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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-31 共1609字



  Abstract: If subjects of legal relationship are equally treated or not, is one of thestandards of if law meets “Justice” or not. “Equality”is a high abstraction of“Unequality” at specific angle, equality agrees to rational difference. The principle ofequality is a basic principle of Chinese Constitution, the right of equality is a basicright of chinese citizens. Equality principle includes equality of law enforcement andlegislation. Ability-to-pay Principle is the constitutional principle of equalityembodied in Income Tax Law, which requires the tax level based on the taxpayer’ssubjective and objective affordability. Classified taxation model of Chinese IndividualIncome Tax Law violates Ability-to-Pay Principle, so that under the samecircumstances different tax burden falls on taxpayers, but under differentcircumstances, the tax burden has not been reasonably treated differently. Theweakening of the principle of equality is mainly reflected in the classified incometaxation model, “individual” is defined as taxation unit and the deduction standard of“one size fits all”, etc. This weakening can be corrected through the implementationof income tax reform including the following items: 1. Reform the existing classifiedtaxation model, establish the classified and consolidated income taxation model. 2.Change taxation unit from “individual” to “family”. 3. Implement the deductionstandard, which adapts to objective and subjective affordability of taxpayers.

  Keywords: Equality; Ability-to-Pay Principle; Taxation Model; Taxation Unit;Deduction Standard.



  1 引言

  1.1 问题的提出

  1.2 文献综述

  1.2.1 国内研究现状

  1.2.2 国外研究现状

  1.3 通篇构架及主要内容

  1.4 本文的研究方法和创新之处

  2 平等原则是宪法的一项基本原则

  2.1 适用平等和立法内容平等

  2.2 立法平等与合理差别

  3 平等原则在税法中的具体化

  3.1 受益原则

  3.2 量能课税原则


  3.2.2 “量能课税原则”的宪法界限

  3.3 量能课税原则应成为我国所得税法的指导原则

  4 平等原则在我国个人所得税法中的弱化

  4.1 分类计征模式的缺陷

  4.2 税率结构不合理

  4.2.1 不同的负担能力:“劳动所得”与“资本所得”

  4.2.2 不合理的税率结构:“资本所得”与“劳动所得”

  4.3 纳税单位不符合量能课税要求

  5 平等原则在我国个人所得税法中弱化的矫正

  5.1 课税模式的矫正

  5.1.1 综合所得税制

  5.1.2 分类综合所得税制

  5.1.3 我国课税模式改革方向:分类综合所得税制

  5.2 纳税单位的矫正

  5.3 扣除标准的矫正

  6 结语


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