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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-08 共2990字

【第1部分】 微电影的广告传播特点与效果分析

  摘 要

  在新的技术和市场下,我们开始进入营销 3.0 时代,它更多的是需要创新的媒体、传播渠道和丰富的内容来征服目标受众,也有概念定义它为创新营销。微电影广告正是迎合这样的需求。学位论文将试图在理论方面对微电影的广告传播特点及其传播效果展开研究,丰富微电影广告的学术探讨,给广告商或制作机构提供一些理论上的指导和参考;同时,分析微电影广告的发展前景及发展态势,对于企业品牌的建设和提升广告的传播效果有其积极的作用。

  论文首先对微电影概念进行阐述,同时通过查阅大量的论文着作、学术期刊、前沿杂志中对微电影以及微电影广告的相关内容,对微电影广告做出相关的概念界定。通过与传统 TVC 广告、植入式广告以及与网络视频短片的比较分析,加深对微电影广告的理解,明确它们之间的区别。


  再者,针对微电影广告传播的商业传播特点进行深入分析。通过对微电影广告的传播优势及其传播创意法则的总结归纳,提出一个基于 AISAS 消费者行为模式的微电影广告传播模型。总结微电影广告如何做好艺术性与商业性的平衡。分析了人文主义关怀的大环境下,微电影广告所呈现的文化现象,指出人文主义的关怀为微电影广告叙事带来更有力的效果。






  Under the new technology and market ,we get into the Marketing3.0.It needs much more Innovative media, communication channels and richcontent to conquer the target audience .It also have the concept to defineit as innovative marketing. Micro film advertising is accord with sucha demand. This dissertation will try to study micro film advertisingcommunication characteristics and the effect. The dissertation will richmicro film advertising academic discussion and provide some theoreticalguidance and reference to micro advertisers or advertising filmsproduction institutions. At the same time, mastering the developmentprospects of micro film advertising .It’s positive to construction ofenterprise brand and promote the advertisement effect.

  First, through expounding the concept of micro movie and researcha large number of experts and scholars writings, academic journals,frontier journal, Micro film advertising related content, thedissertation make a concept definition of micro film advertising. It alsocompare the traditional TVC advertisement , product placementadvertisement and network video clips with micro film advertising, deepenthe understanding of micro film advertising, a clear distinction betweenthem.

  Second, the particularity characteristics of the micro filmadvertising is both commercial and artistic. Artistic characteristics ofthe micro film advertising more evident than ordinary media advertising.

  The paper mainly discusses the micro film advertising art, from the microfilm advertising characteristics of narrative art as the breakthroughpoint, to study the topic type, excavate its media language features, aswell as the micro film advertising narrative structure, narrative, andthe characteristics of the lens language applicationThird, the paper analyzed the characteristics of micro filmadvertising business of propagation. Aim at the laws of the spread of microfilm advertising advantage and the creative summary, this part proposeda based on the AISAS consumer behavior model of micro film advertisingcommunication model. It summary the micro film advertising how to do thebalance of artistic and commercial. Analyzes the environment ofhumanistic concern, micro film advertising present cultural phenomenon,it points out that the humanistic concern for the micro film advertisingnarration brings a more powerful effect.

  Forth, the author in the experiment for suitable conditions ofmicro film advertising and communication effect to make moreaccurate .Through the questionnaire survey and the behavior test, studymicro film advertising communication effect. The micro film advertisingin brand promotion and liking in the consumer side effect significantly,while hard advertising presents the opposite effect.

  Last, based on the theoretical research, the author worked on amicro film advertising which centered on a WenZhou IsayIdo clothingbrand .It makes theory into the actual creation and also make the thesisof the theory with practice work.

  Key words: Micro film advertising, Communication characteristics ,Communication effect

    目 录


  0.1 选题的背景和意义

  0.2 研究的内容与目标

  0.3 文献综述

  0.4 研究方法和思路框架

  第一章 微电影广告概述

  1.1 相关概念界定

  1.1.1 微电影

  1.1.2 微电影广告

  1.2 微电影广告辨析

  1.2.1 与传统 TVC 广告的差异

  1.2.2 与网络视频短片的差异

  1.2.3 与植入广告的差异

  第二章 微电影广告传播的艺术表现

  2.1 微电影广告的叙事艺术

  2.1.1 主题类型:爱情、亲情、时尚

  2.1.2 媒体语言:符号象征、意指

  2.1.3 叙事结构:二元对立

  2.1.4 叙事方式:互文性原则

  2.2 微电影广告的影像特征

  2.2.1 镜头语言:中近景为主

  2.2.2 影像剪接:后现代电影剪辑风格

  第三章 微电影广告的商业传播特点

  3.1 微电影广告基于 AISAS 模式的传播特点

  3.2 微电影广告的商业传播优势

  3.2.1 内容定制 目标受众明确

  3.2.2 投放渠道精细

  3.2.3 实现互动交流

  3.2.4 实现娱乐价值

  3.2.5 做到内容为王

  3.3 平衡艺术表达与商业传播

  第四章 微电影广告传播效果研究

  4.1 研究方法与研究设计

  4.1.1 研究方法

  4.1.2 研究程序设计

  4.1.3 实验对象

  4.1.4 实验刺激

  4.2 研究发现

  4.3 研究结论

  4.4 研究不足与后续研究

  4.5 微电影广告未来发展及思考

  4.5.1 人文主义关怀下的为电影广告文化现象

  4.5.2 微电影广告传播中存在的问题

  4.5.3 整合营销传播实现立体化推广

  4.5.4 对未来微电影广告的思考

  第五章 微电影广告《设计师》创作实践

  5.1 实践方法和目的

  5.2 实践的流程

  5.2.1 前期调查

  5.2.2 创意理念

  5.2.3 脚本制作

  5.2.4 理论概念运用

  5.3 总结




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