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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2018-04-23 共2422字

【【题目】】 农村盗窃案件调查研究





  Theft crime is a kind of multiple crime, which is one of the mainfactors that endanger our country's public security. At present in ourcountry since the reform and opening up in the socialist market economicdevelopment, social change of the economic transformation of China’srural construction and development has a great influence, with the rapiddevelopment of the rural economy, rural democratic political constructionin effect, the vigorous development of various undertakings in rural areasat the same time also triggered a series of social problems affect ruralsocial stability. 丁he crime of theft in the countryside is an importantfactor affecting the stability of rural social security, which has causedvarious problems in the current rural security governance. The crime oftheft has become one of the unfavorable factors for the construction anddevelopment of the new countryside. The cases of rural theft are high inrural areas and the scope of the infringement is wide. Therefore, publicsecurity departments should seriously study the cause of the highincidence of rural theft and high incidence of laws, improve rural theftprevention capacity, to prevent combat the detection rate of rural theftcrime, solution measures for the construction of new countryside in Chinais of great importance. To correctly grasp the investigation of ruraltheft cases, to combat the crime of rural theft is to provide a good socialsecurity environment for China' s new rural construction, and it has apositive effect on rural development in China.Laws and characteristics of rural theft crime of longjing citythrough analyzing provice, root of rural theft of longjing city analysisprovice, both law and the cause of the detection rate is not high, usingthe methods of investigation, data analysis, case analysis, the rule andcharacteristics of rural theft crime of longjing city to provice/ causeanalysis, and put forward the methods of prevention and control of ruraltheft crime.Keywords: The status of theft; case analysis; prevention and controlcountermeasures;


  1.1 研究现状

  1.2 研究的目的及意义

  1.3 研究范围及方法

  第一章 龙井市农村盗窃犯罪基本情况及特点

  1.1 龙井市2012年-2016年农村盗窃案件立案、破案情况

  1.1.1 龙井市2012年-2016年农村盗窃案件立案情况

  1.1.2 龙井市2012年-2016年农村盗窃案件破案情况

  1.1.3 龙井市2012年-2016年农村盗窃案件抓获嫌疑人情况

  1.2 龙井市农村盗窃犯罪特点

  1.2.1 龙井市农村犯罪主体呈多为农民和无业人员的特点

  1.2.2 龙井市农村盗窃犯罪侵害对象呈多样性的特点

  1.2.3 龙井市农村盗窃犯罪发案率受公安机关打击政策影响的特点

  1.2.4 龙井市农村犯罪地点选择多为偏僻地带

  1.2.5 北朝鲜境外人员入境盗窃占有一定比例

  第二章 龙井市农村盗窃犯罪成因分析

  2.1 农村地区经济发展不平衡导致盗窃犯罪数量增加

  2.2 社会管理职能不完善导致农村盗窃犯罪高发

  2.3 防盗措施不力给犯罪分子可乘之机

  2.4 农村地区安全防范意识不高维权意识差

  2.5 治安防控体系不健全客观上为农村盗窃犯罪的发生创造了条件

  第三章 龙井市打击农村盗窃犯罪存在的问题

  3.1 基层治安防范力度不足,犯罪空隙和漏洞较多

  3.2 公安机关对农村盗窃犯罪打击及防范方面存在不足

  3.2.1 农村盗窃犯罪打击处理不力,破案率不高

  3.2.2 缺乏对二手市场的有效管理

  3.2.3 派出所管区工作重视不够

  3.3 社会防控体系不健全

  第四章 龙井市农村盗窃犯罪的防治与对策

  4.1 完善基层组织的社会公共管理职能

  4.2 加强法制教育提高法制观念有利于农村盗窃犯罪的防治

  4.3 构建预防农村盗窃犯罪“一张网”工程

  4.3.1 加强公安武装巡逻,提高现行抓获率和破案率

  4.3.2 宣传部门加强宣传防范,做好农村物防技防工作

  4.3.3 构建良性循环的农村社会治安防控防范体系

  4.4 缩小贫富差距是解决农村盗窃案件发生的根本

  4.4.1 完善农村社会保障制度

  4.4.2 加快农村地区产业结构调整升级

  4.4.3 强化农村农民的玫治主体地位,保障农民合法权益

  4.5 建立完善的农村公共服务体系

  4.6 加强边境管控防止境外人员到中国境内实施犯罪




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