摘 要
本文共分七部分,第一部分绪论提出问题、研究意义、阐述研究现状,并对研究思路及方法等进行说明。第二部分对民办高职院校战略定位理论基础进行研究。第三部分阐述了民办高职院校战略定位内涵,分析了民办高职院校战略定位内容。第四部分通过运用 PEST 工具,分析高职院校所处的宏观外部环境;利用战略管理的行业分析工具--波特五力模型,具体分析了高职院校所处的行业竞争环境。从民办高职院校所处的宏观层面和民办高校自身的微观层面出发,探讨了目前民办高职院校的优势和劣势。第五部分对民办高职院校战略定位的现状分析,阐述了民办高职院校战略定位的误区:地位定位的偏差、办学性质定位模糊、层次定位的偏差、办学规模定位盲目求大、办学目标定位缺乏特色、办学理念定位不确定。第六部分,案例研究部分,分析美国私立高校的特点及对我国民办高职院校战略定位的启示。最后一部分提出了民办高职院校战略定位的现实依据、原则,服务面向发展目标及任务而进行的一系列前瞻性战略思考与规划活动的构想。
Private-owned vocational colleges is an important part of the private colleges. Inthe course of popularization of the higher edueation in China,private-ownedvocational colleges play an indispensable role.Strategic positioning is the key problemof private-owned vocational colleges development strategy.The construction anddevelopment of private-owned vocational colleges can not get away fromreasonable,scientific,and accurate strategic positioning. In recent years, private-ownedvocational colleges have a great promotion in both quantities and qualities.Butbecause of the weak base and the lack of efficient supports from government,private-owned vocational colleges in China have stayed in the lower level all the time.
In order to drive private-owned vocational colleges to get a promotion and to becompetitive in the higher education field,we have to reconfirm the location of them intwo asepcts,one is the guide of the government,and the other is the collegethemselves.
This paper is totally divided into seven parts. First part is introduction whichintroduces problems,expounds research actuality and narrates the reserch way andmethod etc. Second part is mainly to theory basis of strategic positioning. The third isto expounds strategic positioning connotation of private-owned vocational colleges, toanalyze strategic positioning content. Part four mainly make use of PEST tools toanalyze macro-external environment of private-owned vocational colleges. And useMichael Porter's Five Forces Model to analyze micro-level environment of colleges.
Aims at discussing strengths and weaknesses of private-owned vocational colleges.
The fifth part analyze on the fact of the strategic positioning, and describemisunderstanding of private-owned vocational colleges: the status of positioningerror , level of positioning error, running blindly, the lack of school targeting features,operate in positioning uncertainty etc. Part six is about case research which analyzethe characteristics of American private colleges. The text probes into legalsystem,mode,and appraisal of running as shool etc on the base of comparison. In thelast partbased on the research for some fundamental problems like conception ofstrategic positioning and gives some theoretic solutions.
Key words: The Massification of Higher Education; Private-owned VocationalColleges; Strategic Positioning
目 录
摘 要…… I
英文摘要…… II
1 绪 论…… 1
1.1 问题的提出……1
1.2 研究意义……4
1.2.1 研究民办高职院校战略定位的理论意义……4
1.2.2 研究民办高职院校战略定位的实践意义……4
1.3 文献综述……4
1.4 研究方法及研究思路……9
1.4.1 研究思路……9
1.4.2 研究方法……9
2 民办高职院校战略定位的内涵及其意义…… 10
2.1 民办高职院校战略定位的内涵…… 10
2.2 高等教育大众化阶段民办高职院校战略定位的意义…… 13
3 民办高职院校战略定位理论基础…… 15
3.1 特罗 (MartinTrow)理论 …… 15
3.2 比较优势理论…… 15
3.3 战略定位理论…… 16
4 民办高职院校战略定位的内外部环境分析 …… 18
4.1 民办高职院校外部环境的 PEST 分析…… 18
4.1.1 政治法律环境……18
4.1.2 经济因素……19
4.1.3 社会文化因素……20
4.1.4 科学技术因素……20
4.2 民办高职院校内部环境的五力模型分析…… 21
4.3 民办高职院校劣势、优势分析…… 25
4.3.1 民办高职院校发展的劣势……25
4.3.2 民办高职院校发展的优势……29
5 民办高职院校战略定位的现状分析…… 33
5.1 地位定位偏差…… 33
5.2 办学性质定位模糊…… 34
5.3 层次定位偏差…… 34
5.4 办学规模定位盲目求大…… 35
5.5 办学目标定位缺乏特色…… 36
5.6 办学理念定位不明确…… 37
6 美国社区学院的特点及启示…… 39
6.1 美国社区学院的特点…… 39
6. 2 美国社区学院对我国民办高职院校战略定位的启示…… 40
7 对民办高职院校合理战略定位的构想…… 42
7.1 民办高职院校战略定位的现实依据…… 42
7.1.1 影响民办高职院校合理战略定位的内部因素……42
7.1.2 影响民办高职院校合理战略定位的社会需求因素……43
7.2 民办高职院校战略定位的原则…… 44
7.2.1 民办高职院校的战略定位要体现前瞻性……45
7.2.2 民办高职院校的战略定位要体现独特性……45
7.2.3 民办高职院校的战略定位要体现竞争性和合作性……45
7.2.4 民办高职院校的战略定位要体现适应性……45
7.3 对民办高职院校合理战略定位的构想……45
7.3.1 立足社会经济发展的战略定位……46
7.3.2 立足高等教育系统的战略定位……47
7.3.3 立足民办高职院校的战略定位……48
结 语…… 50
参考文献…… 51
致 谢…… 53