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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-31 共2435字

【第1部分】 湄洲湾港口管理机构改革研究

  摘 要



  关键词:港口 资源整合 机构改革


  With the continuous expansion of the port function, the port has becomean important strategic resource and the key to a region's ability to takeadvantage in international competition. The non-renewable natural properties,specialized division of economic attributes, capital-intensive industryattributes of port and the benefit of port resources integration determine theinevitability of integration of port resources. Integration of port resourcesbrought a huge impact to port authorities. In order to avoid the resistance thatthe administrative division caused to development of port, make full use ofport, the State encourages port management mechanism innovation and Part ofthe local government attempted to port authorities reform. There is no fixedpattern of institutional reform, but there are still some problems.

  The present paper firstly proves that integration of port resources isimperative for the port resource properties and benefits of the integration ofport resources, analyzes of the economic plight of the port development underthe administrative region economy, takes some works that made by the Stateand local government for example, and take an empirical analysis based onMeizhou Bay Port Administration reform. To form the pattern of scientificplanning, rational distribution, dislocation development in Fujian Province’

  ports, an important step is the reform above-mentioned. Willingness to reformis good. But a number of key issues related to the reform progress resulted inthe slow reform. The issues are mainly in five areas: inadequate governmentalcooperation mechanisms, difficult to coordinate and solve conflicts of interest,the government information disclosure, insufficient degree of citizenparticipation and lack of oversight. The author proposed a five-point strategyto optimize the reform:changing incentives, changing values, transforminggovernment functions, and creating cultural politics, improving thesupervision mechanism, in order to be able to put the reform in places, a realeconomic development to promote local ports, integration of resources toachieve the maximum benefit. In particular, attention should be paid to theinterests coordination and public hearing.

  Keywords: Port Resource integration Institutional reform

    目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景和意义

  1.1.1 研究背景

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 国内外研究动态

  1.2.1 有关港口资源整合的研究

  1.2.2 有关区域经济的研究

  1.2.3 有关府际关系的研究

  1.2.4 有关港口管理体制改革的研究

  1.3 研究理论和方法

  1.3.1 公共组织理论

  1.3.2 政府间关系理论

  1.3.3 研究方法

  1.4 研究思路和创新之处

  第 2 章 区域港口资源整合概述

  2.1 区域港口资源整合分析

  2.1.1 港口资源的属性

  2.1.2 区域港口资源整合的效益

  2.2 府际关系对区域港口资源整合的影响

  2.2.1 行政区经济弊端突显

  2.2.2 政府跨界治理实践

  2.2.3 府际关系对湄洲湾港口管理机构改革影响评述

  第 3 章 湄洲湾港整合实证分析

  3.1 湄洲湾港口管理机构改革概述

  3.1.1 我国港口管理体制改革简况

  3.1.2 湄洲湾港口资源情况

  3.1.3 职能与机构的设置

  3.2 湄洲湾港口管理机构改革的动机与成效

  3.2.1 机构改革的动机

  3.2.2 机构改革的初步成效

  3.3 湄洲湾港口管理机构改革存在的问题及原因分析

  3.3.1 政府间合作机制不完善

  3.3.2 利益冲突难以协调解决

  3.3.3 政务信息公开不足

  3.3.4 公民参与度不足

  3.3.5 改革进程缺乏监督

  第 4 章 政府港口管理机构改革优化策略

  4.1 加快体制创新以促进政府合作

  4.2 更新价值观念以平衡各方利益

  4.3 转变政府职能以服务公民

  4.4 营造参政文化以提高公民参与度

  4.5 完善监督机制以保障改革成效



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