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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2014-12-10 共2093字

【第1部分】 商业银行管理中精益六西格玛管理思想的应用





  关键词: 商业银行;精益;六西格玛


  Originating from Motorola and Toyota, Six Sigma and Lean Production have beenwidely applied in manufacturing industry since the 1990s and then extended to thefinancial, medical, government and other services industries across the world. They helpedcompanies to effectively improve product and service quality and meanwhile enhance theproductivity. At the beginning of the 21stcentury, the opinion to combine the Six Sigmaand Lean Production was proposed. It means to increase productivity by improving quality,and to improve quality by increasing productivity, which results in cost reduction to thegreatest extent and improvement of customer satisfaction. That is what is called Lean SixSigma. Nowadays, Lean Six Sigma has been widely used in large international commercialbanks such as Bank of America, Citi Bank, HSBC and JP Morgan Chase, etc.

  With fast economic growth, China's banking industry is facing increasingly fiercecompetition, with competitors not only from more and more foreign banks, but also frommany non-bank financial institutions. Besides, China's banking sector will be graduallyopened to private capital that has been itching for this market for a long time. At present,China's local commercial banks are speeding up the transformation with one of the focuseslaid on improving service quality and efficiency which will help to reduce operating cost,improve customer satisfaction, and finally enhance the overall competitiveness.

  Starting with the Lean Six Sigma theory, this paper links domestic and foreignresearches as well as practices with commercial bank's business character and operationenvironment. With a case study for a well-known international commercial bank'scustomer onboarding cycle improvement project, this paper is to explore how the Lean SixSigma – an approach oriented by customer needs, process and data analysis, can be appliedin commercial banks and help them to improve service quality and productivity, andultimately harvest the shareholder's return.

  Keywords: Commercial Bank; Lean; Six Sigma




  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 选题背景

  1.2 研究目的

  第 2 章 精益六西格玛理论综述

  2.1 六西格玛管理概述

  2.2 精益思想概述

  2.3 精益与六西格玛的相互结合

  2.4 精益六西格玛与其他管理方法的区别

  2.5 精益六西格玛在国内外商业银行的应用实践

  第 3 章 精益六西格玛在商业银行管理中的适用基础及价值

  3.1 商业银行的业务特征

  3.2 建立应用精益六西格玛的基础架构

  3.3 精益六西格玛对于商业银行管理的价值

  第 4 章 A 银行企业客户登陆周期改进项目分析

  4.1 A 银行背景及业务概况

  4.2 精益六西格玛项目的选择

  4.2.1 第一重筛选

  4.2.2 第二重筛选

  4.2.3 A 银行精益六西格玛项目的选择

  4.3 精益六西格玛改进的标准模式

  4.4 项目定义

  4.4.1 定义阶段的要求及常用方法

  4.4.2 A 银行的项目定义

  4.5 项目测量

  4.5.1 测量阶段的常用方法

  4.5.2 A 银行的项目测量

  4.6 项目分析

  4.6.1 分析阶段的常用工具

  4.6.2 A 银行的项目分析

  4.7 项目改进

  4.7.1 改进阶段的常用方法

  4.7.2 A 银行的项目改进

  4.8 项目控制

  4.8.1 控制阶段的主要工作

  4.8.2 A 银行的项目改进成果及后续控制

  第 5 章 我国商业银行应用精益六西格玛的建议

  5.1 我国商业银行应用精益六西格玛的建议

  5.2 主要结论


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