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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2018-04-23 共1892字

【【题目】】 第三人过错侵权责任赔偿问题探析

  摘 要

  侵权责任法的出台为保护各类民事主体的合法权益提供了较为详细的方法和途径,在保障民事主体合法权益方面起到了指导性的作用,且在很多制度上有创新之处。但第三人在什么情况下构成侵权,或者在确定构成侵权时其责任如何承担等问题,侵权责任法没有制定详细的规定。尽管在侵权责任法的第 28 条强调了第三人在造成损害结果时要承担赔偿的责任,但此项规定存在很多争议,即第三人侵权造成损害时其他的侵权人是否还需要承担责任,以及第三人侵权的主观心态不同时认定标准是否相同等等,而且侵权责任法中第三人往往作为“称谓词”出现,其具体含义如何界定、归责原则如何适用,法律都没有作出明确的规定。


  关键词:第三人; 第三人过错侵权行为;第三人过错侵权责任;因果关系。


  Introduction of tort liability law provides detailed methods and ways for the protection ofall kinds of civil rights, to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the civil subject hasplayed a guiding role, and innovations in many system. However, under the circumstances ofthe infringement of the third or how to bear the responsibility when determining theinfringement, the tort liability law has not formulated detailed provisions. In spite of the tortliability law article twenty-eighth emphasizes third people have to bear the damages in theresult of damage caused by the responsibility, but this shall have a lot of disputes, namely thethird person tort damages whether other people also need to bear the liability of tort, and thethird person infringement subjective mentality and determining whether the same standardand so on and the third person tort law as often as appellation, its specific meaning, theimputation principle of how to apply the law are not clearly defined.

  The purpose of this study is to build a new type of tort liability system for the third partyfault, and to provide a more comprehensive solution to the civil rights disputes. Through thefour part of the discussion, I sort out the current legal provisions on the third party, andcombined with the relevant provisions of the third party tort legislation, to build the thirdparty liability for tort liability system feasibility. The author mainly from third elements of tortliability; classification of fault of the third person tort; third person tort liability under theresponsibility of the construction, hope for the legislators in the third party in the field of tortof continuous research and create a reference full of practical and realistic law. Improvinglegislation not only makes the civil subject can find the law to safeguard their legitimaterights and interests, clear the rights and obligations of the parties, but also to find the legalbasis in judicial practice according to the judge, judge the possibility of.

  Key words: third party; third person fault tort; third party fault; tort liability; cause andeffect relationship


  目 录

  引 言

  第一章 我国侵权责任法中第三人过错侵权概述
  第一节 侵权责任法中有关第三人过错侵权的规定
  第二节 侵权责任法中第三人过错侵权存在的问题

  第二章 域外法第三人过错侵权责任比较研究
  第一节 英美法系第三人过错侵权责任
  第二节 大陆法系第三人过错侵权责任
  第三节 域外法第三人过错侵权责任对我国的启示

  第三章 构建我国第三人过错侵权责任制度的必要性分析
  第一节 当代侵权责任法发展的必然趋势
  第二节 侵权行为多样化的必然要求
  第三节 司法审判实践的现实需要

  第四章 我国第三人过错侵权责任制度的构建
  第一节 第三人过错侵权行为的类型
  第二节 第三人过错侵权责任的构成要件
  第三节 第三人过错侵权责任的承担

  结 论
  后 记


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