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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-15 共1718字

【第1部分】 食品监管渎职罪相关问题探究





  From the point of view of the offense, the harm of this crime behavior regulationand food including food regulation of abuse of power by dereliction of duty behaviorof two kinds of behaviors, which include “has no right to make free with” and “shallhave the right to abuse” these two kinds of behaviors, the latter refers to “fails toperform or not to perform the labor” behavior. Both food regulatory misconduct caneither “as” methods of implementation way of “inaction”. From the point of view ofharm result, two kinds of food regulatory misconduct caused harm result should setup the necessary food regulation of malpractice is the constitutive requirements ofcrime elements, its severity can generally through the specific size of the number ofcasualties and property losses and other aspects to consider, exception cases frompolitical influence and social impact of these two aspects to consider. From the pointof view of causality, is “inevitable” directly or causality food safety regulation“directly responsible” objective foundation of criminal responsibility; “Indirectly orby chance” causality is food safety regulation “the person in charge directlyresponsible for” objective foundation of criminal responsibility. From the point ofview of crime subject, the food of the regulation of malpractice crime subject only“the personnel directly responsible for the food safety regulation” this category, notincluding “the personnel responsible for the food safety of indirect regulation”. Fromsubjective perspective, the subjective aspect of food regulation of malpracticecontains both intentionally, also contain errors, and the two form cannot exist at thesame time.

  Key words: behavior; Harm result; Causal relationship; Crime subject; sin forms

  目 录

  摘要 ……II


  目 录 ……IV

  第 1 章 引言 …… 1

  第 2 章 食品监管渎职罪的客观方面…… 3

  2.1 危害行为的表现形式 …… 3

  2.1.1 滥用职权行为 …… 3

  2.1.2 玩忽职守行为 …… 5

  2.2 危害结果的认定 …… 6

  2.2.1 危害结果的性质 …… 6

  2.2.2 危害结果的具体量化 …… 8

  2.3 因果关系的判断 …… 10

  第 3 章 食品监管渎职罪的主体…… 13

  3.1“食品安全监督管理职责”的认定…… 13

  3.1.1 食品安全监督管理的法律法规…… 13

  3.1.2 食品安全监督管理的有关部门…… 14

  3.2 犯罪主体范围的具体确定 …… 16

  3.2.1“负有食品安全监管职责的直接人员”是本罪主体…… 16

  3.2.2“负有食品安全间接监管职责的人员”不是本罪主体…… 17

  第 4 章 食品监管渎职罪的主观方面…… 20

  4.1 食品监管渎职罪的罪过形式之争…… 20

  4.1.1“单一罪过说”…… 20

  4.1.2“复合罪过说”…… 25

  4.1.3“混合罪过说”…… 26

  4.1.4“模糊罪过说”…… 26

  4.2 食品监管渎职罪的罪过形式争议之评析…… 27

  4.3 食品监管渎职罪的罪过形式之我见…… 28

  第 5 章 结语 …… 31

  致谢 …… 32

  参考文献 …… 33

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