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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-11 共2386字
  摘 要
  针对低保对象认定环节中存在的问题,本文旨在建立一套以生计资产指标为代理中介的贫困程度评价体系。这一指标代理测评体系是在充分利用调查数据的基础上,运用 SPSS 软件分析不同因素对贫困发生的影响程度,并且挑选出一系列相关性强的指标组建而成的。在验证该方法效果的过程中,挑选一个行政村模拟其贫困人群区分效果,并且与调查所得的贫困程度排名相对比,得出该方法准确有效的结论。
  The system of rural subsistence allowances is prescribed for local government toprovide monetary assistance for free, aimed to guarantee that the local rural residentscan keep subsistence. This system, the last key to social security system, plays acrucial role in accelerating rural economic development, alleviating contradictionbetween urban and rural areas and improving the living standard of rural residents.
  In accordance to some system and policies about the eligibility of people whocan enjoy rural subsistence allowances, this paper takes Qin county in ShanxiProvince as the research target and describes the eligibility work in Qin county afterconducting questionnaires and investigations. Based on the sufficient description ofthe social and economic development and of the implementation of the policies aboutrural subsistence allowances, this paper also analyzes problems shown in the selectionof low income people, from the publicity of the policies about rural subsistenceallowances, income researches and the approval of eligibility.
  Considering the problems revealed in verifying the eligibility of low incomepeople, this paper proposes that it should find out a scientific and impersonalassessment method of family poverty. What is more, this paper is designed toestablish an assessment system of poverty with the index of livelihood and assets asan agent. Based on research data, this assessment system analyzes the effect ofdifferent factors on poverty by SPSS and selects a series of highly correlative indexes.
  To check the practicality of this method, it needs to choose a village and simulates itsdistinction of poor population. After comparing the result with that by research, itshould come to an accurate and effective conclusion.
  At last, it should make measures in laws and policies, the organization of ruralsubsistence allowances agencies, the informatization, supervision and administrationof rural subsistence allowances, thus creating favorable environment for this method.
  Key words: The system of rural subsistence allowances,Index method,Verification ofthe eligibility,Livelihoods assets

  摘 要
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景及意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 研究现状综述
  1.2.1 农村低保制度的意义与特点研究
  1.2.2 农村低保制度的问题研究
  1.2.3 农村低保瞄准机制研究
  1.2.4 文献评述
  1.3 研究方法及内容
  1.3.1 研究方法
  1.3.2 研究内容
  1.4 创新与不足
  第 2 章 最低生活保障制度的理论基础
  2.1 农村最低社会保障制度概述
  2.1.1 农村最低社会保障制度含义
  2.1.2 农村最低生活保障的特征
  2.2 农村最低生活保障制度的理论依据
  2.2.1 公民-国家权利义务理论
  2.2.2 贫困循环理论
  2.3 农村最低保障制度政策简介
  2.3.1 农村最低保障制度政策宏观解读
  2.3.2 农村低保对象认定政策解读
  第 3 章 沁县农村低保对象认定现状及问题
  3.1 样本选择
  3.1.1 选择依据
  3.1.2 样本概述
  3.2 沁县农村最低保障制度对象认定现状
  3.2.1 低保制度执行情况
  3.2.2 低保对象确定的程序
  3.2.3 低保对象收入调查
  3.2.4 低保对象审核监督机制
  3.3 沁县农村最低保障对象认定过程中的问题
  3.3.1 农户知晓率低
  3.3.2 低保家庭收入调查确定不准确
  3.3.3 低保对象监督审核机制不完善
  第 4 章 应用指标代理法提高农村低保瞄准率
  4.1 指标代理法的含义
  4.1.1 选择指标代理法的理由
  4.1.2 指标代理法的含义
  4.1.3 指标代理法的特征
  4.1.4 指标代理法的优势
  4.2 指标代理体系构建
  4.2.1 影响农村居民贫困程度因素分析
  4.2.2 指标体系权重设定
  4.2.3 指标计算方法阐述
  4.3 指标代理法的应用
  第5章 应用指标代理法的配套措施
  5.1 完善法律及政策体系
  5.1.1 健全的低保对象认定实施方案
  5.1.2 加强低保制度宣传
  5.2 健全低保经办机构组织建设
  5.2.1 提升基层经办机构业务能力
  5.2.2 加强对地方民政机构绩效考核
  5.3 提升农村低保信息化水平
  5.3.1 配备高质量硬件设备
  5.3.2 普及多功能软件系统
  5.4 强化农村低保监督管理
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