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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-07 共2961字

【第1部分】 中美两国中小学舞蹈普及与发展比较

  摘 要



  关键词:中美中小学舞蹈教育 普及型舞蹈教育制度 专业型舞蹈教育制度 舞蹈教育理念 舞蹈教育模式


  At present, China's education cause rapid development at the same time, from time to time,draw lessons from the successful experience of foreign education results in the developedcountries, but how in the current situation for reference and study the success of others, and toimprove the development of dance education in our country, has become a dance educationworkers the expected. To dance education in China as early as possible to understand thesituation clearly, and out of trouble, this article combed the dance popularization education ofprimary and secondary schools with the American model in our country, from thecomparative analysis, this paper not only to the shallow understanding and introduction, butalso wanted to know the pros and cons of American dance education system, weigh theadvantages and disadvantages, to open up new prospects for the dance education system inour country. Is given priority to with analysis and comparison, this paper claims, giveattention to two or morethings in than dance popularity of primary and secondary schools inChina and the United States, on the basis of a comprehensive review of the two countries inthe education system of primary and secondary schools dance education development presentsituation, points out that the advantages and disadvantages of dance education, the twocountries finally summarizes the development program, which are beneficial to the danceeducation of elementary and secondary schools in China nowadays.

  In this paper, including introduction, four chapters and conclusion, a total of six parts. Theintroduction part mainly illustrates the research questions, research significance and researchmethod of this article. In the first chapter, mainly discusses the general situation of danceeducation system of primary and secondary schools of China and the United States, analysisof China's professional dance education system with the United States for affordable gap ofdance education system, and points out the advantages of American popular dance educationsystem. The second chapter mainly introduces the concept of dance education of primary andsecondary schools of China and the United States, to show the difference. The third chaptermainly compares the dance training goal of education of China and the United States isdifferent, China mainly cultivate professional dance talents as the goal, while the UnitedStates is committed to itself and the social and personal growth. Chapter iv, respectivelydiscusses the differences of dance education mode in China and the United States, and pointsout that the reasonable education mode of the meaning of students' physical and mentaldevelopment. Conclusion is, to the promotion of the first four chapters on the height from theeducation system, education idea, training target and education pattern several aspectssummarized the different features of dance education of primary and secondary schools, andweigh the pros and cons, and put forward the suggestion that can draw lessons from, so thatour country middle and primary school dance education system to open a new situation.

  Keywords:Dance education of primary and secondary schools of China and the UnitedStates;Affordable dance education system;Professional dance education system ;Danceeducation concept ; Dance education mode.

  摘 要


  目 录

  绪 论






  第一章 中美中小学舞蹈教育制度的差异性










  第二章 中美中小学舞蹈教育理念的差异性










  第三章 中美中小学舞蹈教育模式的差异性














  结 论


  致 谢

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