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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-25 共2429字

  摘 要






  In recent years, performance management tools have been focused by more andmore enterprises. It is an important point and driving force for companies to achievebusiness objectives. However, performance management is so complex. In the processof using performance management tools in different companies, due to differentbusiness conditions, the practice effects are also different, which make someonehappy or worry. For many large enterprises, the control mode between group andsubsidiaries is in the process of trial and error. Many companies design reasonableperformance management system to regulate the relationship between group andsubsidiaries and achieve unity. New Wellful is no exception.

  Based on the literature study, this paper analyzes that in New Wellful, appraisalcontent is complicated, and targets are not consistent with the business strategy andprocess-oriented instead of result-oriented. Moreover, insufficient appraisalincentives and limited constraints cannot give enough motivation and proper pressure.

  The application is not stringent, resulting in the tendency of egalitarianism formation.

  Based on its own operating characteristics, this study re-optimizes appraisal systemfrom improving subsidiaries' performance appraisal program and redesigningperformance management system. In accordance with the requirements of industrialchain collaboration, appraisal bundles relevant business units and subsidiaries. Toapply the development strategy, New Wellful should make performance appraisalsystem as a support and operation system as a complement to maintain linkage andsynergy between subsidiaries, ensuring the implementation of the appraisal program.

  The paper explores innovative strategy performance appraisal model ofsubsidiaries in New Wellful, providing the theoretical basis and operation program topromote performance appraisal practice, and the reference for other companies in thesame industry.

  Key Words: Hunan New Willful Co., Ltd; Subsidiaries; Performance appraisal;Appraisal system

  目 录

  摘 要 …… II

  Abstract…… III

  第 1 章 绪 论 ……1

  1.1 选题背景及意义 …… 1

  1.1.1 选题背景 …… 1

  1.1.2 研究意义 …… 2

  1.2 理论基础与文献综述 …… 3

  1.2.1 绩效考核理论 …… 3

  1.2.2 绩效考核相关文献综述 …… 8

  1.3 研究内容与思路 …… 11

  1.3.1 研究内容 …… 11

  1.3.2 研究思路 …… 11

  第 2 章 湖南新五丰分子公司绩效考核现状及问题 ……13

  2.1 湖南新五丰集团及分子公司概况 …… 13

  2.1.1 湖南新五丰集团概况 …… 13

  2.1.2 分子公司简介 …… 14

  2.1.3 公司人员情况 …… 20

  2.2 湖南新五丰分子公司绩效考核现状 …… 21

  2.2.1 新五丰分子公司绩效考核发展历程 …… 21

  2.2.2 湖南新五丰分子公司绩效考核现状 …… 22

  2.3 湖南新五丰分子公司绩效考核存在的问题及原因分析 …… 24

  2.3.1 湖南新五丰分子公司绩效考核存在的问题 …… 24

  2.3.2 分子公司绩效考核存在问题的原因分析 …… 27

  第 3 章 湖南新五丰分子公司绩效考核改进方案设计……30

  3.1 湖南分子公司绩效考核改进方案设计思路 …… 30

  3.1.1 方案设计指导思想…… 30

  3.1.2 方案设计目标 …… 30

  3.1.3 方案设计步骤 …… 31

  3.2 分子公司绩效考核指标设计 …… 31

  3.2.1 指标选择 …… 31

  3.2.2 指标权重与考核标准设计 …… 34

  3.3 分子公司绩效考核制度设计 …… 36

  3.3.1 考评方法选择 …… 36

  3.3.2 考评流程的确定 …… 37

  3.3.3 绩效数据收集和认定 …… 38

  3.3.4 绩效考评结果运用…… 38

  第 4 章湖南新五丰分子公司绩效考核改进方案实施保障……41

  4.1 绩效考核改进方案实施可能遇到的障碍 …… 41

  4.1.1 被考评人的抵触情绪 …… 41

  4.1.2 体制的障碍 …… 41

  4.1.3 考评人缺乏专业能力与技巧 …… 41

  4.1.4 外部经营环境的剧烈变化 …… 42

  4.2 绩效考核改进方案实施的保障措施 …… 42

  4.2.1 绩效考核改进方案实施的组织保障 …… 42

  4.2.2 绩效考核改进方案实施的制度保障 …… 43

  4.2.3 绩效考核改进方案实施的文化保障 …… 45

  4.3 方案实施的预期效果 …… 46

  4.3.1 促使绩效考核更加高效和顺畅…… 46

  4.3.2 实现公司和员工的双赢 …… 46

  4.3.3 形成市场化的绩效文化 …… 46

  4.3.4 促进公司战略的达成 …… 47

  结 论 ……48


  致 谢 ……52

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