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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-04-28 共2792字
  本研究的主要目的是评定影响辽宁省高端酒店员工流失的内在因素。这些因素包括员工对酒店行业认可度和工作满意度两类,前者涉及员工行业热情、对自身工作的认知以及工作对员工家庭生活和社交生活的影响;后者涉及员工组织忠诚度、与上级领导的关系、工作保障以及工资和额外福利。本文构建了酒店员工流失理论模型并提出七个假设,通过检验七个假设的成立与否判断员工行业认可度和工作满意度是否影响辽宁省高端酒店员工的离职意图。调查对象来自于辽宁省 12 家星级酒店(四星级及以上)。
  本研究建立酒店员工流失影响因素调查量表,通过问卷发放和数据处理最终获得884 份有效问卷。通过 AMOS17.0 所建立的酒店员工流失模型对假设进行验证,结果表明员工对行业与组织的热情度和组织忠诚度两项与酒店员工离职意图负相关;工作中的乏味感与工作保障和收入两项与酒店员工离职意图正相关;工作对社交和家庭生活的影响、与上级领导的关系以及额外福利三项与员工离职意图的具体关系未能得到充分支持。
  With the continuous improvement of living standard, Chinese tourism industry hasdevelped rapidly during recent years. The competition of hotel industry, especially star hotels,is increasingly fiercer. Actually, the competition among the hotels is the fight of the talentsresources. However, the high employee turnover rate problem always exists. And its influenceand severity is expanding every year. This problem has become a common problem in thehotel industry all over the world and has been a constraint of the hotels' healthy growth.
  The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse the internal factors that influnce high-endhotels'emplyee turnover in Liaoning Province. These factors include the employee'srecognition of hotel industry and the job satisfaction. The former factor involves employee'sindustry enthusiasm, their recognition on their own work and the influence on their family andsocial life. The latter one is related to employee organizational loyalty, the relationship withleaders, the guarantee of the work, wages and additional welfare. In this thesis, the employeeturnover theoretical model is established and seven hypotheses are put forward. By testingwhether these seven hypotheses are true, we could estimate whether the employee'srecognition of hotel industry and job satisfaction have influence on the demission intention ofLiaoning Province's high-end hotel employees. Respondents come from different twelveLiaoning Province hotels (Above four stars)。
  This research establishes a questionnaire of the hotel employee's turnover influencingfactors. And then the questionnaires are distributed and the data are processed. Finally weobtain 884 valid questionnaires. The hypothesises are verified by the hotel employee turnovermodel which is established by AMOS17.0. The results shows that the employee's industrialand organizitional enthusiasm and loyalty shows negative correlation with the employeedimission intention. The sense of tedious work, job guarantee and income show the positivecorrelation with employee dimission intention. The influence on the social and family life,relationship with leaders and additional welfare don't show the specific influence on theemployee dimission intention. Finally, this thesis analyses whether the employee's individualdifferences have significant influence on the various employee's turnover influnceing factors.
  The gender has no significant effect on the dimission intention, but the employees seniorityand education backgraound have significant influences. The innovation of this study: it is thefirst time that uses the structural equation model to explore the internal factors that influencesthe Liaoning Province Hotels' employee turnover. There is little related literature aiming atLiaoning Province high-end hotel, so the results of this thesis have great theoretical andpractical significance for the future construction of Liaoning Province high-end hotel humanresources departments.
  Key Words: High-end hotels, Employee turnover, Job satisfaction, Demission intention

  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 选题背景及意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状及评述
  1.2.1 国内研究现状
  1.2.2 国外研究现状
  1.2.3 国内外研究现状及评述
  1.3 研究内容及方法
  1.3.1 研究内容
  1.3.2 研究方法
  1.4 研究创新
  第 2 章 相关理论基础
  2.1 相关概念
  2.1.1 酒店等级概念
  2.1.2 员工流失的概念
  2.2 结构方程模型相关理论
  2.2.1 结构方程模型简介
  2.2.2 结构方程的特点
  第 3 章 辽宁省高端酒店人力资源现状及员工流失影响因素分析
  3.1 辽宁省酒店人力资源现状
  3.2 辽宁省高端酒店员工流失现状分析
  3.2.1 职工流失问题严重
  3.2.2 酒店缺乏人才优势
  3.2.3 酒店职工大量涌入外行业
  3.3 导致辽宁省高端酒店员工流失的因素
  第 4 章 研究设计
  4.1 研究假设
  4.2 问卷设计与数据采集
  4.2.1 问卷设计
  4.2.2 数据采集
  第 5 章 数据处理与分析
  5.1 无响应偏差估计
  5.2 调查数据预处理
  5.3 项目分析
  5.4 相关分析和信度与效度检验
  5.4.1 相关分析
  5.4.2 信度检验
  5.4.3 效度检验
  5.5 实证结果
  5.6 结果讨论
  第 6 章 个体因素与员工离职意向关系的比较分析
  6.1 性别与员工离职意向的关系
  6.2 年龄与员工离职意向的关系
  6.3 学历与员工离职意向的关系
  第 7 章 结论
  7.1 研究结论
  7.2 研究不足与展望
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