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来源:甘肃农业大学 作者:贾海娥
发布于:2017-02-21 共3830字
  摘 要
  甘肃省是我国苹果主产省份之一,截止 2014 年底,甘肃省苹果种植面积达到 480万亩,产量为 320 万吨,产值高达 160 亿元,种植面积在全国居第二位。苹果产业为甘肃省农业农村经济的发展和农民收入的增加做出了巨大贡献,已经成为甘肃省重要的农业支柱产业。但是随着国内外其它许多苹果产区内苹果产业的快速发展,甘肃省在发展苹果产业的过程中遇到的困难及问题逐渐凸显,而且不具有产业竞争优势的现象也在一定程度上有了暴露。因此,研究如何在发展苹果产业时充分利用甘肃省拥有的先天自然资源优势,对加强甘肃省苹果产业的可持续发展和竞争力的提升显得尤其重要。
  本文首先对甘肃省苹果产业的发展现状从生产、加工、消费和出口四个方面进行了分析,得出甘肃省苹果产业在全国苹果产业发展中具有一定的竞争力,且其具有很大的发展空间和潜力,竞争力也有待进一步提升。运用 SCP 分析法将对甘肃省苹果产业的产业组织从市场结构、市场行为以及市场绩效三方面进行了分析研究,进而采用显示性指标分析法、分析性指标分析法和综合比较优势指数分析法对甘肃省苹果产业的竞争力做了进一步的分析。在显示性指标分析方面,甘肃省苹果产业的市场占有率低于全国其他苹果生产省份,但却呈逐年上升的趋势,而甘肃省苹果产业的资源禀赋系数始终保持在大于 2 的水平上,在全国苹果生产省份中具有较高的竞争优势;在分析性指标方面,主要对甘肃省苹果的销售价格、生产成本和收益进行了分析,得出甘肃省苹果价格高出全国苹果平均价格 0.88 元/公斤,仅次于陕西省和山东省,拥有较高的认可度。甘肃省苹果的生产成本与全国苹果的平均生产成本相比,缺少竞争优势;在成本收益上,甘肃省苹果产业由于生产成本比较高,造成成本利润率较低,最终导致甘肃省苹果产业进入了一种高投入、高效益的生产模式;在综合比较优势指数分析时得出,甘肃省苹果产业的规模比较优势指数高于其他 6 大苹果生产省份,居全国第一位,具有非常高的竞争优势,而效率优势指数居全国第五位,因此,在效率优势方面甘肃省苹果产业不具有竞争力。
  关键词:甘肃省;苹果产业;竞争力;SCP 模式;综合比较优势
  Gansu Province is one of the major apple producing provinces in China. By the end ofthe year 2014, the apple planting area reached 4.8 million mu in Gansu Province, annualproduction reached 3.2 million tons, value of output 16 billion Yuan, and planting area rankedsecond in the country. The apple industry has contributed greatly to the development ofagriculture and rural economy, increased farmers' income, and has become an importantindustry in agriculture in the Gansu Province. However, with the rapid development of otherproduction areas and foreign important apple production industries also developing, somechallenges in the development of apple industry in Gansu are gradually emerging. Lack ofindustrial competitiveness gave a certain degree of exposure. Promoting a healthy andsustainable development and enhancing competitiveness of the apple industry in GansuProvince is particularly important.
  In this paper, analyzing production status, processing status, consumption status andexport of apple industry in Gansu Province, it is concluded that the apple industry in GansuProvince has a competitive power in the development of apple industry in China. It has agreat development space and potential. Competitiveness can also be further enhanced usingthe SCP paradigm. The industrial organization of apple industry in Gansu Province wasanalyzed using the market structure, market behavior and market performance. A furtheranalysis of apple industry competitiveness in Gansu Province from display, analysis andcomprehensive comparative advantage indexes of three aspects. Upon the analysis of thedisplay index, the market share of apple industry in Gansu Province is lower than otherprovinces in the country, but it shows an increasing trend year by year. While the resourceendowment coefficient of apple industry in Gansu Province has been maintained at a level ofmore than 2, it has a high competitive advantage in the national apple production provinces.
  On analytical index, the sales price, production cost and cost benefit of apple in GansuProvince were analyzed and concluded that apple's price is higher than the national averageprice of 0.88 Yuan / kg in Gansu Province, ranking after Shanxi province and Shandongprovince, placing third in the country. The cost of production in Gansu Province is higher thanthe national average cost of production and therefore doesn't have a competitive advantage.
  On the cost-benefit aspect, the apple industry has a high production efficiency, howeverhigher production costs makes the cost profit margin low resulting in a high input and highefficiency of production model in the apple industry in Gansu Province. The comprehensivecomparative advantage of apple industry in Gansu Province was analyzed and concluded thatthe scale of comparative advantage index of the apple industry in Gansu Province is higherthan the other six big apple production provinces, ranking first in the country and has a veryhigh competitive advantage. While the efficiency advantage index ranked fifth making it lackcomparative advantage. The comprehensive competitive advantage of apple industry in Gansuprovince is next to Shanxi province and Shaanxi province, ranking third and having a certaincompetitive advantage. An analysis made on the competitiveness of the apple industry inGansu Province revealed that the apple industry in Gansu Province has a degree ofcompetitiveness in the national apple industry, but there are still some challenges existing inthe competitiveness of the apple industry in Gansu Province; including varieties of a singlestructure, low quality of fruit, low level of planting standardization, fruit brand-buildingpublicity not enough,few farmers' organizations and others.Put forward correspondence andsuggestions based on these issues.
  Key Words:Gansu Province;Apple Industry;Competitiveness;SCP Paradigm;Comprehensive Comparative Advantage

  目 录
  摘 要
  第一章 绪论
  第二章 基本概念及相关理论基础
  第三章 甘肃省苹果产业发展现状
  第四章 甘肃省苹果产业 SCP 分析
  第五章 甘肃省苹果产业竞争力分析
  第六章 结论及对策建议
  致 谢
原文出处:贾海娥. 甘肃省苹果产业竞争力研究[D].甘肃农业大学,2016.
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