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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-22 共3490字
  摘 要
  Compared with men, Women are regarded as a vulnerable group in societybecause of the particularity of the physiological, psychological and social roles.
  Compared with adult women, young girls are absolutely more vulnerable andeasily to suffer the crimes. Young girls are lack of knowledge, experience,ability of analysis, discrimination and self-protection, which makes thembecome an absolutely weak group and be more likely become the victim ofsexual assault crimes, this is a common problem faced by countries all aroundthe world too. In recent years, domestic statistics shows a dramatic rise in sexualcrimes to young girls, which has become a prominent social problem, and hasdrawn great attention of the society from all walks of life. Sexual assault toyoung girls has become a violent crime which severely infringes citizens'personal rights, harms the social civilization fashion, destroys social order,poisons girls' physical and mental health. Therefore, it's significant and urgent tocarry on research on this issue.
  This thesis mainly takes sociology as the background, studies misconductbehavior of the sex abuse of the young girls by using sociological correlationtheory, and discusses the integrated thinking of the theory and practice, theproblem and the countermeasure on the basis of the former research results.
  Firstly, the relevant concepts of the sexual assault anomie behaviors areelaborated from the view of the law, meanwhile, taking **city's procuratoratejuvenile criminal checkpoints statistical of sexual assault to juveniles as themain basis, the features of sexual assault behavior to young girls are roughlyanalyzed. Secondly, by nature of attribution and situational attribution theory,the high incidence of sexual assault girl anomie behavior was investigated.
  Through analysis, the paper puts forward further cause the root cause of thisbehavior from situational attribution, so can more effectively prevent and control.
  Again, the research of the infringement girl anomie behavior involves multipledisciplines. Therefore, the thesis is based on pedagogy, psychology, and law andsociology, from individuals, families, schools, government, social organizations,social media and legal different aspects think and put forward countermeasures,in order to change original lack of effectiveness and pertinence or evenunreasonable measures and ways.
  In a word, this paper pays great attention to sexual assault girl anomiebehavior, it will provide a theoretical and empirical basis for us to strengthen thesupervision from different levels, and to a certain extent achieve the reduction ofthe behavior of sexual abuse of young girls, to build a harmonious society, andpromote the construction of spiritual civilization, and create a good socialenvironment for young girls' healthy growth.
  KEY WORDS: sexual assault, young girls, anomie behavior, attribution,control

  目 录
  摘 要
  第一章 导 论
  1.1 选题依据
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.3 研究方法
  1.4 研究的创新点
  第二章 性侵害幼女失范行为的基本内容
  2.1 性侵害失范行为的内容
  2.1.1 性侵害失范行为相关概念的界定
  2.1.2 性侵害失范行为的特征
  2.2 幼女年龄的界定
  2.3 性侵害幼女失范行为的界定
  2.4 性侵害幼女失范行为的特点
  2.4.1 熟人作案多,侵害时间长
  2.4.2 被害人年龄低龄化,低龄儿童增多
  2.4.3 作案地点多为城郊结合部
  2.4.4 农村及城乡中小学的留守幼女居多
  2.4.5 受害后报案者较少,侦破难度大
  2.4.6 侵害后果严重,犯罪情节恶劣
  2.5 本章小结
  第三章 性侵害幼女失范行为高发的归因分析
  3.1 犯罪主体道德观念沦丧、文化素质偏低、法律意识淡薄
  3.2 犯罪客观方面受害幼女心智不成熟,自我保护意识弱
  3.3 家庭层面教育监管保护力度不足
  3.3.1 家庭性教育缺失,观念陈旧落后
  3.3.2 父母自身素质不高
  3.3.3 留守儿童和不完整家庭监管缺位
  3.3.4 精神和心灵沟通不到位
  3.4 学校层面教育监管保护力度不足
  3.4.1 教育体制落后,性教育缺失
  3.4.2 心理健康教育和法制教育薄弱
  3.4.3 部分教师素质偏低,缺乏职业道德
  3.4.4 校园管理存在漏洞,对教师太信任
  3.4.5 师资短缺,缺乏现代性教育教材
  3.5 社会层面教育监管保护力度不足
  3.5.1 改革开放下的市场经济与旧制度不匹配
  3.5.2 新型黄色文化的影响和刺激
  3.5.3 道德下滑导致的羊群效应
  3.5.4 城乡经济发展不均衡
  3.5.5 传统观念根深蒂固,男女比例失调
  3.5.6 社会管理体制不完善,治安条件较差
  3.5.7 不良群体交往的影响
  3.6 法律层面教育监管保护力度不足
  3.6.1 保护幼女的立法不健全
  3.6.2 对犯罪人的处罚成本低
  3.7 本章小结
  第四章 性侵害幼女失范行为高发的预防和控制
  4.1 加强政府职责,营造幼女健康成长的良好社会环境
  4.1.1 加强农村经济文化建设,均衡教育资源
  4.1.2 加大法律宣传力度,积极宣传未成年人保护日
  4.1.3 重视社会主义道德观的宣传,向社会传递正能量
  4.1.4 建立健全社会保障、救济机制,改变落后传统观念
  4.1.5 摒弃黄色文化,监督新型媒介,净化社会环境
  4.1.6 加强对社会娱乐场所、网吧的监管
  4.1.7 改善社团组织发展平台,积极发挥社会组织效用
  4.2 培养成熟个性,塑造移情能力
  4.3 强化家庭功能,增强家庭教育责任
  4.3.1 转变性教育观念,加强孩子安全意识教育
  4.3.2 掌握科学的教育方法,重视心理关爱
  4.3.3 提高监护人自身素质
  4.3.4 增强监护人责任意识
  4.4 全面贯彻素质教育,改革学校现存教育弊病
  4.4.1 积极开展性健康教育并将其纳入整体教育体系
  4.4.2 加强学生思想道德和法制教育,提高学生综合素质
  4.4.3 加强校园管理,完善校园安全防控体系
  4.4.4 完善教师队伍的选任、考核及奖惩机制,强化教师的综合考评
  4.4.5 提高教师素质,践行教师职业道德规范
  4.4.6 强化学校与家庭的合作
  4.4.7 强化学校与社会的合作
  4.5 完善幼女保护立法,严厉打击性侵害幼女犯罪
  4.5.1 健全法律机制,加大处罚成本
  4.5.2 建立对幼女被害人心理辅导制度
  4.5.3 建立性侵幼女国家救助制度
  4.5.4 建立幼女被害人刑事代理制度
  4.5.5 建立幼女被害人法律援助制度
  4.5.6 还原父母监护责任,对监护不力的父母进行问责
  4.5.7 司法实务中采取更人性的方式保护幼女的合法权益
  4.6 本章小结
  致 谢
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