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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-04 共4197字

  摘 要






  关键词:体育 健康 课程 实施


  School physical education is an important part of school education, is one of main methods torealize all-round development of students. As well as other courses also unceasingly in the reformof physical education curriculum. Sports and health curriculum standards related to theimplementation of the school physical education curriculum reform, for the smooth progress inschool sports and play a important role in the school sports fitness function. In the process of theimplementation of physical education and health standards will encounter some problems, only torecognize these problems, find out the ways and means to solve the problem, the reform of schoolphysical education can smoothly. This study langfang ordinary high school students and PEteachers and related leadership as the research object, through the literature method,questionnaire method, interview method, mathematical statistics method, induction, researchmethods, such as a high school physical education and health curriculum standardimplementation process in langfang city are studied, find out problems and improvementmeasures are put forward. In the study, the following conclusions:

  (1) the langfang most high school students interested in physical education, but less interestin physical education classes. This suggests that the students of physical education, to open aproject, teachers of physical education organizations have a certain appeal. In physical educationcurriculum in the part of students' learning attitude is not correct. Students with relevant healthknowledge, sports health promotion theory, lack of knowledge, students have stronger motivationto learn about health care. Students' interest to participate in extracurricular sports activities ishigher, the school in ex-curricular sports activities of the organization and management isinsufficient, should guarantee the school extracurricular sports activities of the time and place, therequired equipment.

  (2) in the process of physical education teachers in class on the basis of students' personalitycharacteristics, interests, organizing sports seem to be insufficient, the class is given priority towith the teacher. In physical education teaching evaluation is mostly about teachers' finalevaluation, physical fitness and skills, the main content of the evaluation process of mutualevaluation of middle school students' self-assessment evaluation is insufficient. The evaluationcontent should reflect the evaluation of sports health knowledge, emotion, attitude.

  (3) in the implementation of physical education and health curriculum target, the students'physical fitness and enhanced skills are not obvious. This only reflected in langfang city highschool physical education effect is not obvious. From the class and the quality of the class of theimplementation of the process further to solve some problems.

  (4) in the aspect of teachers and sport equipment, basic can satisfy the needs in langfang cityhigh school, for the implementation of PE and health course provides the basic guarantee. On thisbasis should constantly improve the teachers structure and equipment is equipped with,especially for physical education teachers training opportunities. Most leadership more support interms of leadership attaches great importance to the implementation of PE and health course, theteachers' participation in training and exchange activities have more support.

  Keywords: curriculum standard implementation effect

  目 录



  引 言

  1 文献综述

  1.1 课程实施的研究

  1.2 体育与健康课程实施的研究

  2 研究对象与方法

  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.2.1 文献资料法

  2.2.2 问卷调查法

  2.2.3 专家访谈法

  2.2.4 逻辑分析法

  2.2.5 数理统计法

  3 研究结果与分析

  3.1 廊坊市高中体育与健康课程实施现状分析

  3.1.1 学生参与体育与健康课程的兴趣与积极性

  3.1.2 教学中师生关系的处

  3.1.3 体育与健康课程教学组织现状

  3.1.4 学生对体育与健康知识的掌握

  3.1.5 学生上课学习态度

  3.1.6 体育与健康课程评价

  3.1.7 体育与健康课程实施对学生体能、技能的影响

  3.1.8 体育与健康课程场地、器材的配备

  3.1.9 体育与健康课程师资配备

  3.1.10 体育与健康课程实施过程中的困难

  3.1.11 课程实施中的领导重视与支持

  3.1.12 体育与健康课程实施的保障措施

  3.1.13 教师参与课程实施的积极性

  3.1.14 课外活动开展情况

  3.1.15 体育教师参加培训情况

  3.1.16 领导对体育教师参加培训的支持情况

  3.2 廊坊市高中体育与健康课程实施中存在的问题

  3.2.1 领导的重视程度应进一步提升

  3.2.2 体育教师思想与理念有待转变

  3.2.3 体育教师的培训滞后

  3.2.4 学生的参与体育课的兴趣有待提高

  3.2.5 教学组织不合理

  3.2.6 体育教学中健康教育缺失

  3.2.7 教学评价合理性不足

  3.2.8 教师教学的监督与管理不到位

  3.2.9 课外活动开展不力

  3.3 廊坊市高中体育与健康课程实施改善对策

  3.3.1 提升领导的重视程度

  3.3.2 改变教师的思想和观念

  3.3.3 完善体育教师的培训制度

  3.3.4 提升学生参与体育课的兴趣

  3.3.5 丰富教学的组织形式

  3.3.6 加强思想教育与体育行为引导

  3.3.7 体育教学评价的改善措施

  3.3.8 加强教学的监督

  3.3.9 保证课外活动的开展



  致 谢


  引 言









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