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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-02-09 共3753字

【第1部分】 幼儿攻击行为与自我调控能力的关系研究

  摘 要。



  本研究采用同伴提名、问卷调查等研究方法探讨了 3-5 岁幼儿攻击性行为的发展特点及其与自我控制能力和情绪调节策略间的关系。具体研究的问题包括:幼儿攻击性行为的一般发展特点及幼儿攻击性行为、自我控制能力和情绪调节策略间的关系。

  采用整群抽样的方法,从济南市三所幼儿园选取 236 名幼儿为研究被试,采用同伴提名法考察幼儿攻击性行为,采用问卷调查法评定幼儿的自我控制能力和情绪调节策略的运用。


  第一,3-5 岁幼儿攻击性行为具有显着的性别差异和年龄差异:男孩的身体攻击、言语攻击、财物攻击多于女孩;4 岁组幼儿的身体攻击和财物攻击多于 3 岁组和 5 岁组,且5 岁组攻击性行为最少;但言语攻击和关系攻击无年龄差异。





  Abstract:Aggressive behaviors' development and control is one of the most important research fieldsof developmental psychology. The development of children's aggressive behaviors can affecttheir personality, moral character, and the attack and violence is becoming an increasinglyserious problem worldwidely, so the researchers and society attaches great importance to therelated reseaches for their important significance, and a series of important progress has beenmade.

  On the factors of children aggressive behavior, Existing researches have revealed theoccurrence and development of young children's aggressive behaviors are related to their innerfactors like physiological, cognitive, emotional feelings and outer factors such as socialenvironment. Many studies have shown that as an important performance of children's cognitiveand emotional development , self-control abilities and emotion regulation abilities are associatedwith children's aggressive behaviors. In fact, aggressive behavior is a kind of complex behavior,and is not only influenced by single factors. Moreover, emotional regulation strategy is animportant index of emotion regulation ability, the selections and applications of emotionregulation strategies are closely related to children's self-control which is one kind ofpsychological activities. Therefore, a complicated relationship should be existed amongchildren's aggressive behaviors, self control abilities and emotion regulation strategies.

  In this study, we adopted peer nomination and questionnaire survey methods to explore thedevelopment characteristics of 3-5 years old children' aggressive behavior and the relationshipamong children's aggressive behaviors, self-control abilities and emotion regulation strategies,either, these are the specific research questions of this study.

  236 participants from three kindergartens in jinan had been selected, peer nominationmethod is used to investigate young children aggressive behavior, Their parents and teachershave been asked to evaluate the children's self-control abilities and emotion regulation strategies.

  The main findings of the study were as follows:

  1. There were remarkable gender and age differences in 3-5 years old children aggressivebehavior, Boys showed higher level of physical aggression, verbal aggression, propertyaggression than girls;4 years old group showed higher level of physical aggression and propertyaggression than 3 years old and 5 years old group,moreover,5 years old group showed the lowest level; there were no age and gender differences in children's verbal aggression and relationalaggression.

  2. Correlation analysis showed that remarkable negative correlation was existed betweenphysical ,property aggression and continence, consciousness, persistence, self-delay ofgratification; In addition to the self-delayed gratification ,other dimensions were negativelyrelated to verbal aggression; relational aggression only were related to continence; Regressionanalysis showed that continence, consciousness, persistence can negatively predict physicalaggression and property aggression; continence and self-delay of gratification can negativelypredict verbal aggression.

  3. Correlation analysis showed that remarkable positive correlation was existed betweenthe use of Vent strategy and physical aggression, verbal aggression, property aggression,relational aggression; physical aggression and verbal aggression were positively correlated toProblem solving strategy; the same relationship between relational aggression , verbal aggressionand Self comfort strategy; Regression analysis showed that the use of Vent strategy canpositively predict all kinds of aggressions.

  4. Vent strategy worked as the partial intermediary variable between continence,consciousness, persistence, self-delay of gratification and physical aggression; Vent strategyworked as the partial and complete intermediary variable respectively between consciousness,persistence, self-delay of gratification and verbal aggression and property aggression; Ventstrategy worked as the partial intermediary variable between consciousness, persistence andrelational aggression;Key Words: aggressive behavior; self-control abilities; emotion regulation atrategies.

  目 录摘 要


  第一部分 文献综述与问题提出

  1 幼儿攻击行为的概述 

  1.1 攻击行为的概念 

  1.2 幼儿攻击行为的表现形式 

  1.3 幼儿攻击行为的发展特点 

  1.4 幼儿攻击行为的影响因素 

  2 幼儿攻击行为与自我控制能力、情绪调节策略的关系 

  2.1 幼儿攻击行为与自我控制能力的关系研究 

  2.2 幼儿攻击行为与情绪调节策略的关系研究

  2.3 幼儿攻击行为与自我控制能力、情绪调节策略的交互作用 

  3 问题提出

  3.1 已有研究存在的问题 

  3.2 本研究拟考察的问题 

  3.3 研究的意义

  第二部分 实证研究

  1 研究目的与研究假设 

  1.1 研究目的

  1.2 研究假设

  2 研究设计

  2.1 被试

  2.2 研究变量与测量工具 

  2.3 研究程序

  2.4 数据管理与分析

  3 研究结果

  3.1 幼儿攻击行为的一般特点 

  3.2 幼儿攻击行为与自我控制能力的关系 

  3.3 幼儿攻击行为与情绪调节策略的关系 

  3.4 幼儿自我控制能力与情绪调节策略的关系 

  3.5 自我控制能力在情绪调节策略与幼儿攻击行为间的中介作用 

  4 结果与讨论

  4.1 3-5 岁幼儿攻击行为的一般特点

  4.2 幼儿自我控制能力与攻击行为的关系分析 

  4.3 情绪调节策略与幼儿攻击行为的关系分析 

  4.4 自我控制能力的中介作用分析 

  5 研究结论

  6 本研究存在的不足及未来研究方向 

  第三部分 教育建议

  注 释


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