现有国际气候难民法律规范体系之适用
  第三章 未来国际气候难民立法构成要素之设想
  第四章 中国参与国际气候难民治理之立场与策略
  结 论
  致 谢
原文出处:程玉. 国际气候难民立法基本问题研究[D].中国政法大学,2016.
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