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来源:贵州民族大学 作者:肖德玉
发布于:2017-03-16 共1862字

【题目】 贵州民间布贴的艺术形式与文化意蕴研究
【4.1 4.2】布贴的纹样分类与艺术风格
  摘 要
  Fabric patch is an art form derived form “patch”, which has been widely used incivil society life. Its research, in art form and fabrication techniques, is involvingethnic, historical, cultural and other aspects, and provided a profound reflection of therelationship between civil society, economic and cultural aspects of life.
  Guizhou is a multi-ethnic province with rich and colorful folk culture. Fabricpatch, as an art form, is also widely rooted in Guizhou ethnic life, which pattern isdiversity and production process complexity. It possess a strong geographical andcultural characteristics, and has high artistic value and cultural value. Its furtherinvestigation and research, are not only ethnic, historical, geographical, but alsomodern.
  In this paper, a lot of field surveys are made to collect first-hand informationabout civil Fabric patch from the social life of all ethnic groups in Guizhou withethnology, anthropology of art, fine arts, graphics and other research methods. Andthe research is made on its style patterns, art, cultural implications. Because Fabricpatch as a comprehensive art form, items with it's decorative technique , are oftenclassified in particular in the form of embroidery in the past, while ignoring thepresence of Fabric patch be. This thesis presents it's true from fuzzy. The use ofFabric patch, in various social life of ethnic groups in Guizhou, possesses a variety offorms of craftsmanship, whose specific characteristics are without taking into account.
  Based on field investigation, we made a more thorough record. Folk art exists as aliving state, attached to the economic and social self-sufficiency in agriculture. Withthe evolution of modern production and lifestyle, will inevitably fall into a deeplycrisis. How to inheritance and development, are the questions of national and culturalstrategy,also the significance reflects of multicultural presence. In this paper, specialattention is attached to the application of Fabric patch in modern industry whilesurveying the development of folk culture industry, and some suggests are puttedforward.
  Keywords: Fabric patch ; National folk ; Guizhou

  目 录
  第一章 绪论
  1.1 布贴释义
  1.2 国内外研究综述
  1.3 研究意义及方法
  第二章 贵州民间布贴概况
  2.1 布贴溯源
  2.2 布贴分布
  第三章 贵州民间布贴的运用及制作工艺
  3.1 布贴的运用
  3.2 布贴的制作工艺
  第四章 贵州民间布贴的艺术特色及文化内涵
  4.1 布贴的纹样分类
  4.2 布贴的艺术风格
  4.3 布贴的文化内涵
  第五章 贵州民间布贴在现代设计中的应用及思考
  5.1 布贴在现代设计中的应用
  5.2 布贴的传承与发展
原文出处:肖德玉. 贵州民间布贴研究[D].贵州民族大学,2016.
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