摘 要
关键词 市政工程;项目成本;成本控制;目标责任法
Effective cost control can reduce costs, increase profits, municipal engineeringconstruction enterprises as well. Municipal construction project cost control is animportant aspect of improving enterprise management and establishment of modernenterprise management system, thus causing more and more attention of businessmanagers, but also the hot topic of many scholars at home and abroad.
Papers study from the present situation of the construction project cost control,municipal engineering tradition, combining theoretical research scholars on costcontrol, focuses on the major issues of municipal construction project cost controlexists. The need for cost control system established to address these issues raised, and,through the municipal construction project cost control process design, specificallyproposed specific measures for implementation of municipal engineering constructionproject cost control, involving the enterprise level and project management at twolevels, liability Act and the introduction of the method of cost control, eventuallycombined with the specific case of public works construction projects, constructionproject cost analysis to verify the feasibility of municipal engineering control processand draw the appropriate conclusions, offers some advice for the next step ofmunicipal engineering construction project cost control and recommendations.
Paper is divided into four parts: The first part is a summary of the relevantdomestic and international cost control theory and research, combined with a series ofacademic knowledge of project management science, technology and economicsresearch to establish the theoretical basis of the paper, puts forward the direction ofthesis research; the second part is based on the results of relevant research theory ofcost control, combined with the major issues of municipal engineering constructionproject cost control and the existing status quo, the necessity of municipalconstruction project cost of the proposed cost control, combined with the currenttheory and practice of cost control the maturity of the proposed construction projectcost feasibility of municipal engineering controls; third part is the construction ofpublic works project cost control process design, this article from cost control toestablish responsibility system, enterprise management level, project managementlevel three aspects in detail the processes and methods to control the cost of publicworks construction projects, research and measures to implement cost controlmeasures from the concrete operational level; fourth part is the research and analysisof the case, the paper will work Weifang Zhangxia road and drainage as the researchsubjects , the theoretical study of municipal engineering construction project costcontrol of construction projects and specific practice together, validation of analyticalpapers related conclusions regarding municipal engineering construction project costcontrol and consolidate the theoretical results related to the article, the cost ofconstruction projects for municipal engineering controls summarized.
This paper presents the implementation of the objectives and specific costs,corporate organization and management measures, cost control and full responsibilityto establish specific decomposition of cost control system, proven in a specificmunicipal construction projects feasible and effective, the construction of municipalworks for project cost control problems of specific solutions proposed researchdirections and prospects next.
Keywords: Municipal Engineering, project cost, cost control,target Liability Act
目 录
摘 要
第 1 章 绪论
1.1 论文选题背景
1.2 国内外研究现状
1.2.1 国外研究现状
1.2.2 国内研究现状
1.3 论文研究思路、框架及方法
1.3.1 论文的研究思路
1.3.2 论文的研究方法
1.4 论文选题目的和意义
1.4.1 论文选题目的
1.4.2 论文研究意义
1.5 论文创新点
第 2 章 相关理论综述
2.1 项目成本控制构成、原则及种类
2.1.1 项目成本的概念及构成
2.1.2 项目成本控制的原则
2.1.3 工程施工项目成本控制的种类
2.2 项目成本控制的主要阶段和流程
2.3 工程施工项目成本控制的主要方法
2.3.1 目标分析法
2.3.2 成本分析法
2.3.3 作业成本法
2.3.4 责任成本法
第 3 章 我国市政工程项目成本控制现状分析
3.1 市政工程施工项目的特点及成本控制主要影响因素
3.1.1 市政工程施工项目的特点
3.1.2 市政工程施工项目成本控制的主要影响因素
3.2 我国市政工程施工项目成本控制现状及存在问题
3.2.1 我国市政工程施工项目成本控制现状
3.2.2 我国市政工程施工项目成本控制存在的主要问题
3.3 市政工程施工项目成本控制的可行性
第 4 章 市政工程施工项目成本控制流程设计
4.1 市政工程施工项目成本控制责任体系的建立
4.1.1 全过程成本控制
4.1.2 成本控制责任体系
4.2 企业管理层面
4.2.1 提高全员成本控制意识
4.2.2 完善企业成本控制机制
4.3 项目管理层面
4.3.1 工程费用控制措施
4.3.2 技术控制措施
4.3.3 经济控制措施
4.3.4 合同管理措施
4.4 本章小结
第 5 章 潍坊张虾路成本控制研究
5.1 工程概况及主要施工工艺
5.1.1 工程简介
5.1.2 现场特点及施工条件分析
5.1.3 主要施工工艺
5.2 项目成本控制的具体实施
5.2.1 成本控制意识的提高
5.2.2 成本控制方法选择
5.2.3 内部管理模式的改善
5.2.4 成本控制信息系统的建立
5.3 项目成本控制的实施
5.3.1 施工准备期
5.3.2 施工期间
5.3.3 竣工验收期
结 论
6.1 论文的结论
6.2 论文下一步的展望
致 谢