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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-04 共2118字




  绪 论

  1.1 选题依据

  1.1.1 教育发展对体育教师的知识和能力提出了更高的要求

  1.1.2 基础教育体育课程对体育教师的知识和能力素养提出了更高的要求

  1.1.3 人才培养对高中篮球教练员的知识和能力素养提出更高的要求

  1.2 研究现状

  1.2.1 体育教师能力素养的研究

  1.2.2 体育教师知识素养的研究

  1.3 研究的目的和意义

  1.3.1 研究目的

  1.3.2 研究意义

  2 研究对象与研究方法

  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.2.1 文献资料法

  2.2.2 调查法

  2.2.3 数理统计法

  3 研究结果与分析

  3.1 承德地区重点高中篮球教练员师资队伍现状

  3.1.1 承德地区重点高中篮球教练员的年龄结构

  3.1.2 承德地区重点高中篮球教练员的性别结构

  3.1.3 承德地区重点高中篮球教练员的学历结构

  3.1.4 承德地区重点高中篮球教练员的教龄和职称构成

  3.2 承德地区重点高中篮球教练员知识素养调查与分析

  3.2.1 一般性基础知识的调查与分析

  3.2.2 专业学科知识的调查与分析

  3.2.3 体育教育教学知识的调查与分析

  3.3 承德地区重点高中篮球教练员能力素养调查与分析

  3.3.1 教学能力素养的调查与分析

  3.3.2 训练能力素养的调查与分析

  3.3.3 组织管理能力素养的调查与分析

  3.3.4 指挥比赛能力素养的调查与分析

  3.3.5 科研能力素养的调查与分析






  本文运用文献资料、访谈法、问卷调查法以及数理统计法等研究方法,以河北省承德市 25 所高级中学的篮球教练员的知识和能力素养为研究对象,对河北省承德市高级中学的篮球教练员的知识和能力情况进行调查研究。



  关键词:重点高中教练员 知识素养 能力素养


  As an important component of modern general education, Key High schoolphysical education plays a privotal role of developing students' comprehensivequalities from overall. The knowledge and ability of physical education teachers is animportant factor restricting teachers to improve the teaching effect. To find out thepresent status of the knowledge and ability of key high school basketball coacheshelps to understand the current real situation of development of education in key highschool basketball and the basis of software on which key high school basketballeducational refrom builds on in futrue, and also contribute to the expansion ofknowledge structure of key high school basketball coaches and improving theirteaching abilities.

  By using the literature material method, the interview method, questionnaire andmathematical statistic method, this article conducts research on the situation ofknowledge and ability of the basketball coaches from 25 key high schools in ChengdeCity, Hebei province.

  The analysis of the results from the investigation on knowledge system andability structure shows that there is fewer highly educated coaches or those withhigher academic titles and there is gender imbanlance in coaches for more males. Theresearch finds that coaches master more traditional physical teaching knowledges, arefamiliar with knowledges linked heavily to their daily work and grasp thecorresponding capacity, and they master poorly knowledges lingke to the newsyllabus and corresponding capacities.

  In the light of the problems of knowledge system and capacity structure of thehigh school blaketball coaches from Chengde city, the article finds out the factorswhich lead to inadequte level of basketball coaches' knowledge system and abilitystructure, and comes up with the improvements to it. Finally, this study would suggestthe reliable foundation for improving the quality of high school physical educationand the basketball talent-cultivation level.

  Key Words: the key high school blaketball coaches; knowledge system

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