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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-11-20 共3278字

  摘 要


  文章分析了新媒体在影视制作与传播方面的交互性、时效性、参与性、个性化的表现,并提出了发挥新媒体在影视制作与传播方面优势的建议。对于如何发挥新媒体在影视制作与传播方面交互性的优势,文章结合具体实例,提出“要充分发挥新媒体不受时空限制、传播范围广泛的优势,实现影视制作与传播的开放”,以及“要充分发挥新媒体交互强的优势,选择合适的新媒体建立更开放的制作与传播平台和渠道”两项针对性的建议;对于如何发挥新媒体在影视制作与传播方面时效性的优势,文章结合具体实例,提出“建立更快捷的影视制作与传播渠道”以及“应探寻利用新媒体传播主流声音、社会正能量的传播方式”等对策建议;对于如何发挥新媒体在影视制作与传播方面参与性的优势,文章从“转变受众是被动接受者的思维方式”、“ 参与性的娱乐方式”等角度提出了对策;对于如何发挥新媒体在影视制作与传播方面个性化的优势,文章提出应着力体现影视制作与传播的个性化的建议。

  对于现阶段新媒体在影视制作与传播方面存在的突出问题,文章认为,“内容过于商业化和低俗化,存在偏离主流文化的倾向”、“ 版权保护不力,影响创作者积极性”、“ 新媒体环境下的微电影盈利模式尚不明朗”、“ 影视创作者并没有很好地认识到新媒体对影视艺术创作的潜在帮助”四个问题最为突出。


  关键词:新媒体;影视制作与传播; 发展路径


  The rise of new media for film and television production and dissemination isundoubtedly impact is enormous: in opportunities but also derive a lot of problems. Theauthor believes that the rise of new media to film and television production to bring moreadvanced platform to broaden the dissemination of space and dimension of films andtelevision productions, film and television production and dissemination provides moreopportunities and space for development, at the same time, rapid development brings someunavoidable issue.

  The author analyzed the performance like interactivity, timeliness, participatory,personalized in the film and television production and dissemination, and made a play to theadvantages of the new media in the film and television production and dissemination ofrecommendations. For how to play the new media in the film and television production anddissemination of the advantages of interactivity, the author believes that according to anexample of the proposed “To give full play to new media without the constraints of time,widely spread range of advantages, to achieve an open film and television production anddissemination”, and “to give full play to the advantage of the strong interaction of new media,new media, select the appropriate production and establish a more open communicationplatform and channels.” For how to play the new media in the film and television productionand dissemination of timely advantage, the author believes that according to an example ofthe proposed “Building more efficient video production and distribution channels” and“should explore the use of new media mainstream sound, the way society is spread energy”

  and other suggestions; how to take advantage of new media to participate and participatory inthe film and television production and dissemination, author “change the way the audience ispassive recipients of thinking” and “participatory entertainment” perspectives put forwardcountermeasures; For how to play the new media in the film and television production anddissemination of personal advantage, the article proposes to focus on personalizedrecommendations reflect the film and television production and dissemination.

  For outstanding problems exist at this stage, the author believes that “content is toocommercialized and vulgarization, there is a tendency deviate from mainstream culture,”

  “inadequate copyright protection, the impact of the creators of enthusiasm”, “micro-film profitmodel the new media environment is not yet clear,” “video creators not well aware of the newmedia's potential for film and television art help ”four most prominent issues.

  Development path for film and television production and dissemination of the new mediaenvironment, from the perspective of both the future development direction of futuredevelopment of film and video art communications platform were discussed. The authorbelieves that the future of video communications platform, should seize the “new media,” themedia, focus on play to its strengths, efforts to catch up with the pace of development to catchup with the times, but new media is not an alternative to traditional media, the two shouldcomplement each other, play to their strengths competitive differentiation. Television on thefuture direction of artistic creation, the author starts from how to meet the meet the individualneeds of film and television audience, how to explore new media in the field of film andtelevision production and dissemination of commercial potential, and how to achieve repeatedconsumption of new media, film and television works, how to mainstream film Institute andSmart TV business together, take the fine development direction were discussed.

  Key words: New Media; The dissemination of film and television production;Development Path

  目 录

  摘 要……I


  目 录……IV

  引 言……1

  (一)研究背景 ……1

  (二)研究问题 ……3

  (三)研究意义 ……3

  (四)研究目标 ……4

  (五)研究过程与方法 ……4


  (一)关于新媒体与旧媒体的界定 ……6

  (二)关于当前我国新媒体影视作品的形态 ……6

  (三)关于当前我国新媒体影视作品的特征 ……7

  二、利用新媒体的优势为影视制作与传播提供新的平台与渠道 ……10

  (一)新媒体的交互性与影视制作与传播 ……10

  (二)新媒体的时效性与影视制作与传播 ……13

  (三)新媒体的参与性与影视制作与传播 ……14

  (四)新媒体的个性化与影视制作与传播 ……15


  (一)内容过于商业化和低俗化,存在偏离主流文化的倾向 ……17

  (二)版权保护不力,影响创作者积极性 ……18

  (三)我国现阶段新媒体环境下的微电影盈利模式尚不明朗 ……18

  (四)影视创作者并没有很好地认识到新媒体对影视艺术创作的潜在帮助 ……19


  (一)影视传播平台的未来发展路径 ……21

  (二)影视艺术创作的未来发展方向 ……22


  后 记……29

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