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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-05-18 共2604字

【第1部分】 小学家校合作的现状与改进策略







  【关键词】小学家校合作 现状调査 对策研究


  As we all know , in the course of a child's growth , schools and families who are a pairof education can not be separated . Both school and family from a different space, time,occupy almost the entire student life . So,no matter which side appears “negligence ''

  on the student's overall healthy growth and development there ”hidden That is, on theone hand,schools need the support and cooperation of parents , family educationschools need to give scientific guidance and help ; on the other hand,if the teachers donot know the specific circumstances of the student in the home,parents do not knowthe child specific performance of the school,the two disjointed,there will be “ blindspot” in education is not conducive to the child's upbringing and education . So, as longas the schools, parents and teachers in unison with each other and promote each other,forming a mutual convergence and complementary complete scientific educationsystem,education to succeed.

  In promoting quality education today , home-school has become a topic of growingconcern and focus,attention to home-school cooperation has become an important partof school education reform is to improve the overall quality of education one of our key .

  While we need to continue to increase investment in education to improve theprofessional skills of teachers and the quality of morality , on the other hand shouldvigorously to build a new model of home-school cooperation and countermeasures.

  In the schools have to enhance home-school education to work together and do aform such as the establishment of parent committees , offering parents the school,parents seek payment submission,the parents held a variety of home-school form ofseminars,etc. Today,we can say,how to better play home-school education in theschools of education and the role of the family is worthy of our study.

  As a research subject,starting from the basic theory of home-school cooperation,conduct research for the status of a home-school primary school in Fuxin City . In thisstudy, in the form of teachers and parents in the questionnaire survey conducted by theresults of the questionnaire on the status of a primary school in Fuxin City, home-schoolcooperation for research , and improve the current situation in order to suggestimprovements to the elementary school cooperation strategies and the feasibility ofproposals.

  The paper is divided into four parts : The first part is to ask questions . Includingresearch background and origin,significance, definition, literature review and researchideas,processes and research methods ; second part of the findings of a primary schoolhome-school status quo Fuxin draw graphs for analysis ; third part is from the schoolmanagement, teachers and parents attribution analysis for three levels of a primaryschool home-school status quo Fuxin ; fourth part is to improve the status of theproposed improvements and coping strategies in elementary school cooperationattribution basis.

  【Keywords】 Primary School Co-operation; Status Survey; Strategies

























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