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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-03 共1241字

【第1部分】 京派牙雕的美学特征分析

  摘 要






  The ivory carving of Beijing,who already together with Chinese traditionalculture,during the 7000 year's sustainable development,is the treasure in chinesenation culture.

  The ivory carving of Beijing is a kind of unique style,who is different from the ivorycarving of the South.This style is nourished by the concept of tradition painting andpay more attention to “the shape” and “the spirit”.

  This article introduces the historical conditions and the aesthetic charecteristics of theivory carving of Beijing,in-depthly discuss the beauty of ivory carving .Beganingwith the character's proportion、hairstyle、outline、facial features,finding the beautyof ivory carving,summarising the different characteristics between the Beijing and theSouth.I conclused from the subject matters、crafts、concept.I try to provide a newdirection of the ivory carving of display.I combination with my creation.I makecomprehensively analysis of the innovation of the ivory carving of display.I try mybest for the contemporay ivory carving to expand its train of thought.

  Key words:The ivory carving of Beijing;Artistic conception;Shape;Spirit;Innovation

  目 录

  第 1 章 京派牙雕的概述

  1.1 京派牙雕的历史状况

  1.2 京派牙雕的美学特征

  1.3 京派牙雕的开脸

  第 2 章 京派开脸之气韵美

  2.1 京派开脸之气韵美

  2.2 形与神

  第 3 章 京派开脸气韵美的来源

  3.1 比例:主观化的形体比例关系

  3.2 发髻:简约的发髻处理法

  3.3 面部轮廓:圆润饱满的造型手法

  3.4 五官:宁静出世的神情

  第 4 章 京派开脸与南派开脸之比较

  4.1 南派开脸的基本特征

  4.2 京派开脸与南派开脸不同的气韵

  第 5 章 京派开脸气韵美在当代陈设品中的应用

  5.1 题材方面

  5.2 工艺方面

  5.3 观念方面

  第 6 章 结论



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