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来源:吉林大学 作者:高昕
发布于:2017-02-20 共2849字
  摘 要
  本文首先在先前学者的理论基础上,选择了以价值链作为切入点,剖析商业模式的创新过程。通过对商业模式创新的内涵及视角进行界定与分类,初步说明从价值链切入商业模式创新在理论上的合理性,以及价值链重构所形成的商业模式创新的类型,如价值链延展型、分拆型或价值创新型商业模式创新等,为下文的案例研究提供选择依据和理论支持;其次,本文的案例选择定位于装饰装修行业,一方面由于该行业具有“超级产业链”之称,能较为明显地体现出价值链的变化,另一方面,该行业近年来出现了很多创新型互联网企业,正处于探索创新模式的关键阶段,使得研究更具有中国的情境特色,综上,本文选择该领域的代表性企业齐家网和家装 e 站作为案例研究企业。

  Business model is a concept originated in the 1950's,but until today, in the waveof innovation and entrepreneurship,which is still mentioned as a high-frequency wordand still be treated as a core concept by scholars.Therefore, as time goes on, thebusiness model is changing,the study with innovation of business model is alsodeveloping , which is combined with the reality situations. So,research on businessmodel and its innovation has great practical significance in the age of 'Internet +'.
  Firstly,based on the previous scholars' theoretical, this paper selects theperspective of the value chain to do the study about the innovation of businessmodel.By defining the meaning and classification of the innovation of business model,this paper explains the relationship between the innovation of business model and thevalue chain's reconsitution,then classify it into certain types,such as extended valuechain,splitted value chain and value innovated chain,etc.,which provides thetheoretical support to the following paragraphs. Secondly, the cases of this papercome from the decoration industry for two reasons, on the one hand, this industry hasa 'super chain' whose value chain is long and typical,on the other hand,in recentyears,there were many new internet companies established which is promoting theinnovation and reform of decoration industry.Therefore,Qijia.com andhome-decoration e-station were selected as the representative firms.
  The research framework is divided into three parts,the first part is to explore whythe value chain reconstructs,and what factor leads to the value chain'sreconstruction.The second part explores how to reconstruct the value chain based onthe perspective of the whole and the parts, explores whether the innovative behaviorof different main modules of the value chain is consistent with the overallreconstruction mode.The last part explores how the value chain's reconstruction leadsto the innovation of business model,and whether there is a corresponding relationshipbetween the main modules of the value chain and the elements of business model .
  By analysing the progress of innovation and the reconstruction of the value chainof each company,the following results were found:
  (1) value proposition is the motivation of the reconstruction of value chain;(2) the innovation of each part of value chain agrees with the whole value chain'sreconstruction style;(3) the innovation behaviours of the each part of value chain have correspondingrelations with the elements' innovation of business model.These conclusions have theapplicability,but also have considerable limitations, some of the conclusions still needfurther study like quantitative research to confirm its rationality.
  Key words:
  Business model,Innovation,Value chain,Value proposition

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景及意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.2.1 国外研究现状
  1.2.2 国内研究现状
  1.2.3 研究评述
  1.3 研究方法
  1.4 研究内容及框架
  1.4.1 研究内容
  1.4.2 论文框架
  第 2 章 相关理论基础
  2.1 商业模式与商业模式创新
  2.1.1 商业模式的含义
  2.1.2 商业模式要素及其关系
  2.1.3 商业模式创新
  2.1.4 商业模式创新的类型
  2.1.5 商业模式创新路径
  2.2 价值链相关理论
  2.2.1 价值链的含义
  2.2.2 价值链的重构
  2.3 基于价值链的商业模式创新理论
  2.3.1 价值链与商业模式创新的联系
  2.3.2 价值链视角下商业模式创新的特点
  2.3.3 价值链视角下商业模式创新类型
  第 3 章 装饰装修企业传统商业模式与价值链
  3.1 装饰装修企业传统商业模式
  3.1.1 装饰装修行业的发展历程
  3.1.2 传统企业商业模式研究
  3.1.3 传统企业商业模式的缺点
  3.1.4 传统模式向互联网模式转型趋势
  3.2 装饰装修企业的价值链分析
  3.2.1 传统企业价值链模型
  3.2.2 代表性企业的价值链重构
  第 4 章 案例研究
  4.1 研究设计
  4.1.1 研究方法
  4.1.2 案例企业选择
  4.2 案例描述
  4.2.1 家装 e 站案例
  4.2.2 齐家网案例
  4.3 案例讨论
  4.3.1 案例企业的商业模式创新对比
  4.3.2 研究发现
  4.3.3 研究发现的相关解释
  第 5 章 结论与展望
  5.1 主要结论
  5.2 研究局限及展望
  致 谢
原文出处:高昕. 装饰装修企业商业模式创新的案例研究[D].吉林大学,2016.
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