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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-29 共2176字

  摘 要





  The ideological and political education to mass art form to be reflected, is the effectiveway to our country over the years, do the people's ideological and political education work.

  From the revolutionary era to the period of socialist construction, folk performances rap folkart form, is the ideological and political education of the masses love to see and hear the artform. Northeast Errenzhuan is one of them, there are more than 300 years of history. It isrooted in the folk culture, is singing of folk art forms, said as he sang, now singing, nowdancing. Through the artistic characteristics and development of northeast Errenzhuanevolution analysis, from the perspective of Ideological and political education, to analyze theadvantages, northeast Errenzhuan in Ideological and political education of the masses in thepresence of the value and dilemma, how to draw effective strategies to exert two to the valueof the ideological political education, one is the core values of socialism leading developmentof Errenzhuan; two is to implement the “three close” principle in Errenzhuan development;the three is to pay attention to the ideological and Political Education Value MiningErrenzhuan tracks. This paper consider that Errenzhuan as a still full of vigour of traditionalfolk art, in the ideological and political education is a huge benefit. Errenzhuan script is veryrich, can by inheriting the tradition to carry forward the classical repertoire, the promotion ofa segment, carry forward the folk, exhorted the people informed heavy righteousness,incentive people optimistic, honest and trustworthy, teach to help people identify the beautyand ugliness, lead people to know good and evil, thereby regulating the family conflicts,promoting the process of harmonious society.

  Key words: northeast errenzhuan; ideological and political education; the internal value

  目 录

  摘 要


  1 绪论

  1.1 选题背景与意义

  1.1.1 选题背景

  1.1.2 选题意义

  1.2 研究现状与述评

  1.2.1 研究现状

  1.2.2 现状评价

  1.3 研究方法与创新之处

  1.3.1 研究方法

  1.3.2 创新之处

  2 研究的理论依据与现实依据

  2.1 理论依据

  2.1.1 研究东北二人转的思想政治教育价值的理论根基

  2.1.2 东北二人转艺术是实现大众化的思想政治教育重要载体

  2.2 现实依据

  2.2.1 实现思想政治教育方式转换的现实需要

  2.2.2 提高思想政治教育有效性的必然要求

  2.2.3 解决思想政治教育面临困难的现实需要

  2.2.4 契合思想政治教育新特点的有益尝试

  3 东北二人转的发展及其对民众思想政治教育的优势

  3.1 东北二人转发展概述

  3.1.1 东北二人转的艺术特点

  3.1.2 东北二人转的发展历程

  3.1.3 东北二人转的雅俗转化性

  3.2 东北二人转的特点及其对民众进行思想政治教育的优势

  3.2.1 “俗”得接地气,容易接近人

  3.2.2 “乐”得有边际,容易感染人


  4 东北二人转的思想政治教育价值分析

  4.1 对人们思想引导的价值

  4.2 对人们思想激励的价值

  4.3 对道德伦理教化的价值

  5 东北二人转发挥思想政治教育价值的现状分析

  5.1 东北二人转在文化建设和思想教育方面取得的成果

  5.1.1 丰富了思想政治教育的手段

  5.1.2 弘扬了地域传统文化

  5.1.3 滋养了新时代的雅文化

  5.2 东北二人转演出存在的问题

  5.2.1 价值观低俗

  5.2.2 封建旧习遗留

  5.2.3 思想境界不高

  5.3 制约东北二人转发挥思想政治教育价值的因素

  5.3.1 东北二人转发展与社会主义核心价值观结合不够

  5.3.2 东北二人转与时代发展贴合度不够

  5.3.3 东北二人转剧本思想教育高度不够

  6 有效发挥东北二人转思想政治教育价值的对策

  6.1 以社会主义核心价值观引领东北二人转的发展

  6.2 在东北二人转发展中贯彻“三贴近”原则

  6.3 注重挖掘二人转曲目的思想政治教育价值

  7 结束语


  致 谢

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