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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-04-25 共4098字
  摘 要
  2015 年,国家高度重视通信行业的带动作用,通信行业肩负着服务经济社会发展大局,加强信息基础设施建设,促进网速提升和网费下降的重要责任。
  In 2015, the country put highly emphasis on the leading role of communicationindustry, Communication industry shoulder the important responsibility in overall ofthe service of economic and social development, to strengthen the construction ofinformation infrastructure, to promote the speed of network and bring down theInternet fee. With an increasingly competitive industry and the rapid development ofcommunication technology background, FAW Communication Company is a whollyowned subsidiary of China First Automobile Group Corporation, which has the taskto promote the main company. So FAW need to recruit talented person to satisfied thedemand of company's development. With the premise of the analysis of internalhuman resources in the FAW company, we put our efforts on the improving qualityand effective of human capital, as well as improve the structure of employees,manage employees, allocate professional personnel in specific area. So we need tofocus on the recruitment of professional personnel in the campus.
  Through investigating about the FAW recruitment program, we find someproblems as followed: First, the way of recruitment information of professionalpersonnel is lag behind. The information release channel doesn't optimized with thechange of objective factors about campus recruitment. This can't give rise to thetargeted recruitment's attention. Second, the evaluation index only focuses on thecompetent conditions of the jobs, which makes the index defected. In addition, theevaluation index is complicated and hard to understand during the interview. As aresult, the evaluation results will influenced by the juries' subjective factors and it'lllack of objectivity. Third, the interview process has already used leadless groupdiscussion and semi-structured method. This kind of high effective way doesn't graspthe essence of the method. This kind of election method doesn't relate each other inorder to make the interview results not convincing. The problem of presentrecruitment will influence the recruitment of talented person, and it will also increasethe company's artificial costs as well as it will impede the strategy to come true.
  The quality of the recruitment will directly influence the quality of employeesand the realization of the company's strategy goals. An effective recruitment can notonly improve its quality, but also it can optimize the human resources as well asreduce the cost. So, the paper focuses on the optimization of the campus recruitmentin order that it'll improve the the plan's reliability and validity.
  The thesis has many research on the relevant data and use human resourcestheory as well as the method of examples of proof, according to the current situation,we need to analysis the causes. We can optimize the recruitment plan from threeaspects in order to satisfied the demanding talented professional personnel. First,under the premise of Internet and WeMedia pursue personality, WeMedia is a denselygathering for FAW communication recruitment. Therefore, in addition to thecompany's release the recruitment information on the website, campus billboard andmeeting, the company also increase the release channel in order to realize theoptimization of its recruitment. The main purpose is to arise the employee's attentionabout campus recruitment. Then, we need to research on the matching theory betweenperson and company as well as the design of the evaluation index about professionalpersonnel. In addition, we need to indicate the index of facet, and its weigh. In orderthat the juries can provide foundation and standard for the evaluation of the interview,which can also make the evaluation results objective and can better reflect the overallcompetence of the employee. Finally, before the interview, we need to do the trainingfor juries before the interview and tell them the process, standard, grading of theinterview. As for the second interview, the juries should be divided according to theircontribution in the all areas. This can guarantee the deeper competence of theemployees. We can arrange a host during the interview, whose task is to control theprocess and make sure the evaluation standard as well as provide support for all theinterviewees.
  We can make evaluation and feedback according to four aspects, that is-the costof employment, the evaluation of the employee, overall evaluation and theoptimization of the recruitment. We can come to the conclusion that after optimizingthe recruitment plan, we improve the job cost effective, the quality of employee andthe matching between person and organization. This can satisfied the demand forprofessional people.
  Key words:
  Professional personnel, campus recruitment, talent evaluation, We Media

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪 论
  1.1 研究背景与意义
  1.2 研究方法与内容
  1.3 文献综述与理论研究
  第 2 章 一汽通信公司专业技术人员校园招聘方案现状及问题分析
  2.1 一汽通信公司概况及专业技术人员招聘现状
  2.2 专业技术人员校园招聘信息发布渠道的问题分析
  2.3 专业技术人员校园招聘评价指标的问题分析
  2.4 专业技术人员校园招聘面试流程的问题分析
  第 3 章 一汽通信公司专业技术人员校园招聘方案的优化措施
  3.1 专业技术人员校园招聘信息发布渠道的优化
  3.2 专业技术人员校园招聘评价指标的优化
  3.3 专业技术人员校园招聘面试流程的优化
  3.4 专业技术人员校园招聘方案优化后的效果评估及反馈
  第 4 章 一汽通信公司专业技术人员校园招聘方案优化的实施与保障
  4.1 专业技术人员校园招聘方案优化的实施
  4.2 专业技术人员校园招聘方案优化的组织保障
  4.3 专业技术人员校园招聘方案优化的制度保障
  4.4 专业技术人员校园招聘方案优化的人员保障
  结 论
  致 谢
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