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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-15 共2976字

【题目】 长沙市雨花区小学师德建设困境探析
  摘 要
  2014 年 9 月 10 日,***同北京师范大学师生代表座谈时的讲话中提到,做好老师,要有道德情操。老师的人格力量和人格魅力是成功教育的重要条件。老师是学生道德修养的镜子。好老师应该取法乎上、见贤思齐,不断提高道德修养,提升人格品质,并把正确的道德观传授给学生。在师资力量中,小学教师所占比例最大,他们将开启学生的学习之旅,帮助学生在走上学习道路之路的最开始阶段养成良好的学习习惯,引导学生建立积极的思想,逐步建立他们良好的道德品质。教师的个人品德会在教师与学生的相处中潜移默化的影响学生,润物无声。

  In September 10, 2014, President Xi Jinpi ng talking with faculty m embers andstudents?at Beijing Normal University. Xi wants teaching to be moral character. Teacher'spersonality strength and personality charm are im portant conditions for succes sfuleducation. The teacher is the m irror of the students' moral cultivation. A good teachershould improve the moral cultivation, enhance the quality of personality and the correctmoral values to teach student s. In the teachers' power, the primary school teachers'proportion is the lar gest, they will open the students' learning journey, to help studentsdevelop good learning habits in the beginning stages of the road, and guide students toestablish positive ideas, and gradu ally establish their goo d moral quality. Teachers'personal qualities will be a subtle influence on the students.
  With the development of market economy, social deepening opening to the world, theimpact of multi culture and value concept, ethics problems showing the com plexity andseriousness of the situation, the masses have reacted strongly, need whole society attachesgreat importance to and conscientiously resolve. In recent years in the field of prim aryeducation still appeared controversy on the question of Ethics: ind ividual teachers valuethe fame, the lack of sp irit and dedication; individual teacher education consciousness isweak, one-sided pursuit of student test scor es and ignore the pers onality education ofstudents, even the existence of the corpor al punishment student phenomenon; individualschool management oversight, guide there is a dislocation. These make the im age ofteachers has been a heavy blow.
  In view of the problems ex isting in the professional et hics, the auth or combinesliterature method, empirical research method, in Yuhua District of Ch angsha City as anexample, randomly selected five elem entary schools, teachers, students as the researchobject, through the form of questionnaire survey understanding of different ages, differentpositions and different titles of primary school teachers of vocational identity and of theirown professional development needs. Try to discuss the reason, new m easures of perfectvirtue.
  The author thinks that the Y uhua District firmly grasp the “teach ers constructionyear”, has m ade good progress in the m oral construction of teac hers. Firstly, YuhuaDistrict for com prehensive publicity and educ ation, stimulate teachers' inner sense ofmorality; followed by perfecting th e system and strengthening, from the details of theoffice to strengthen moral education; thirdly, according to the teacher's ethics constructionto the supervisory role of the prominent social, for problems severely punished. And giveconvenience and improve their teaching ability. Finally, in the practical implementation ofthe school's responsibility and really see school education subject.
  The status of teachers' morality is undoubtedly important, and it is the foundation ofthe sustainable development of education. From an early point of view, it is related to thecommon development of teachers and stu dents will greatly af fect the le arning,management and other aspects of a school, to a large extent, it ca n decide whether thesuccess of education and its developm ent situation, it is more likely to af fect the wholesociety as well as people's moral level.
  Key Words: Morality; primary school teachers; profession al moral construction;countermeasures

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪 论
  1.1 研究背景及意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究的意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状综述
  1.2.1 国内研究现状
  1.2.2 国外研究现状
  1.3 研究思路与方法
  1.4 研究创新点
  第 2 章 师德建设的概述
  2.1 相关概念界定
  2.1.1 道德
  2.1.2 职业道德
  2.1.3 教师职业道德
  2.1.4 中小学教师职业道德规范
  2.2 加强教师师德建设的重大意义
  第 3 章 长沙市雨花区小学教师师德建设的现状分析
  3.1 长沙市雨花区小学教师队伍现状
  3.2 调查概况
  3.2.1 教师问卷结果统计分析
  3.2.2 学生问卷结果统计分析
  3.2.3 问卷结果分析小结
  3.3 小学教师队伍师德建设存在的问题
  第 4 章 加强小学教师队伍师德建设的对策
  致 谢
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