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来源:吉林大学 作者:李昊千
发布于:2017-02-23 共3135字
  摘 要
  进入 21 世纪以来,随着现代生活的发展,传媒正逐渐成长为一个政治巨人、经济巨人。
  而随着数字和网络技术的快速发展,网络、手机、APP 等新媒体在全球范围内迅速推广。新媒体凭借大量多样的信息资源、参与用户可以进行互动等独特的优势吸引了大量信息消费者,成为新时代的“宠儿”.随着新媒体的不断普及,其占有的市场份额越来越多,给传统媒体的发展造成了巨大的压力,但是凡事都有两面性,新媒体的快速发展对传统媒体来说是一柄“双刃剑”,既给传统媒体造成了极大的威胁,又给传统媒体带来了巨大的机遇。新媒体虽然夺取了传统期刊和杂志的部分读者和广告份额,给期刊和杂志的生存造成了巨大压力,但同时,也为传统期刊和杂志提供了升级、进化的新环境和新技术,因此传统媒体若向新媒体学习借鉴, 吸收并融合新技术,凭借其独特优势反而能涅盘重生。
  在这样的背景下,《垂钓》杂志走上了向新媒体转型的道路。即从简单复制、机械转化,到二次创造,再到搭建咨询服务平台、APP 等。《垂钓》杂志的转型之路虽然历经坎坷,但是也取得了许多成果。
  In the 21st century, with the development of modern life, the media is graduallygrowing into a political giant and economic giant. With the rapid development ofdigital and network technology, network, mobile phone, APP and other new media inthe global rapid promotion. New media with a large variety of information resources,users can participate in interactive and other unique advantages to attract a largenumber of information consumers, to become a new era of “darling”. With theconstant popularization of new media, the market share of the new media hasbecome more and more, which has brought great pressure to the development oftraditional media. However, everything has two sides, the rapid development of newmedia for the traditional media is also a “double-edged sword”, not only to thetraditional media caused a great threat, but also to the traditional media has broughtgreat opportunities. Although the new media to win the traditional journals andmagazines of some readers and advertising, periodicals and magazines to survive hascaused tremendous pressure, But at the same time, also provides a new environmentupgrade, evolution and new technology for traditional journals and magazines,Therefore, if the traditional media learn from new media, absorb and integrate newtechnologies ,it can Nirvana rebirth with its unique advantages.
  However, the traditional journals and magazines, with its unique advantagesand will not quickly collapse and destruction, if the new media to learn absorptionand integration of new technologies, they can Nirvana rebirth.
  In this context, “Fishing” magazine embarked on a path of transition to the newmedia. From a simple copy, mechanical transformation, to create, to build aconsulting service platform and app such as, “fishing” magazine in thetransformation of the road although the ups and downs, but also made manyachievements.
  This paper adopts four research methods: literature research method, case studymethod, horizontal comparison method and interview method. Through literatureresearch, the paper analyzes the main achievements and viewpoints of the relevantacademic publications and journals related to the integration of media and thedevelopment of the whole media; Through the case study, the case study of thetransformation of the “fishing” magazine, the analysis of some phenomena in theprocess of the whole media transformation, summarizes the results and lessonslearned in the process of transformation; Through horizontal comparison method, the“Fishing” magazine of all media operations and the domestic industry of the wholemedia operation to compare the same point summary analysis of all mediaoperations and media industry reform process transformation strategy, policy, andplanning mode content different point, and then dig out the advantages anddisadvantages “Fishing” magazine all media operations; Through the interviewmethod, to obtain the “fishing” magazine internal information and related data, thedata obtained from the literature and the results of the study were compared, andcomplement each other.
  In summary, this article to “fishing” magazine as the research object, on thebackground of the new times, the transformation of the current situation, mode,research, focuses on the analysis of “fishing” magazine to new media transformationfaced problems and countermeasures, transition effects and the strategy transitionand so on. The research has certain innovation.
  Key words:
  New media, magazines, research, development, transformation

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 课题研究背景
  1.2 研究意义
  1.3 国内外研究综述
  1.4 研究思路与结构安排
  第 2 章 传统杂志新媒体转型概述
  2.1 “新媒体”概念界定
  2.2 传统杂志发展全媒体的必然与可能
  2.2.1 传统杂志发展新媒体的现实背景--必然性
  2.2.2 传统杂志发展新媒体的推动因素--可能性
  第 3 章 《垂钓》杂志新媒体转型战略及内容
  3.1 《垂钓》杂志新媒体转型战略
  3.1.1 《垂钓》杂志社简介
  3.1.2 《垂钓》杂志的发展战略
  3.1.3 改革思路
  3.2 《垂钓》杂志的新媒体转型实践
  3.2.1 办网站
  3.2.2 开通手机杂志
  3.2.3 户外媒体的发展
  3.2.4 开官方微博
  3.2.5 APP 应用
  第 4 章 《垂钓》杂志新媒体转型面临的问题及解决对策
  4.1 《垂钓》杂志新媒体转型面临的主要问题
  4.1.1 意识理念有待提升
  4.1.2 组织机构及体制的弊端
  4.1.3 对新媒体运用管理不完善
  4.2 传统杂志新媒体转型对策
  4.2.1 具备全媒体的广阔视野
  4.2.2 改革机构设置
  4.2.3 构建全媒体传播的数字化平台
  4.2.4 大力培养全媒体人才
  第 5 章 《垂钓》杂志新媒体转型的效果分析
  5.1 主要绩效指标改进效果
  5.1.1 传统受众成为杂志的新闻来源
  5.1.2 传播渠道的融合实现环境监测需求
  5.2 改善方案的成本分析
  结 论
原文出处:李昊千. 《垂钓》杂志新媒体转型的研究[D].吉林大学,2016.
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