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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-22 共2296字

  摘 要






  When the film and television animation as a popular known as the emerging culture art,its unique symbol system, communication and cultural value, virtually influence on modernand contemporary people's thought, behavior and communication way, it will introduce realpeople from false, and provides a deep understanding the world and understand the differentnational culture, to participate in the vast space of cultural exchange. At the same time, alongwith the coming of information age, the “globalization” development of animation art, alsoprovided a broader, more quickly, more convenient exchange and communication opportunity,make its sending a unique charm in cross-cultural communication.

  For film and television animation art as human and cultural ideology of special art form,has always been to get people's attention, and in an unstoppable momentum gradually comeinto our lives, to attract our generation after generation. It with its own unique artistic form,presents a microcosm of social culture, and exert a subtle influence on changing socialenvironment, influence people's behavior in daily life. It can build a different from the real life,give people the feeling of the “real”. People also through experience to feel an unprecedentednumber of high-tech audio-visual feeling, so, what is the formation and development ofanimation art? Differences and relationship between the style of is what? What reason iscaused our country animation art huge gap with other countries? Is the gap between technicallevel, is the creative team level standard, is the formation of animation art industry scale, orbehind the lack of historical culture and national style? In virtual animation to bring thepeople behind enjoy unlimited audio-visual and spur, and hidden suggests how social andcultural phenomenon? In the contemporary animation art creation, to discuss and study thesocial and cultural phenomenon, and the reason for the lack of national cultural style andaesthetic value, it is necessary.

  Key words :Sociology of art; “Secondary yuan” animation; Art and music ;Virtual;National culture; Aesthetic Features

    目 录

  摘 要……I


  绪 论……1

  一、 本课题的研究目的与意义 ……1

  二、 目前的研究现状 ……2

  三、采用的研究方法与手段 ……4

  第一章 “动画”与“二次元”的发展起源及其生成背景……5

  第一节 “动画”的定义、起源及发展状况 ……5




  第二节 “二次元”概念辨析及其文化的生成背景 ……8



  第二章 影视动画中美术、音乐及电影语言元素的研究……11

  第一节 影视动画中造型艺术的创作体现 ……11

  一、 美国动画造型艺术的创作体现……11

  二、 日本动画造型艺术的创作体现……13


  第二节 动画音乐的发展与创作特征 ……17






  第三章 不同民族文化下动画艺术的发展规律及其审美特点……26

  第一节 中国动画艺术民族化风格的彰显 ……26

  --以动画影片《神笔马良》与《骄傲的将军》为例 ……26

  第二节 美国动画艺术全球视野下的多元化融合 ……28

  --以动画影片《花木兰》与《功夫熊猫》为例 ……28

  第三节 日本动画民族化与现代化的艺术体现 ……29

  第四节 中、美、日影视动画艺术发展的差异 ……31

  第五节 中国动画艺术审美价值的缺失 ……33

  第四部分 虚拟文化在现代社会中的地位……35

  第一节 影视动画艺术中的虚拟性存在 ……35

  第二节 虚拟文化与现实世界的对立与互溶 ……37

  第三节 动漫衍生产品的人文情怀 ……40

  结 语……43


  致 谢……49

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