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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-24 共3552字
  摘 要
  由于我国并没有出台相关法律来规范这一行为,目前医院集团化管理存在很多问题,尤其在财务管理方面问题颇多,严重制约着医院集团的健康有序发展,很多医院集团甚至以解体而告终。在这一背景下本文通过对 Z 公立医院集团化财务管理现状进行分析,找出存在的问题,并通过基础理论的研究及实证研究提出解决对策。Z 医院集团化财务管理采取的是垂直管理模式,存在问题如下:
  在分析了 Z 医院集团化财务管理存在的问题和产生原因后,提出以下对策:
  With the deepening of medical reform, many large and medium public hospitalsthrough the joint merger and other mode of the hospital group. Because our country has notissued relevant laws to regulate this behavior, at present the group hospital management exista lot of problems, especially in the financial management of a lot of problems, whichseriously restrict the healthy and orderly development of hospital group, group of a lot ofhospital even disintegration comes to an end. In this context, this paper analyzes the statusquo of the Z public hospital group financial management, and finds out the existingproblems Through the research of basic theory and empirical research, the countermeasuresare put forward Z hospital group financial management is taken in the vertical managementmode, the problem is as follows:
  1.Aspects of budget management.
  (1) The annual budget and hospital strategic development plan out of line.
  (2) The budget preparation is out of line with the actual implementation.
  (3) The lack of communication and coordination between the budget office and thespecific functional departments in the budget preparation.
  (4) The budget is not fine enough.
  (5) The lack of effective supervision of the budget implementation.
  (6) Nominal budget evaluation.
  2. Cost management issues.
  (1) The cost of the hospital departments is not detailed enough.
  (2) The cost of the disease is not realized.
  3. Asset management issues.
  Due to the lack of effective inventory and inventory, prone to duplication of assets andidle phenomenon. The previous year, inventories, scrap overage is not submitted forapproval pursuant to the provisions, resulting in inconsistent accounts, accounts inconsistent.
  4. Other financial management issues.
  (1) The difficulty of management is increased, and it is easy to cause the informationasymmetry The difficulty of hospital financial management further increases. Under theexisting organization system, operation mechanism and management system, themanagement level is increased, and the difficulty of management is objectively increased(2) There is still some lag in the hospital district reimbursement. Although the currentonline reimbursement, through the reimbursement of single pass to streamline thereimbursement process, but the time of the reimbursement is still longer.
  (3) Urgent need to strengthen the construction of the contingent. The centralizedmanagement of hospital finance puts forward higher requirements for the financial personnel's working capability.
  (4) There are difficulties in coordination among the various departments of the financialcentre.
  (5) The positioning of the financial management target of the group of hospitals is notclear, and the financial management strategy is not formulated from the overall developmentstrategy of the hospital. The purpose of financial control and the system of internal controlneed to be further improved.
  After analyzing the problems and reasons of the financial management of Z hospitalgroup, the following countermeasures are put forward.:
  1. The positioning and strategy of group financial management combined with thedevelopment strategy of hospital.
  2. Implement the comprehensive budget management. Scientific and reasonablepreparation of budget, strict implementation, supervision, the establishment of the budgetperformance evaluation system, improve the use of funds.
  3. Total cost accounting.
  4. Strengthen the management of state-owned assets.
  5. Improve the level of financial information management, mobile electronic signedbatch.
  6. Strengthen the construction of financial personnel, improve the overall financialmanagement level.
  7. Take rotary mechanism, enhance exchanges and cooperation between variousdepartments.
  Keywords:Group, Public hospital, Financial management

  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景及研究意义
  1.2 文献综述
  1.2.1 国外研究现状
  1.2.2 国内研究现状
  1.3 研究思路与写作框架
  1.3.1 研究内容与方法
  1.3.2 研究思路
  1.4 可能存在的创新点
  第 2 章 集团化财务管理的相关理论
  2.1 信息不对称理论
  2.1.1 信息不对称理论的概念
  2.1.2 信息不对称理论在集团化财务管理中的应用
  2.2 委托代理理论
  2.2.1 委托代理理论的概念
  2.2.2 委托代理理论在集团化财务管理中的应用
  2.3 规模效益理论
  2.3.1 规模效益理论的概念
  2.3.2 规模效益理论在集团化财务管理中的应用
  2.4 协同效益理论
  2.4.1 协同效益理论的概念
  2.4.2 协同效益理论在集团化财务管理中的应用
  第 3 章 Z 医院集团化财务管理现状与问题分析
  3.1 医院集团的背景
  3.2 我国医院集团的发展历程
  3.3 公立医院集团化财务管理主要模式
  3.4 Z 医院简介
  3.5 Z 医院集团化财务管理的现状
  3.6 Z 医院集团化财务管理存在的问题及原因分析
  3.6.1 财务战略与内控方面的问题
  3.6.2 预算管理方面的问题
  3.6.3 成本管理方面的问题
  3.6.4 资产管理方面的问题
  3.6.5 其他财务管理问题
  第 4 章 解决 Z 医院集团化财务管理问题的对策
  4.1 结合医院发展战略确定集团化财务管理定位与战略
  4.1.1 集团化医院财务管理目标定位
  4.1.2 集团化医院财务战略规划的制定、实施与保障
  4.1.3 财务控制目的及财务内控制度构成
  4.2 深入贯彻落实全面预算管理工作
  4.2.1 科学合理地编制预算
  4.2.2 严格执行预算,做好预算监管
  4.2.3 建立预算执行绩效考评制度,提高资金使用效益
  4.3 实现全成本核算
  4.4 加强资产管理
  4.5 提升财务信息化管理水平,实现电子审批
  4.6 加强财务人才队伍建设,提高整体财务管理水平
  4.7 建立不定期财务中心轮转机制,增进各部门交流与合作
  第 5 章 结论
  致 谢
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